Saginaw County Michigan

Frankenmuth Township

This important section of the county has been referred to in the pages devoted to county history, and again in the sketch of the German settlement of the Valley, prepared by Dr. M. C. T. Plessner. Therefore it is unnecessary to deal here with what has been already treated very fully.

The physical characteristics of the township may be summed up in the words, "rolling lands, most productive soil, and great watercourse." The Cass river enters the township at the southeast corner of section 25, flows in its tortuous channel through sections 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30. In the latter section the waters of Dead creek enter the river from the southeast. This river and creek may be considered the only streams in the township.

The proposed line of the East Saginaw & St. Clair railroad was surveyed through the northern sections.

The application to organize that portion of the county known as township 11 north, of range 6 east, was considered by the Board of Supervisors Jan. 3, 1854, when it was ordered "that the above described territory be, and the same is, hereby duly organized into a township, to be known and designated by the name of Frankenmuth, which said township is described as being within the limits and under the jurisdiction of Saginaw county, in the State of Michigan; and be it further ordered that the first annual meeting for election of township officers in said township be held at the old church in said township of Frankenmuth on the first Monday in April next ensuing, and that the following named persons, to-wit: G. A. Ranzenberger, G. M. Shafer and A. Koch, being three electors of said township, be, and they are, hereby designated and appointed to preside at such election, and to perform all the duties required by the statute."

The first township meeting was held at the old church, April 3, 1854, with G. A. Ranzenberger, Moderator; G. M. Shaefer and A. Koch, Inspectors, and George Schmidt, Clerk.

Geo. Schmidt was elected Supervisor; A. Ranzenberger, Clerk; John A. List, Drain Commissioner; John G. Hubinger, I. L. Krafft, I. G. Burlein, Commissioners of Highways; Geo. M. Shaefer, J. M. Gazel, J. S. Rummel, John Baldwin, Constables; J. M. Hubinger, School Inspector; August Koch and John Schroll, Overseers of the Poor; J. M. Burlein, J. O. Walter, J. M. Rief, J. M. List, J. M. Arnold, Overseers of Highways; and N. H Ganson, John M. Arnold, Geo. Schmidt, Justices of the Peace. The following list contains the names of the principal township officers down to the present time:


Geo. Schmidt 1854-58 John L. Krafft 1867-73
Geo. M. Schaefer 1859-60 Geo. M. Schaefer 1874-78
Geo. Schmidt 1861 John L. Krafft 1879-80
John A. List 1862-63 John M. Gugel 1881
Geo. M. Schaefer 1864-66    


A. Ranzenberger 1854 John A. List 1869-70
Geo. M. Schaefer 1855-56 Geo. M. Schaefer 1871-73
John S. Rummel 1857-68 John M. List 1874-81


John A. List 1854 T. Haubenstricker 1858-68
John A. List 1855-57 John M. Hubinger 1869-81


N. H. Ganson 1854 Geo. M. Williams 1868
J. M. Arnold 1854 Geo. M. Schaefer 1869
Geo. Schmidt 1854 Geo. M. Schaefer 1870
John M. Hubinger 1855 John G. Brieter 1871
Geo. A. Ranzenberger 1856 Fred. W. Koch 1872
John M. Arnold 1857 Geo. L. Beyer 1872
Geo. Schmidt 1858 Geo. M. Williams 1873
John M. Hubinger 1859 John L. Krafft 1874
Geo. M. Williams 1860 Geo. M. Schaefer 1874
John M. Arnold 1861 John G. Rummell 1875
Geo. A. Ranzenberger 1862 John M. Jordan 1876
John M. Hubinger 1863 Geo. M. Williams 1877
Geo. M. Williams 1864 Fred. K. Schenck 1878
John Gretzinger 1865 John G. Rummell 1879
Geo. A. Ranzenberger 1866 John M. Jordan 1880
John G. Brieter 1867 A. C. Payne 1881

The present officers of the township are John M. Gugel, Supervisor; John M. List, Clerk; John M. Hubinger, Treasurer; Lorenzo Hubinger, Superintendent of Schools; Henry Reihle, School Inspector; Geo. L. Beyer, Commissioner of Highways; William Heine, Newell Simons, B. B. Felgner and Christian Harold, Constables, and the Justice named above.

The churches of the township are elegant buildings. That erected in 1880 west of the village is a brick edifice, with stone facings, mullioned windows, and a generally Gothic appearance. It forms the finest building devoted to Christian worship outside the two cities of the county.

