Located in section 35, Smiths Crossing, Ingersoll Township.  It was deeded to the Township in
1868 by Joseph Winslow. A plaque on the Winslow family plot stone reads: "To the everlasting
memory of Loring S. Winslow and Mary Brown Winslow who in 1856 obtained from the United States
government the original grant to the tract of land on which memorial is erected and in 1866
removed thereto from Vermont with their seven sons; Joseph J., Charles H., Loring S., Curtis
J., John E., William G., and Franklin P."  The earliest grave is that of Sarah Barnes in 1862.
Read cemetery sections from south to north, read rows in same direction, section one lies along
the south side of the cemetery, to the south of section three.  Read by Margaret Wegner in
November of 2000.
Row one
Farless, Kevin J.  1980   our little boy 
Row two
Harvey, Jack L., Jr.  1967 - 1997    grandson
Kreger, Lulu   1942 -
Kreger, Alfred   1907 - 1975     married Feb. 26, 1938
Kreger, Celia H.  1915 - 1986
Hock, Wayne  1903 - 1984
Hock, Verda V.  1907 - 1995
Hock, Darlene Ann   1939 - 1939   daughter  (born & died Nov., 1939)
Row three
Allspaugh, Erma C.  1892 - 1970
Northway, Edith E.  1874 - 1951
Robinson, Alfred L.  1897 - 1978   Cpl. US Army   World War I
Robinson, Olive I.  Oct. 11, 1898 - Jan. 29, 1988
Row four
Braley, Benjamin  1889 - 1954
Braley, Bertha  1891 - 1970
Winslow, Nellie M.  1885 - 1967
Winslow, Ross L.  1883 - 1951
Winslow, Oscar F.  1908 - 1966
Smith, Charlotte  1880 - 1974
Smith, Elmore A.  1883 - 1963
Row five
Hingston, Clara M.    1907 - 1982     married June 12, 1929
Hingston, Clarence L.   1906 - 1996
Wheeler, Mark F.  1885 - 1954
Wheeler, Ruby A.  1889 - 1961
Dauer, Ruby W.  1889 - 1961
Putnam, Ada M.  1861 - 1948
Putnam, Jacob H.  1856 - 1940
Haskins, Zona L.  1893 - 1974
Haskins, Robert  1882 - 1971            married Oct 14, 1914
Row six
Hingston, Martha  1933 -
Hingston, Donald  1933 - 1977
Putnam, Mathilda M.  1892 - 1962
Putnam, Fred C.   1885 - 1954
Putnam, Ross  1900 - 1957
Putnam monument
Putnam, Mary L.  1862 - 1937   mother
Putnam, Charles  1850 - 1926  father
Anible, Sarah  1863 - 1923
Anible, David B.   1854 - 1926
Row seven
Winslow, Helen  1909 - 1989
Winslow, Bernard A.  1909 -             married Dec. 22, 1928
Oakes, Steven Dewayne  1955    baby     (Feb. 12)
Christilaw, Zaida E.  1896 - 1984
Christilaw, Henry G.   1888 - 1945
Christilaw, Retta F.  babe  (no dates)
Christilaw, Edna L.  1888 - 1922
Beair, Lida S.  1895 - 1920
Row eight
Chamberlain, Daryl D.  Sept. 13, 1926 - Nov. 17, 1988
Chamberlain, Ruth A.  1905 -                married June 12, 1924
Chamberlain, Duane G.   1902 - 1977 
Peters, Irma B. Rix  1897 - 1967
Rix, Roland    born Sept. 30, 1894    died Feb. 16, 1920       father
Winslow, Fred L.  April 20, 1876 - Jan. 22, 1921
Burdo, Hattie E. Winslow   Nov. 22, 1877 - Jan. 10, 1950    mother
Winslow, Leo J.  Sept. 29, 1911 - April 27, 1924   son
Winslow, Agnes N.  July 3, 1904 - Feb. 5, 1931    daughter
Winslow, Arthur L.  Dec. 1, 1899 - Sept. 11, 1981    son
Winslow, Fred    born and died April 22, 1917   baby
Row nine
Chamberlain, Melvin  1900 - 1992    together forever
Chamberlain, Harriet Marcy  1901 - 1990
Sprague, Watson R.  1852 - 1932   father
Franklin, Elizabeth J.   1854 - 1924   mother
Crosby, Miranda J.  1877 - 1949   wife
Crosby, Claude E.  1882 - 1964   husband
