Marquette County MIGenWeb

Marquette Co. MIGenWeb

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Can you help with a file pertaining to Marquette Co.?

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The mission of the MIGenWeb project is to provide free access and preservation of genealogical and historical material. There are many ways you can help the MIGenWeb and this site do that.  

If you own or have access to sources for Michigan or Marquette County (birth records, marriage records, tax records, cemetery records, biographical information, county or city histories, etc.) volunteer to index or type up information to make available to other persons interested in the people and history of Marquette County.  All material should be copyright free.

All material donated to this site remains the property of the contributor and is copyrighted by them.  You may remove your submission of a record at any time.  The material shall remain with the Marquette County MIGenWeb if there is a change in webmasters.  The material shall not be deleted or moved to another organization without the express permission of the contributor.  

If you have any records that are copyright free and would like to donate a copy to the site for visitors to use, please contact: 

We believe that sites such as this are only as successful as the visitors want it to be, and encourage participation in creating an online clearing house and community for Marquette Co. records that genealogists can use for their research.  In order to do that and keep your trust as we have with all sites maintained permission is always asked if anything out of the ordinary occurs. 

   US Copyright Law, Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998    

             U.S. Copyright Office-Copyright Basics 

   Copyright and Public Domain - Easy to understand


Marquette County MIGenWeb

Marquette MIGenWeb Site Links   
Index  |  Vitals  |  Military  |  Schools  |  Cemeteries and  Places  |  Photos  |  Volunteer

Copyright © 2004-2013 all rights reserved on html coding and graphics by .  
Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site.  Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media.