Another frame building constructed in 1880, is located within the village of Frankenmuth. It is well-ordered, commodious and a telling monument to the zeal of the German settlers.

The schools are German almost in every feature. The elementary American courses are taught, but the cultivation of the German language is the main object. They may be considered denominational in the fullest sense of the term.


The following roll of early land-buyers is characteristic, for the reason that each purchaser has been an occupying proprietor. In many instances the patentee settled in the township long before he became the owner of the soil:

Surname Given Section Purchase Date
AMREIN Henry 19 1851 April 14
ANDRUS Arthur 25 1846 Aug. 4
ANDRUS Arthur C. 26 1846 Aug. 4
ARNOLD Johann M. 13 1855 Nov. 6
ARNOLD Louis 17 1856 June 2
ARNOLD J. M. 23 1852 Jan. 8
ARNOLD J. M. 23 1854 April 18
ARNOLD John W. 23 1852 Jan. 8
ARNOLD Johann M. 23 1854 April 18
ARNOLD John M. 24 1848 May 13
ARNOLD John M. 26 1847 June 22
AUERNHAMMER A. 9 1854 Oct. 10
BARDEL Paulus 23 1851 Oct. 16
BARENTHAL G. M. 21 1846 April 14
BARENTHAL G. M. 21 1846 June 2
BARENTHAL Geo. M. 28 1846 April 14
BARENTHAL Geo. M. 29 1846 June 2
BARROWS Juba 31 1836 April 28
BARROWS Juba 31 1836 Aug. 25
BARTLETT Philander 24 1851 Oct. 2
BEACH Wait 33 1836 Sept. 21
BEERS Josiah 31 1836 Mar. 21
BEERS Stephen 31 1836 Mar. 21
BEERS Stephen 32 1852 Jan. 13
BERNTHALL Frederick 8 1853 Mar. 15
BERNTHALL G. C. 8 1853 Mar. 13
BERNTHALL Johann L. 8 1853 Mar. 10
BEYERLEIN J. H. 14 1855 Feb. 8
BEYERLEIN Johann 22 1854 July 12
BICKEL G. L. 15 1854 Dec. 29
BICKEL G. L. 15 1856 April 16
BICKEL Adam 16 1853 Mar. 12
BICKEL Geo. Adam 16 1855 Feb. 5
BIERLIEN J. M. 29 1848 Aug. 31
BIERMAN John L. 10 1853 May 20
BILLMUER Frederick 4 1853 July 2
BLISS Silas S. 24 1854 May 23
BOUCK Nicholas 31 1836 Aug. 24
BOUCK Nicholas 32 1835 Aug. 25
BRANER J. G. 17 1853 Mar. 18
BRENNER Geo. L. 16 1853 Oct. 10
BRENNER Geo. L. 21 1852 Aug. 20
BRENNER G. L. 22 1852 Sept. 13
BRENT Thomas L. L. 26 1836 April 11
BRENT T. L. L. 35 1836 April 11
BUCHINGER J. J. 8 1854 April 26
BUERGEN Johann A. 33 1850 Nov. 7
BURLEIN Johann G. 8 1853 March 5
BURLEIN John G. 20 1847 June 22
CALKIN Alanson 36 1851 Nov. 11
COWDREY P. A. 27 1835 Oct. 24
COWDREY Peter A. 30 1835 Oct. 23
DAVIS Amos 25 1846 Dec. 7
DEINDERFER J. G. 19 1853 Mar. 21
DENTER John 14 1855 Mar. 16
DIETZ David 31 1836 Aug. 24
DIETZ David 32 1835 Aug. 25
DRAIN George 18 1855 Jan. 9
EDMUNDS John W. 32 1855 Jan. 19
EISINHANER Franz J. 5 1852 Dec. 2
ELLIS David 33 1836 Oct. 19
EMBURY Caleb 17 1837 Mar. 28
EMBURY Caleb 18 1837 Mar. 28
EWER Peter F. 31 1836 July 13
EWER J. 34 1836 July 13
EWER J. 34 1836 July 14
EWER P. F. 35 1836 July 13
F. and P. M. R. R.
11 1862 Dec. 1
F. and P. M. R. R.
13 1862 Dec. 1
F. and P. M. R. R.
19 1862 Dec. 1
FINK Gottlieb 3 1853 Sept. 6
FINLEY William Jr. 26 1836 June 20
FINLEY William Jr. 34 1836 Aug. 25
FINLEY Wm. Jr. 35 1836 June 20