Sprague, Lida B.  died Oct. 15, 1896   aged 15 years & 10 dys   at rest
Cook, Margaret   April 25, 1870 - Jan. 6, 1932
Cook, William A.  April 13, 1887 - Sept. 19, 1932   father
Hepinstall, Glenn O.  1895 - 1960
Hepinstall, Bessie  1895 - 1974
Row ten
Carey, Catherine  Mar. 5, 1904 - Nov. 8, 1981
Carey, Milton  1904 - 1943
Carey, Joanne  May 17, 1928 - July 19, 1928   (sexton records Lois JoAnn)
Hingston, Mabel E.  Nov. 6, 1919 - June 28 1926
Hingston, Maude E.  1883 - 1947     wife
Hingston, Jasper L. 1878 -            husband
Glass, Ward   Sept. 8, 1891 - Aug. 27, 1963     Michigan  Pvt  Btry F  119 Fld Arty   World War I
Glass, Ruth Christilaw   Nov. 2, 1893 - Mar. 31, 1975
Knox, F. Mabel  1889 - 1967
Stebner, Kenneth L.  1945 - 1970
Stebner, Nellie M.  1904 - 1999  mother
Row eleven
Shauger, Daryl Lynn  1971 - 1977    our loving son
Atchinson, Katherine  1901 -
Atchinson,  Milfred E.  1902 - 1976
Atchinson, baby  1942   (Myra Lee)
Hepinstall, Amos  1871 - 1950  father
Hepinstall, Thayer A.  1901 - 1978   father
Hepinstall, Julia A.  1912 - 1998   mother
Farthing, Rolland J.   Jan. 28, 1901 - Jan. 22, 1969   Mich  Pvt  US  Army WW I    (sexton records; Rollin)
Row twelve  
Bethke, Roger D.  1950 - 1950    (buried March 6)
Bethke, Geraldine R.  1926 - 
Bethke, Doran O.   1929 -
Anger, Eliza M.  1875 - 1948
Anger, Isaac  1870 - 1961
Crampton, Frederick C.  1876 - 1943
Crampton, Helen M.  1878 - 1967
Crampton, Kathryn  1907 - 1953
Crampton, Clara L.  1902 - 1929
Briggs, Clare E.    1881 - 1929    father
Marcy, Clinton G.  1915 - 1985    married July 20, 1940
Marcy, Bessie B.  1916 -
Row thirteen
Huey, Dennis P.   1948 - 1948   son    (buried Dec. 29)
Slaybaugh, Orton   1869 - 1944
Slaybaugh, Emma  1877 - 1967
Burdo, Helen  1852 - 1926
Burdo, Albert  1849 - 1917
Burdo, Lila Mildred  1906 - 1909
Pangborn, George   1873 - 1939
Pangborn, Ella  1875 - 1916
Row fourteen
Malecha, Gordon J.   1903 - 1950
Malecha, Frances J.  1908 - 1989
Marcy, Floyd P.  1900 - 1996    married Sept. 21, 1921
Marcy, Beulah A.  1904 - 1983
Hepinstall, Ira E. 1880 - 1936  father
Hepinstall, Maggie 1880 - 1964
McLaughlin, Edith  1873 - 1947
McLaughlin, Jeremiah  1857 - 1933
McLaughlin, Lawrence J.  1896 - 1942
McLaughlin, Myrtle   1904 - 1976
Row fifteen
Moore, Mary J.  1897 - 1994
Moore, George E.    1892 - 1964
Winslow, Minnie M.  1891 - 1963
Winslow, Frank J.  1887 - 1970
Hock, Helen M.  1910 -
Hock, Virgil  1912 - 1992      married Nov. 15, 1932
Entenmann, Karl  Aug. 17, 1876 - Sept. 30, 1939
Enttenmann, Marie A.    Oct. 14, 1880 - Oct. 18, 1970
Ludgin, Rose Aura  1890 - 1938
Ludgin, J. George  1879 - 1958
Row sixteen
Schultz, William H.  Jan. 7, 1892 - Nov. 25, 1964   Michigan   Pvt 1 Co  160 Depot Brigade  World War I
Lindstrom, Rose E.  1879 - 1967
Lindstrom, Charles   1869 - 1945
Lynn, Martha E.  1906 - 1989
Henski, Dale  1941
Row seventeen
Garrett, Verla B.  1904 - 1988
Garrett, Russell J.  1900 - 1947
Moore, William L.  1898 - 1978
Moore, Mae M.  1907 - 1972
Thomas, Robert    January 26, 1944  Mich.  Pvt. 792  Mil Police BN
Brown, Teddy   1925 - 1925  our baby
Brown, Mable M.  1892 - 1976
Brown, Winfield A.  1889 - 1945   dad
Row eighteen
Peters, Evelyn C.  1908 - 1992
Peters, Walter A.  1904 - 1999    married Dec. 10, 1926
Row nineteen
Lauer, Jacob  1914 - 1928
Powell, Vera M.  1911 - 1933
Lauer, John L.  1889 - 1966
Lauer, Edna P.  1892 - 1955
Row twenty
Maier, Lydia B.  1916 -
Maier, Merlin A.  1917 - 1976
Maier, George P.  1887 - 1968
Maier, Anna M.  1886 - 1964
Maier, Elladean  1915 - 1931
Bartlett, Cyrus  1853 - 1925
Barlett, Guy G.  1892 - 1972
Bartlett, Myrtle  1898  - 1991
Bartlett, Lenora  1920 - 1982
Row twenty one
Bosley, Barbara  1937 - 1987   daughter  wife   mother
Roe, Alvin E.  Sept. 29, 1910 - Aug. 31, 1987   T Sgt  US Army  World War II
Geiser, Royce  1907 - 1957
Geiser, Helen  1913 - 1992
Dashner, Margueite  1909 - 1910
Dashner, Ralph  1902 - 1902
Dashner, George  1890 - 1912
Dashner, Viola  1896 - 1913
Dashner, George  1862 - 1927
Dashner, Eva  1868 - 1940
Row twenty two
Schuette, Daisy A.  born July 16, 1888  died April 20, 1950     at rest
Schuette, William   1882 - 1953   father
Schuette, Bessie V.  1890 - 1929   wife of Wm. Schuette
Schuette, Dorothy H.   born Mar. 4, 1926  died  Mar. 4, 1926
(sexton records, two graves, no markers, babies)
Sly, Roy F.  1919 
(sexton records  grave, no marker,  baby of Ira & Lily  no dates)
Sly, Lily E.  1895 - 1972
Sly, Ira A.  1895 - 1985
Row twenty three
Locke, Emma M.  1879 - 1946
Locke, Sidney L.  1876 - 1970
Row twenty four
Lauer, Duane W.  1929 - 
Lauer, Betty L.  1933 - 1996
Lauer, Joseph   1957 - 1972
Lauer, Ricky L.  1957 - 1962
Hollingsworth, Frances L.  1913 - 1974
Hollingsworth, Adrian D.  1905 - 1906    baby
Hollingsworth monument
Hollingsworth Charles J.  1875 - 1948
Hollingsworth, Julia E.  1880 - 1924  mother
Leonard, Mary M.  died Nov. 29, 1880  age 46y 2m 24d  dau. of Jim & Susan
Row twenty five
Brown, Roberta G.  1915 - 1981
Brown, Robert  1890 - 1945
Brown, Inez  1886 - 1967
Higgins, Susie Mae  1865 - 1883
Higgins, Mary C.  1901 - 1984   together forever
Higgins, Frank M.  1896 - 1967
Row twenty six
Etherington, Ada  1871 - 1966
Etherington, William  1870 - 1934
(sexton records two graves, no markers, babies of William Etherington; no dates)
Quigley  Walter Parmey   Mar. 25, 1889 - Nov. 28, 1913   father
Quigley monument
Quigley, Cora Mae  Nov. 29, 1892 - Mar. 14, 1911  (nee Etherington)    mother
Quigley, Archie  1909 - 1935
Taylor, Ann  died May 15, 1878  age 61y 2m 8d
Taylor, Joseph   died Mar. 31, 1881   61yrs. 5m 30d
Row twenty seven
Barnes, Gail L.  1956 - 1961
Beem, Henry   1912 - 1970
(sexton records; grave, no marker; baby of Henry Beem, buried July 10, 1956)
Beem, Frances B.  1914 - 1990
Beem, Winifred  1886 - 1942  mother
Beem, R. Webb  1880 - 1953   father  (Robert)
McAdams, Roy A.   born 1902   died 1903
McAdams, Willie J.  1894 - 1910
McAdams, Ernest W.  1887 - 1911
McAdams, James  1848 - 1910    father
McAdams, Amanda L.  1850 - 1883
Lattmer, Mary  1817 - 1879    mother
Row twenty eight
Beem, Howard F.  1914 -
Beem, Leah M.  1918 - 1973
Kump, Zachariah  Corpl.  Co B  2 Ohio Inf  Mex. War
Klump, Permelia  1823 - 1912    mother
Beem, Grace G.  1877 - 1951
Beem, Robert  1856 - 1926
Beem, Ida M.  1854 - 1932   
Beem monument
Row twenty nine
Livingston, Hugh  1870 - 1944
Livingston, Lovina  1886 - 1949
Livingston, Elsie  1907
Marshall, John  1866 - 1919   father
Marshall, Florence  1874 - 1950
Strausberg, Frank J.  1897 - 1971
Strausberg, Doris  1900 - 1961
Row thirty
Leonard, Phoebe   died Nov. 24, 1909  age 56y 9m 24d
Leonard, Ada Mae  died Aug. 21, 1877  age 1y 3m 4d  dau. of John T. & Phoebe