FISCHHABER Johann 20 1851 Oct. 1
FITZHUGH Daniel H. 30 1841 Sept. 13
FULLER Elljah 17 1853 Dec. 11
GEBHARD John G. 31 1836 Aug. 24
GEBHARD J. G. 32 1835 Aug. 25
GEYER Johann M. 10 1855 Oct. 19
GIBSON Nathan 18 1853 Nov. 17
GILMORE John 35 1854 Jan. 19
GILMORE John 35 1854 Nov. 28
GRILLEMBERGER J. L. 15 1854 May 2
GRILLEMBERGER J. L. 15 1855 Sept. 7
GRUBER Paulus L. 19 1851 Nov. 6
GUGEL Johann M. 17 1853 Mar. 5
HAAS John 20 1852 Jan. 12
HAERAUF Leonard 14 1854 July 12
HAINS David H. 36 1851 Sept. 10
HARMON Nathan B. 24 1855 May 21
HASPEL Martin 14 1855 April 11
HASPEL Martin 15 1854 Mar. 16
HASPEL Martin 21 1853 Feb. 4
HASS John P. 8 1854 Dec. 14
HAWKINS Levi W. 24 1853 Nov. 10
HECHT Johann L. 23 1853 Dec. 12
HEIGHT J. Leon. 14 1852 Oct. 22
HELDNER J. M. 10 1854 Mar. 16
HERZOG Johann 19 1852 Aug. 2
HIGGINS C. B. 8 1854 Dec. 11
HIGGINS C. B. 8 1856 Dec. 27
HOBBS G. Fred. 12 1863 May 25
HOCKTHANCER E. M. 4 1854 Mar. 28
HOCKTHANCER Chris 4 1854 Jan. 16
HODGES Schuyler 30 1835 May 2
HODGMAN Lorenzo 6 1854 Dec. 11
HOERLEIN John G. 21 1852 July 2
HORLEIN Chris. 23 1846 June 2
HÖRLEIN Christof 14 1855 Mar. 29
HOTCHKISS H. G. 28 1836 Jan. 4
HOTCHKISS Leman B. 28 1836 Jan. 4
HOTCHKISS Leman B. 29 1836 Jan. 4
HOTCHKISS Calvin 29 1836 Jan. 4
HOTCHKISS Hiram G. 29 1836 Jan. 4
HOUGHTON D. 25 1836 April 26
HOUGHTON D. 26 1836 April 26
HOUGHTON D. 36 1836 April 26
HOYT Horace 24 1855 Nov. 20
HUBBINGER J. G. 33 1850 Nov. 7
HUBINGER J. M. 26 1846 May 4
HUBINGER J. M. 26 1846 June 2
HUBINGER J. 34 1852 Mar. 1
JORDAN Frederick 17 1853 Mar. 5
JORDAN Frederick 20 1852 Sept. 6
KAINATH John 14 1855 Mar. 16
KAISER Benedict 20 1852 April 5
KARNATH Geo. 24 1855 Aug. 16
KENTER Johann H. 23 1851 July 17
KERN Johann W. 23 1854 Feb. 10
KRAFT John L. 22 1846 Sept. 28
KRAUSS Frederick 16 1853 Mar. 12
KRAUSS George P. 16 1853 Jan. 22
LACJEMMAIER Jacob 11 1855 July 31
LACKER Michael 14 1855 Mar. 16
LAMPSON Newell H. 25 1853 July 8
LANG Christian 10 1852 Oct. 4
LAUX Johann S. 3 1854 Nov. 29
LAUX Johann S. 4 1854 Dec. 1
LAUX John S. 9 1863 Sept. 2
LAW Simon 17 1837 Mar. 29
LAWSON Samuel L. 24 1854 May 22
LEE Gideon 19 1837 Feb. 23
LEE Geo. W. 36 1850 July 29
LIMBURG John 33 1853 Sept. 20
LIST J. M. 20 1853 Jan. 5
LIST J. M. 20 1853 Jan. 7
LIST John A. 29 1846 June 2
LONG John M. 10 1852 Sept. 8
LOSEL Johann 16 1855 Mar. 17
LOTTER J. F. 29 1853 Jan. 5
LOTTER John F. 30 1853 Nov. 24
LULL Augustus 6 1854 Dec. 11
MALIN Avery L. 13 1854 Dec. 6
MALIN Avery L. 13 1856 April 1
MASNER Johann 16 1854 Oct. 14
MASNER Matthias 16 1854 Oct. 14
MAXWELL C. H. P. 24 1850 Aug. 30
McCULLOCK Wm. 34 1836 Sept. 27
McDAVID Patrick 9 1849 July 12
MILLER William 7 1854 Nov. 28
MILLER William 8 1854 Nov. 28
MILLER Albert 35 1846 Dec. 3
MOSNER Johann 10 1852 Dec. 4
MOSNER Jacob 10 1852 Dec. 4
NASSETT J. J. 4 1853 Oct. 18
NASSETT J. J. 4 1853 June 28
NEUCHTERLEIN John 16 1855 Mar. 30
OBERHEUSER J. L. 15 1856 Mar. 13
ORDNER John G. 14 1855 April 11
ORTNER Leonard 10 1852 Dec. 2