Goold, W.    no dates  (sexton records; 3 graves, no markers, for babies of
Wilson Goold; records do not show W. Goold being buried here)
Maier, Melvin G.  1912 - 1970
Maier, Lillian L.  1903 - 1983
Row thirty one
Smith, Helen Loebs  1911 - 1982
Smith, Winslow  1911 -
Winslow, Francis Kale  1909 - 1981
Smith, Victoria  1857 - 1915   mother
Smith, R. L. Edwards  1883 - 1961
Smith, Clarissa Winslow  1886 - 1979
Smith, David J.  1850 - 1928   father
Smith, Dexter W.  1887 - 1959
Row thirty two
Tilden, George L.  1872 - 1952   father
Tilden, Mary L. 1874 - 1961  mother
Tilden, Floyd L.    1909 - 1966
Row thirty three
Shaffner, baby boy  Aug. 30, 1968
Row thirty four
Manning, Michael James  1952 - 1972   son       to live in hearts we leave behind is not to die
Row one
Turner, James Robert  1968 - 1989   son  brother
Turner, Mary Jane  1943 -            wife    mother
Turner, Robert Alvin  1939 -         husband   father
Darby, Gerald E.  Jan. 12, 1932 - Mar. 13, 1996
Christalaw, Zetta S.  1916 - 1996
Christalaw, Robert J.  1929 - 1990
Zuckschwerdt, Lucas Warren-Sebok  Jan. 10, 1997 - Feb. 16, 1998  I'm the oldest of triplets my color was 
green  safe in the arms of Jesus  precious son
Stoll, Robert G., Sr.  1934 - 1988   US Army   Korea
Row two
Klink, Kenneth W.  1924 -
Klink, Paulina O.  1923 - 1994     married Dec. 7, 1946
McDonald, Wilma (Billie)  1925 -                married June 15, 1946
McDonald, Maurice (Jake)  1921 - 1998
Hubbard, Aletha I.  1924 -           married Nov. 25, 1942
Hubbard, Fordney E.  1921 - 1998
Row three
Schultz, Rick Allen  4/1/1964 – 6/16/1993   M.  Tracy 11/3/1989  daughter Kelsey & son Garrett   forever in our hearts
Davis, Enoch T.  1946 -             married June 7, 1969
Davis, Beverly A.  1951 - 1989
Row four
Beyer, Arthur I.  Sept. 21, 1915 - June 23, 1999  M Sgt.  US Army World War II
Merrell, James L.  April 30, 1946 - April 20, 1998   beloved father grandfather and brother
Bailey, Carl E.  1941 - 1998
Bailey, Nancy E.  1943 -
Woolever, Helen M.  1931 -
Woolever, Robert B.  1931 -          married June 28, 1952
Woolever, Pamela S.  Feb. 1, 1959 - 
Woolever, Timothy N.  Oct. 31, 1959 - July 23, 1987   married April 4, 1981
Row five
Beach, Michael T.  Sept. 18, 1966 -
Beach, Marion R.  Jan. 12, 1924 - Jan. 12, 1996
Beach, Venard, Jr.  Aug. 20, 1919 -
May, Joseph Sylvester  Jan. 5, 1926 - Jan. 28, 1997  F1  US Navy  World War II
McNeil, Melissa M.  May 23, 1972 -   Dec. 2, 1997
McNeil, William A.  Sept. 2, 1949 -
McNeil, Karen M.  Nov. 28, 1950 -           
Bartic, Leonard  Sept. 7, 1916 - July 17, 1987   US Navy  World War II
Neuenfeldt, Wilbert E.  1907 - 1986
Neuenfeldt, Mary L.  1912 -1990
Row six
Clapp, Marjorie E.  1943 -          married June 5, 1965
Clapp, Robert F.  1941 - 1992
Priest, Richard A.  1915 - 1987
Priest, Mary S.  1915 - 1995
Schuette, Albert H.  May 29, 1922 - April 28, 1989  US Navy World War II
Schuette, Helen D.  1916 -
Clapp, Gladys  1923 -
Clapp, Everett  1917 - 1987
Gould, Donald  1912 - 1992
Gould, Betty  1915 -
Row seven
Shaffner, Ivah L.  1908 -
Shaffner, T. Ralph  1906 - 1998
Reifsnyder, Altheda M.  1922 - 1985        married April 25, 1942
Reifsnyder, Howard E.  1921 -
Eagle, Donna M. Bartig  1939 - 1982   daughter
Bartig, S. A. Betty  1919 -       mother
Bartig, Leonard F.  1916 - 1987    father
Locke, Lillian M.  1923 -
Locke, Duane C.    1916 -             married Sept. 13, 1941
Row eight
Aaron, Gerald J.  1939 -
Aaron, Mary J.  1942 -                 married May 25, 1963
Keel, Russel Lee  1985 - 1995
Farless, Rose J.  1936 - 1999
Farless, John F., Sr.  1929 -
grave  no marker
Bornheimer, Jeffrey T.  1971 - 1997
Lowe, C. Raymond  1913 - 2000
Lowe, Helen M.  1915 -          married Nov. 27, 1934
Kline, Wm. "Bill"  1923 - 1995    married Dec. 30, 1944
Kline, Doris M.  1926 -
Row nine
Allen, Ethel M.  1921 -          married June 20, 1942
Allen, Ona M.  1918 - 1996
Putnam, Ora E.  1921 -
Putnam, Elwood W.  1915 - 1996    married May 24, 1942
Putnam, Dorothy A.  1927 -
Putnam, Clarence E.  1924 - 1988   US Army World War II
Weisheim, Beatrice I.  1919 -
Weisheim, William M.  1916 -
Letts, Herbert A.  Feb. 4, 1930 - Jan. 13, 1983   US  Navy
Smith, Ray A.  1910 - 1985
Smith, Laura A.  1912 - 1997    married April 21, 1934
Row one
Slaybaugh, Lawrence R.  1916 - 1968
Slaybaugh, Lenora E.  1915 -
Slaybaugh, Robert L.  1940 - 1995
Schlader, William R.  1909 - 1985
Schlader, Adeline A.  1921 - 1988
Kuehne, Edward W.  1941 - 1985
Kuehne, Donna J.  1941 -               married Nov. 11, 1961
Aaron, August M.  1915 - 1978
Aaron, Arlene B.  1916 -
Row two
Pangborn, Flossie  1908 - 1974
Pangborn, Henry  1906 - 1969
Crampton, Iva M.  1915 -
Crampton, A. Romaine  1912 - 1995
(?), Beth Ann  1951 -        daughter and mother
Esch, Kathryn E.  1909 - 1978   (Feb. 14)
McNett, Grace M.   1904 - 1989
McNett, Clifford C.  1908 - 1975
Johnson, Ollie B.  Oct. 4, 1900 - Sept. 27, 1996
Fowler, Paul E.  May 6, 1916 - June 22, 1988  US  Army
Fowler, Hazel Olive  July 15, 1917 - July 30, 1970    mother
Marcy, Agnes R.  1912 - 1974  mother
Row three
Ludgin, Lucille  1919 - 1993
Ludgin, Ralph C.  1909 - 1973
Huey, Fred R.  1895 - 1978
Huey, Goldie M.  1902 - 1984
Burgoyne, John A.  1908 - 1981
Burgoyne, Mabel A.  1915 - 1965
Garrett monument
Garrett, Vincent H.  1907 - 1966  father
Garrett, Ruth A.  1913 -              mother
Garrett, Lois June  1932 -       daughter
Hurley, Ira I.  1904 - 1992    married Jan. 16, 1925
Hurley, Della M.  1906 -
Rogers, Marjorie  1916 - 1998
Rogers, Franklin  1915 - 1966
Rogers, baby boy  April 1, 1949
Row four  
DeLong, Clara M.  1916 -     married March 4, 1939
DeLong, John J.  1915 - 1998
Wieneke, Otto C.  June 25, 1887 - June 30, 1975  SFC  Air Service
Wieneke, Billy C.  1927 - 1976
Catlin, Fessie Mae  1878 - 1960
Catlin, William G.  1874 - 1959
Winslow, Norris James  1889 - 1973
Winslow, Audrey Jane  1888 - 1978
Catlin, M. Virema  1903 - 1991
Catlin, George S.  1898 - 1989
Hoover, Betty J.  1929 -            married May 31, 1947
Hoover, Dewey D.  1925 - 1960   loving father
Row five
Thompson, Donald J.  1904 - 1974
Thompson, Norine W.  1905 -
Thompson, Donna W.  1940 - 1958
Garrett, Nina M.  1894 - 1989
Garrett, Lloyd V.  1885 - 1957
Garrett, Philip R.  Aug. 15 - Aug. 18 - 1957  our baby
Garrett, Kenneth R.  1929 -           married Nov. 21, 1953
Garrett, Wanda F.  1931 -              the morning shall awaken and the shadows flee away
Haner, Thomas A.  Dec. 2, 1957 - Dec. 2, 1957  (and Terry A. twins)
Haner, Arthur J.  1945 - 1963
Thayer, Linda  Sept. 30, 1960    baby
Row six
Drake, Lois Jane  1920 - 1997
Drake, Mary K.  1908 - 1995
Drake, Robert C.  1911 - 1998
Drake, Leslie L.  1932 - 1948
Drake, Ora F.  1884 - 1953
Drake, Frank L.  1884 - 1969