ORTNER John G. 15 1855 Feb. 19
ORTNER Geo. M. 23 1853 Nov. 1
PALMRENTER G. C. 23 1847 April 20
PERKINS Thos. W. 36 1862 Mar. 12
PETTIBONE Darwin A. 5 1854 Nov. 28
PETTIBONE Darwin A. 5 1854 Dec. 9
PETTIBONE Darwin A. 8 1854 Nov. 28
PINER George M. 9 1852 Sept. 8
RANDALL John A. 13 1854 Oct. 13
RANDALL John A. 13 1855 Nov. 21
RANZENBERGER G. A. 22 1852 Jan. 20
RAYMOND Geo. 36 1852 Nov. 1
REBENSBERGER J. G. 23 1853 April 20
REED Thomas O. 25 1846 Feb. 11
REICHLE Ludwig 23 1852 Oct. 15
REIF John M. 3 1854 Nov. 28
RIECHLE Ludwig 23 1848 June 13
RIEF Johann A. 10 1852 Aug. 2
RIETHMAIER J. D. 3 1853 Oct. 3
RIETHMAIER Conrad 3 1853 July 11
RIETHMAIER Jacob 3 1854 Nov. 27
RIPLEY Joseph A. 25 1848 July 25
RIPLEY Joseph A. 25 1848 Aug. 1
RODAMER Johann L. 18 1854 Feb. 10
RODAMER John L. 20 1847 April 20
RODEL Leonhard 15 1852 Aug. 2
RODEL Leonhard 15 1852 Aug. 20
RODEL Leonhard 15 1854 Sept. 6
RODHAMER J. F. 30 1855 Mar. 10
ROGERS John G. 9 1852 Aug. 16
ROGERS John G. 9 1852 Aug. 24
ROTH John G. 4 1854 July 11
ROTH Johann J. 15 1852 Aug. 19
ROTH Johann J. 15 1853 May 23
RUSS Geo. P. 16 1853 May 14
SAWYER Thomas P. 19 1836 Sept. 14
SAWYER Thomas P. 30 1836 Sept. 14
SCHIEFER Geo. M. 13 1853 May 30
SCHIEFER Johann G. 14 1855 Dec. 14
SCHIEFER John G. 24 1852 July 2
SCHIEFER Geo. M. 24 1851 June 19
SCHLEIER J. G. 22 1852 Aug. 2
SCHLUKEBIER Peter 14 1855 April 30
SCHMIDT George 19 1852 Dec. 24
SCHMIDT George 20 1852 May 7
SCHMITZER Geo. 21 1852 July 12
SCHNEIDER Adam 14 1856 April 17
SCHNELL John G. 5 1855 Jan. 19
SCHROLL John 3 1850 May 16
SCHROLL Adam 8 1854 Feb. 21
SCHROLL Adam 16 1855 Mar. 26
SCHROLL John 23 1851 June 19
SCHUMANN Michael 33 1853 July 6
SCHWARTZ Jacob 13 1853 July 13
SCHWARZ Johann 20 1852 Aug. 20
SCHWARZ John 30 1853 Jan. 5
SILL A. 24 1851 June 6
SILL A. 24 1851 Oct. 2
SIMON Henry 19 1856 Jan. 30
SITTERDINK J. 28 1846 April 27
SMITH Lovica 24 1851 Oct. 2
SOHN Johann G. 23 1852 Sept. 20
SOUTHERLAND D. 35 1864 Dec. 3
STARN Michael 16 1853 Mar. 12
STELZREID Henry 20 1847 June 22
STERN John M. 21 1847 June 22
STERN Geo. M. 21 1846 May 4
STETLANG John L. 5 1852 Aug. 2
STIRGMANN J. L. 20 1852 Aug. 2
STITT William 32 1836 Mar. 21
STROCHLEIN Johann 10 1854 Feb. 13
TAYLOR Jonathan 24 1854 Sept. 19
TAYLOR Frederick 24 1855 May 21
TUCKER Christof 14 1855 April 5
VEITENGRUBEN M. 22 1846 May 4
VEITENGRUBER J. L. 15 1854 Jan. 23
VEITENGRUBER J. L. 15 1854 Nov. 1
WADHAMS Mortimer 6 1837 Mar. 21
WADHAMS Mortimer 7 1837 Mar. 21
WADHAMS Mortimer 18 1837 Mar. 21
WAGNER Matthias 21 1847 Jan. 19
WAGNER Matthias 21 1852 Dec. 4
WEBER Frederick 22 1845 July 31
WEBER F. 28 1845 July 31
WEIDENMULLER H. R. 4 1850 Dec. 13
WEISS J. L. 20 1852 Aug. 2
WEPER Johann C. 8 1853 March 13
WILLIAMS G. D. 30 1835 May 2
WILLIAMS Eph. S. 30 1835 May 2
WÖLZE Jacob 14 1855 Dec. 11
WÖLZLEIN Jacob 13 1855 Nov. 6
WOODING John 32 1835 Aug. 25
ZCHENDER Johann 9 1853 July 6
ZINK Geo. L. 30 1851 July 5
ZUCKER Martin 34 1850 Dec. 28

The greater number of those patentees became permanent settlers, and today live in the enjoyment of happy homes. The German people of Frankenmuth make good citizens. During the war the people of this township adopted rather a novel way to fill their quota. The town is a German settlement; the pastor is a regular patriarch, whose counsel is sought in temporal as well as in spiritual matters. He called his parish together, and announced that the quota of the town must be filled, and that he had selected certain of the young unmarried men to go. He read their names and told them they or their fathers must go. Every one of them enlisted instantly, and were mustered into the 31st Regiment August 27, 1864.


The following sketches are of the most prominent settlers of Frankenmuth:

John Leonard Bernthal, one of the oldest settlers of Frankenmuth tp., was born in Bavaria, Germany, 1821. In the spring of 1845, in company with seven others, he came to Monroe, Mich., at which place they remained a short time, waiting for parties to meet them to conduct them to their new home. After they arrival they again resumed their journey, this time by lake, for the Saginaw country. Arriving at the mouth of the Saginaw, they were compelled to lie there several days, waiting for a favorable wind to carry them up the river; becoming tired of waiting, they attached a rope to their boat and towed it by hand to Saginaw City, a distance of some 25 miles. After arriving at Saginaw they directly proceeded to that portion of Saginaw Co. now known as Frankenmuth tp., it then being an unbroken wilderness; there they located their lands and commenced the development of them. The first few years were wrought with hardship, which none of today can realize. Still, with untiring energy, they struggled on, until today he can look out upon 400 acres of fine fertile fields, upon which he has placed improvements second to none in his vicinity.

In 1846 he was married to Miss Mary M. Veitengruber, a native of Bavaria, Germany, her parents being among the early settlers. Their family consists of the following children: Geo. Leonard (married), Maggie B. (married), George M., John George, Mary R. and John Conrad. All are members of the Lutheran Church.

John G. Breiter, farmer, was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1835. In 1852, in company with his sister, he emigrated to the United States and settled upon his present farm of 80 acres, taking it in a wild state and bringing it to its present productiveness only by indomitable energy and perseverance, Mr. Breiter was married in 1859, to Mary Ann Kempf, who has borne him 6 children, all living at the old homestead. Mr. B. has been Justice of the Peace two terms, and served as School Director for 20 years. He is a member of the Lutheran Church.

Fredric W. Eilrich, farmer, was born in Prussia in 1832. His father, Michael, was a butcher by trade. He emigrated to this country in 1855, first settling in Rhode Island; thence to Canada, and in 1858 to Saginaw county. He worked at East Saginaw for three years, then bought his present farm, and gave a valuable gold watch for a team with which to farm it. He worked in the timber during the winter, and on the farm during the summer seasons. He now owns a good, fertile farm, all the product of his own energies. He is a member of the Lutheran Church.

Benjamin B. Felgner, another of the enterprising young citizens of Frankenmuth village, was born in Saxony, Germany, in 1851. In 1871 he came to America. Though homeless and friendless, a stout heart beat within. After seeking for work from numerous parties, he finally obtained employment upon a railroad as track-repairer. This was rather severe work for the boy who had been reared in comfort, his parents owning one of the largest flouring mills in Leipsic. Ben was kept at school until he had gained a good education, when he was placed in charge of his father's books,—quite a change from what he first engaged in; still he persevered, struggling with fate, until in 1873 we find him at Frankenmuth, Saginaw Co. In 1878 he was united in marriage to Miss Maggie Hoffman, of Frankenmuth, her parents representing one of the pioneer families. They have 2 children—Minnie M. and Ben. G. In 1878 Mr. F. bought the old Exchange Hotel property, which he has thoroughly improved and refitted. At all times Ben, with his pleasing countenance. is found at his post.