Snyder, "Abe"   1925 -
Snyder, Catherine  1928 - 1987
Kratz, John  1899 - 1956
Kratz, Elva M.  1903 - 1976
Hollingsworth, Tom   1912 - 1990
Hollingsworth Rheta     1916 - 1971
Harrold, Timothy B.  Sept. 22, 1956 - Sept. 23, 1956
Harrold, LaVon   Mar. 30, 1934 -          married July 19, 1952
Harrold, Bruce D.  May 12, 1933 - Feb. 4, 1991   SP3  US Army   Korea
Jacobs, Gary Lee  Oct. 11, 1956 - Nov. 29, 1956  baby
Jacobs, Doris W.  1922 -             married Oct. 14, 1949
Jacobs, Roland J.  1926 -
Sly, William G.  1939 - 1958 son
Sly, Lila J.  1921 - 1965  mother
Sly, Donald I.  1926 - 1994  father
Row seven
Aaron, Irene M.  1910 - 1997
Aaron, Mike L.  1913 - 1991
Hall, Floyd L.  1905 - 1988
Hall, Adeline M.  1922 -
Hock, Louis  1863 - 1962
Hock, Jennie M.  1870 - 1948
Hock, Bertell   Aug. 23, 1901 - June 6, 1974  Pvt  US Army
Ostrander, Clement L. 1918 -
Ostrander, Elizabeth  1919 -            married May 12, 1941
Kinkel, Elizabeth  1896 - 1986
Kinkel, Philip  1896 - 1963
Schlader, Clarence E.  1911 - 1998
Schlader, Christina K.  1916 -          married Sept. 10, 1938
Putnam, Mort C.  1895 - 1964
Putnam, Opal G.  1898 - 1977    married June 11, 1915
Putnam, Delos W.  1927 -              married Feb. 18, 1956
Putnam, Gloria E.  1932 - 1989
Row eight
Price, Marjorie Rensselaer   1904 - 1984
Price, Clement Emerson  July 3, 1904 - March 14, 1979
Price, Stephen Van Rensselaer  Sept. 13 - Nov. 14, 1937
Price, Aleda P.  1885 - 1949
Price, Cheston A.  1879 - 1956
Randall, Earnest G.  1867 - 1954
Randall, Regina  1880 - 1961
Keel, Darlene M.  1946 -
Keel, Clair W.  1941 - 1986
Row nine
Baker, June E.  1927 - 1989
Baker, Hilda B.  1898 - 1958
Baker, Elmer L.  1888 - 1958
Michels, Carolyn R.  1934 -
Michels, Gordon E.  1933 - 1989
Closs, Anna 1882 - 1953
Franklin, A. J.  1883 - 1963    (Adoneram J.)
Franklin, Nellie M.  1887 - 1979
Keel, Irene C.  1905 - 1991    married Aug. 5, 1927
Keel, Russel L.  1904 - 1973
Keel, Dorothy  1913 -
Keel, Glen  1906 - 1978
Row ten
Myers, Agnes  1924 -
Myers, Lawrence G.  1924 - 1978
Thurlow, Hugh I.  1881 - 1967
Thurlow, Lula M.  1890 - 1986
Thurlow, Gerald O.  1922 - 1970    son    (Dec. 19)
Spyker, Irene Lilly  1867 - 1943  mother
Spyker, John Wesley  1868 - 1944  father
Beamish, Grace L.  1903 - 1974
Beamish, Charles M.  1892 - 1944
Beamish, Wilbur  1927 - 1984  US Navy World War II
Gifford, Lloyd V.  1898 - 1957
Gifford, Arthur W.  1873 - 1947
Gifford, Maude  1879 - 1967
Haskins, Harriet  1863 - 1952
Haskins, John  1858 - 1945
Row eleven
Stark, Albert  1869 - 1940
Schultz,  Arthur A.     Mar. 17, 1910 - Oct. 31, 1972
Stark monument
Schultz, Matilda  1876 - 1952
Schultz, Charles  1869  - 1943
Schultz, Albert P.  1904 - 1977   married Sept. 13, 1928
Schultz, Margaret L.  1909 - 1995  married Sept. 13, 1928
Schultz, Douglas A.  March 4, 1932 - Dec. 19, 1953  Michigan ATAN  US Navy
Keel, Leroy S.  1884 - 1977          married May 5, 1906
Keel, Virginia L.  1887 - 1966
Wagoner, Nova I.  1910 - 1989
Wagoner, Cecil R.  1904 - 1977    married 1931
Hingston, Augustus  1883 - 1943
Hingston, Jannie E.  1893 -
Ludwig, Ida  1887 - 1957
Ludwig, Charles  1885 - 1971
Row twelve
Maurer, Francis R.  1869 - 1939
Maurer, William S.  1865 - 1955
Van Rensselaer, Lewis D.  1873 - 1946
Van Rensselaer, Ethel J.  1876 - 1958
Garrett, Lester Ray Oct. 30, 1909 - May 3, 1966  Michigan Tec 5  SVC  Co.