John Gugal, farmer, sec. 21, was born in Germany, March 5, 1830, a son of George and Elizabeth Gugal. In 1860 the family came to America, and settled in this tp., where they remained until the death of George Gugal, in 1871. John was with his parents on the farn until he was seven years of age, when he commenced to learn the trade of miller, at which he worked three years in the old country and seven years in this country. Dec. 29, 1852, he married Anna B. Bernthal, who was born in Germany, Feb. 14, 1830, and died in this country in 1872. By this marriage there were 12 children, 8 of whom are living—John C., Barbara (wife of Geo. Roedel), Paul L., Catherine, Matthew, Elizabeth and Margaret. Afterward he married Kundegunda Weiss, who was born in Germany in 1836, and died in 1878. The 2 children of this union were Christian and Balthus. In November, 1879, Mr. G. married Baletha Hauschton, who also was born in Germany, Jan. 13, 1836, and who had 4 children by a former husband, namely: Paul, Catherine, Elizabeth and Babetha. Mr. Gugal owns 400 acres of good land; has been Constable and Highway Commissioner, and is at present Supervisor. He commenced in life with no property; worked industriously, first at $3 per month, then $4, and so on up, until he has surrounded himself with his present good fortune. Is a Democrat and a German Lutheran.

John G. Guyer was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1845, emigrating to this country in 1869; represents the brewing interest of Frankenmuth village, which he bought in 1874. He has been one of the successful men of his village; commencing with but a limited sum, he has by strict economy succeeded in accumulating quite a fair property. In 1874 he was married to Miss Mary B. Roedel, daughter of one of Frankenmuth's most esteemed citizens. The following are the names of his children—Gertrude, Johnnie, Katie and Freddie. Mr. G. and lady are members of the Lutheran Church.

Fred Heine, merchant, Frankenmuth tp., was born in Germany in 1854. He is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Heine, natives of Germany, who emigrated to America when Fred was but six months of age. They located in Saginaw county, where the subject of this sketch was reared on a farm until eight years of age. He then went into his father's store as an assistant, and has been engaged in the mercantile trade since that period. He carries a good stock of groceries, hardware and crockery, and transacts a good business.

John Adam Held, farmer, sec. 30, came to this State in 1852, locating on 50 acres of wild and unbroken land, on sec. 30. This he cleared, and by subsequent additions has increased his acreage to 210. In 1856 he married Anna M. Schnell, and the result of this union has been the birth of 12 children. Mr. Held is a member of the Lutheran Church, and an honored and respected citizen of Frankenmuth tp.

The Hubinger family originally came from Hungary, where they left on account of religious persecution, their flight being made a short time before what is known as the "Thirty Years' War" in Europe. For five days previous to their escape they were hid in a hog-pen behind some peaaw, having nothing to eat. Three brothers and 2 sisters at length arrived in the Kingdom of Bavaria, and located on a river known as the Aurach. Frauenaurach, now a large village, Herzogenaurach, a small city, and Muenigaurach, quite a city, were founded by the three brothers respectively. They built mills on the Aurach, one of which is still retained in the family, milling having, in fact, been the profession of the family for upward of 300 years.

John Mathias H., born in 1820, and John George H., born in 1823, at Louismuehle, near Ausbach, Bavaria, South Germany, after receiving a good common-school education, worked with their father, John G. Hubinger, in the mill—John M. until he was 18 years old, then eight years at different places of the country.

In 1846 they started for Frankenmuth, Mich., where the year before a colony had been planted among the Indians to christianize them, with Loehe, Pastor of Neuendettelsau, Bavaria, being the projector, and Rev. August Craemer the missionary. The party comprised about 65 persons. Just before going aboard the vessel, they having their own pastor, 10 couples were married at Bremen. Among them were John M., marrying Miss Anna P. Walter, a native of Rossstall, Bavaria, and John G. was united with Miss Rosina Barbara Hospel, a farmer's daughter from Bavaria. Arriving safely at New York and Detroit, they started for Saginaw on a sail boat, which took them nearly two weeks. This was May, 1846. From Saginaw they came direct to this place. There was a wagon road cut out to Bridgeport; from there nothing but a trail, only about six farms being cleared in the tp.

The first season they built a log house on the bank of the Cass river. In 1847 the brothers commenced to build a saw-mill, using water power, completing it in 1848, this being the first mill in the tp. Shortly afterward they added a flouring mill. In 1851 the mill business was bought out by John George, and it has grown under his direction ever since. John M. started in 1851 a store, this being the second store in the town, where "Uncle John" can be found every day serving cheerfully the many customers who crowd his store. In 1874 he built a steam flouring mill, "Star of the West," which his son Lorenz now controls. He owns some 300 acres, though has given to each of his sons a farm when they started for themselves. He owns a number of village lots and has sold a number. He has been Postmaster for 11 years, Treasurer of the tp. many years, was re-elected, and is now holding that office. He has been a Trustee of the St. Lorenz (Lutheran) Church for many years, and has done much to build up that congregation of 235 male voting members. His 8 children are—Margareth, who died at 18 years of age; John George, who married Miss Burger, is a farmer; Lorenz, who married Miss Maria Fuerbringer, and is proprietor of "Star of the West" mill (steam flouring), Frankenmuth; Elizabeth, married to Mr. List, having store at Salzburg, Bay Co., Mich.; George Leonhard, farmer in Birch Run tp.; Johanna E., married to Mr. Leonhard Heine, storekeeper at Frankenmuth; Gotfried John, Mary, Christoph, at home.

John George Hubinger, above mentioned, has even done better than his brothers. To his flouring mill and saw-mill he added a steam flouring mill, planing mill and tannery. He is running a general merchandise store and a large lumber business, cutting a large number of logs in his own pinery every winter, and buying oak, etc., logs for the market. His long timber is cut at East Saginaw. He has been Town Treasurer several times. He is doing the largest business in the town, and no man has done more for the community, nor is there a more respected citizen. His children are—John Leonhard, who married Miss Raquett; John Matthias. who married Miss Anna Zehnder; Adam, who married Gertrude Schluckebier; George Michael; Johannes, deceased; Anna Barbara; Anna Margareth, who married Mr. Adam List, a carpenter living in the village, and Anna Maria.

The sons are all engaged in some branch of the business of their father, and promise well. They are all members of the Lutheran Church.

J. M. Hubinger, Jr., son of one of the oldest and most respected families of Frankenmuth, was born in the above mentioned place in 1850. His early days were passed at the village school, after which he was placed in charge of one of the numerous business interests which his father represents, and which he has conducted up to the present writing, when he has bought the flouring mill interest of his father, to which he will add his lumbering interests. In 1874 he was married to Miss Anna B. Zehnder, of one of the first families in the tp. Emma B. J. and Amelia K. comprise the members of his family living; John O. H. is deceased. John M. jr., is one of the live, energetic young men who believe in "making hay while the sun shines."

John L. Kraft was born in Bavaria, Germany, in 1826. His father, George Krafft, was a farmer and Assessor, a well-educated man; his mother was a Miss Christiane Bierlein, the daughter of a farmer; their family consisted of 3 boys and 6 girls. In 1846 he tore loose from friends and home to join the new colony of Frankenmuth, arriving here in the fall, corning from Detroit overland and experiencing great difficulties. He located 160 acres in sec. 22, having only a few hundred dollars to commence on. He has cleared up almost the entire quarter section, and made all improvements. He has in all 232 acres. He has been an active public man. He has been Supervisor for nine years, first Commissioner of Highways, School Inspector, and is holding the School Directorship now. He has been Elder of the Lutheran Church for many years. He was married in Bremen in 1846 to Elizabeth Laemmerman, a native of Bavaria, who died some years ago. Their children are—Rosina Barbara, wife of H. M. Schreiner, a merchant in this town; Anna Margareth, wife of Henry Partenfelder, living at Bay City; Anna Barbara, John George, John Jacob, Anna Maria, John George Frederick, living at the old homestead. He is respected, and his counsel has often been sought and followed to good purpose. We cannot have too many of such citizens.