136 Inf  World War II BSM & OLG
Garrett, Ray  1909 - 1966 (same as above; Lester Ray)
Garrett, Roy G.  1903 - 1962
Garrett, Janet 1875 - 1943  mother
Garrett, George  1862 - 1939  father
Ostrander, S. Elizabeth 1867 - 1938
Cooper, James S.  1904 -
Cooper, C. Fyllis  1903 - 1964
Beair, Newton J.  1873 - 1955
Beair, Eunice M.  1881 - 1965
Churchill, Madelene M.  1911 -              in loving memory
Popp, Louis F.  1892 - 1948
Popp, Alice  1894 - 1994
Row thirteen
Garrett, Mary F.  1869 - 1947
Garrett, Hugh  1864 - 1943
Foster, Donald G.  1909 - 1957
Foster, Marguerite L. Heare  1910 - 1984
Heare, Thomas  1906 - 1935
Boughner, Vivian J.  1908 -
Bougner, E. Romaine  1909 - 1960
Boughner, Minnie A. 1881 - 1962
Boughner, John H.  1878 - 1956
Hollingsworth, Herman A.  1900 - 1935
Hollingsworth monument
Hollingsworth, Jennie  1898 - 1948
Lawrence, Mary B. McIntyre     June 1, 1896 - April 3, 1984
McIntyre, Walter J.  April 6, 1896 - April 5, 1936  Pfc  US Army
Winslow, John W.  1881 - 1940
Winslow, Edna R.  1885 - 1951
Winslow, Lona Mae  1916 - 1981
Row fourteen
Thomson, Grace  1902 - 1980   mother
Thomson, Leroy  1898 - 1939  father
Wieneke, Axcy E.  1905 - 1979
(Betts), Caroline Platt   no dates
(sexton records, two graves, no markers, Betts babies)
Betts, Clara  1875 - 1949
Row fifteen
Christilaw, Harriet  1870 - 1942   mother
Christilaw monument
Christalaw, George  1854 - 1932   father
Armstrong, Lillian  1878 - 1964
Armstrong, Edwin  1878 - 1965
English, Kathryn L.  1894 - 1989
English, George L.  1896 - 1968
English, Maxine V.  1918 - 1938
English, Sam E.  1870 - 1931  (Samuel)
English, Mary E.  1873 - 1965
Baker, William  1858 - 1939
Baker, Mae E.  1865 - 1940
Row sixteen
Thomson, Bessie  1878 - 1935   mother
Thomson, John  1874 - 1946  father
Thomson, J. Warren    1902 - 1941   father
Bennett, Minnie  1906 - 1990
Heard, Charles W.  1900 - 1951
Palfey, Marie  1888 - 1937   mother
Palfey, Albert  1883 - 1961   father
Palfey, Henry George  July 15, 1915 - July 6, 1970   Mich M Sgt  US Marine Corps    WW II  Korea
Row seventeen
Haskins, John D.  1891 - 1971
Haskins, Margaret M.  1896 - 1988  (also on marker  Lawrence, Margaret M., Marjorie)
Chamberlin, Lavina  1881 - 1929  mother
Chamberlin, Dan  1867 - 1952  father   (Daniel)
Beden, Blanche  1900 - 1993
Beden, Russell  1897 - 1991
Chamberlin, Claude  1880 - 1930
Chamberlin, Etta  1883 - 1961
Shangle, Kenneth  1905 - 1956
Shangle, Ila  1918 - 1976
Row eighteen
Haskins, David  1852 - 1936  father
Haskins monument
Haskins, Nancy M.    1852 - 1925
Hoch, Viola E.  1878 - 1929
Keel, Orland G.  1902 - 1920
Schlader, Katherine  1846 - 1928  mother
Schlader monument
Schlader, Andrew J.  1877 - 1952
Schlader, William  1844 - 1928  father
Parmalee, Elizabeth  1846 - 1928  mother
Parmalee monument
Parmalee, Otis  1870 - 1948
Parmalee, Chas. M.  1836 - 1922  father
Pangborn, Fannie M.  Dec. 12, 1880 - Jan. 3, 1927  mother
Pangborn, Edgar S.  Aug. 8, 1869 - Nov. 21, 1948  father
Pangborn, Ray  Mar. 12, 1903 - Jan. 8, 1961   brother
Clapp, Franklyn T.  1937 - 1941    our beloved son