Fred. W. Koch, M. D., was born Sept. 4, 1844, at Regensburg (Ratisbon), Bavaria, situated on the Danube river; he emigrated with the family to America, in 1847, where his father settled, at Frankenmuth. He entered Concordia College at St. Louis, Mo., August, 1854, and graduated in June, 1862. From September, 1862, to August, 1863, he gave private lessons in ancient and modern languages, and prepared to go to Europe to attend lectures at some of the universities. The Government order forbidding any one to leave the United States if above the age of 17 years, frustrated this plan. He went to Philadelphia, Pa., and attended lectures at the Jefferson Medical College, in September, 1863. He graduated at that institution in March, 1866, secured a position in Blockley Hospital and in a chemical laboratory in Kensington; passed an examination for the army and navy, and was suddenly called home in June, 1866, by the precarious state of his father's health. He has practiced medicine at Frankenmuth since then.

Henry Rau, one of the active business men of his village (Frankenmuth), was born in Prussia, in 1841. In 1865, in company with his parents, he emigrated to America, landing at Quebec, where they remained a short time, and again moved westward, this time locating at Frankenmuth, Saginaw Co. His mother died in 1854; father is still living upon the farm near the village. In 1867 Henry was married to Miss Mary C. Rauke, a native of Pennsylvania, and they have 3 children—Agnes E. W., Augusta G. E., and Charles R. Mr. and Mrs. Rau are members of the Lutheran Church. In 1870 Mr. R. opened a shingle manufactory, which turns out yearly about one and one-half million, which business has added another spoke to the wheel of enterprise in his little village.

Valentine Raupp, by occupation a butcher, was born in Detroit, Mich., in 1854; when about seven years old his parents moved to East Saginaw, where they still reside. In 1876 Valentine was married to Miss Mary Schmitzer, of Frankenmuth, where her parents still reside. They have 3 children—John M., Rudolph M. and Herman J. In 1877 Mr. R. located in Frankenmuth village, where he carries on his trade, both wholesale and retail.

Henry Reichle, one of Frankenmuth's energetic mechanics, was born in Philadelphia in 1845. His father's name was Lewis; his mother's was Martha E. (nee Shanewalt) Reichle. In 1848 they came to Saginaw county, locating in Frankenmuth, where his mother still resides, his father having died in 1879. Henry's early days were passed at Frankenmuth. After arriving at man's estate, he went to Ann Arbor, and engaged as an apprentice to learn the blacksmith's trade. After becoming proficient in his art, he started on a tour through different States, working in the principal cities through which he passed. In 1867 he was married, at Cleveland, to Miss Martha H. Ernst, who was born at Vermillion, Ohio. His family consists of 5 children—Emma, Mary, Ernst, Henry and Julius. His home and shops are pleasantly located in Frankenmuth village, where he does a thriving business in carriage and wagon-making, besides general blacksmithing.

John M. Rodammer, farmer, came to this country with his parents, John Leonard and Margueretta Barbara Rodammer, in 1846, with 12 other families, and, soon after arrival, settled on his present farm, where he has since resided. He married Kate Laesel, whose father was an early pioneer of Frankenmuth tp. They have 6 children. Mr. Rodammer is a member of the Lutheran Church.

George L. Roedel, farmer, was born in Bavaria, Germany, and in 1852 accompanied his father to this State, locating in Frankenmuth tp., where he remained until 1861. He then enlisted in Co. B, 16th Reg. Mich. Vol. Inf., and in the latter part of the war they were assigned to the 2d Brig., 3d Div., 14th Army Corps, participating in "Sherman's March to the Sea," and the final grand review at Washington, D. C. Mr. Roedel returned to Frankenmuth, where he has since been engaged in farming. In 1873 he married Barbara Woeltzlein, whose parents were among the earlier settlers of this county. They have 3 children—Mary E., John H. and George Willie.

John Rupprecht, a native of Bavaria, Germany, was born in 1841. When 10 years old, he accompanied his parents to this country, where his father died shortly after arrival. Mr. R. was engaged in the brewing business for five years, but in 1876 bought five and half acres on N. E. qr., sec. 27, which he laid out in village lots. Quite a number are sold, and substantial buildings erected thereon. This summer (1881) Mr. R. proposes to erect a neat two-story brick hotel, over which he will preside as "mine host."

Herman Goetzinger, one of the live young men of the village of Frankenmuth, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1855. In 1861, with his parents, he emigrated to this country, coming direct to Frankenmuth tp., where his mother still resides, his father having died in 1871. In 1875 Herman was married to Miss Caroline Kurtz, who was born at Detroit, in 1857. His family consists of 2 children Louis and Charlotte. Mr. G's home and shop are pleasantly located in the thriving little village of Frankenmuth, where he carries on a wholesale and retail butcher business.



Source: History of Saginaw County Michigan, By Michael A. Leeson, Damon Clarke, Published 1881 Chas. C. Chapman & Co., Chicago pages 835-845.
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