Clapp, Floyde M.  1907 - 1968
Clapp, Hilda M.  1917 -           married Nov. 8, 1936
Row nineteen
Townsend, Myrtle E. 1890 - 1980   (nee Anger; born July 13, died April 5)
(sexton records, grave, no marker, baby Myrtle Townsend; no dates)
Townsend, Erwin T.  1891 - 1976
Butcher, Mary F. 1869 - 1951   
Delong, Edward S.  1883 - 1965
Delong, Sylvia H.  1888 - 1983
Delong, Pauline O.  1913 - 1990
Delong, Levi  Co. G  157  Ind Inf  Sp Am . War
Delong, Jacob, 1847 - 1920  father
Delong, Miriam  1849 - 1923  mother
Delong,  Alpheus A.  1881 - 1971
Delong,  Mayme A.  1883 - 1972
Delong,  Virginia W.  1913 - 1966  (nee Wishowski)
Harding, Christina 1886 - 1964
Harding, Francis D.  1874 - 1945
Row twenty
Sly, John D.  1857 - 1940  son
Sly, Mary  1824 - 1913  wife of John Sly    mother
Walton, Glen T.  1891 - 1960
McFarlane monument
grave, small wooden cross; no name or dates; in McFarlane plot
grave, small wooden cross, no name or dates; in McFarlane plot
grave, small wooden cross, no name or dates; in McFarlane plot
grave, small wooden cross, no name or dates; in McFarlane plot
McFarlane, Robert J.  1848 - 1917  father  gone but not forgotten
Smith, Ronald W.  1945 - 1986
Smith, Ira A.  1918 - 1920
Smith, Roy S.  1890 - 1965
Smith, Emily S.  1898 - 1967
Strausberg, Mary A.  1861 - 1931   mother
Strausberg, Jesse R.  1858 - 1948   father
Strausberg, Rose  1901 -
Strausberg, Donald R.   Aug. 2, 1899 - Sept. 28, 1971    Michigan  Pvt  STU Army Tng Corps  WW I
Row twenty one
McCulloch, baby   1928    son of Mason and Grace McCulloch
McCulloch, William  Dec. 14, 1868 - Sept. 9, 1910
Keel, Absalom  1844 - 1922  father
A. Keel  monument
Keel, Lucinda  1852 - 1918   mother
Keel, Alfred C.  1873 - 1910   son
Klink, Vern W.  1892 - 1979
Klink, Hazel F.  1894 - 1987
Klink, Clarence D.  Oct. 7, 1903 - Jan. 31, 1912  son of D & L
Klink, David  1870 - 1949  father
Klink, Louise  1868 - 1945   mother
Smith, Beatrice  1898 - 1913
Smith monument
Smith, Victoria M.  1871 - 1941  mother
Smith, Powley G.  1865 - 1930
Reifsnyder, Jessie G.  1887 - 1918
Ostrander and Reifsnyder monument
Ostrander, B. M.  1862 - 1937  mother   (Bertha M.)
Ostrander, J. D.  1855 - 1926  father   (James D.)
Ostrander, L. C.  1896 - 1956  father
Ostrander, Elsie C. 1893 - 1975  mother
Row  twenty two
Reifsnyder, Josie Goold  1882 - 1981   
Reifsnyder, Wm. H.  1879 - 1960
Goold, Harry  1882 - 1914
Tebbel, Rollie W.  died Sept. 20, 1973   son of J. C. & C. 
Tebbel, James   1845 - 1920
Tebbel, Charlotte   1848 - 1911
McCulloch, Jennie  1855 - 1926  mother
McCulloch  monument
McCulloch, Thomas  1832 - 1915  father
Pierce monument
Pierce, Maud E.  1882 - 1910
Schlader, George H.  1880 - 1956
Schlader, Charlotte  1886 - 1968
Smith, Vivian C.  1905 - 1942
Smith, Harvey B.  1901 - 1969
Row twenty three
Schreiber, Ernest  1895 - 1955
Schreiber, Sarah  1895 - 1972
Schreiber, Arlene L.  1920 - 1938
Schreiber, John H.    Mar. 14, 1921 - Aug. 21, 1921
Schreiber, baby   born and died  Dec. 8, 1914
Palmer, Celista C.  1861 - 1934    (mother of Mrs. Matt Miller)
Miller, Howard M.  1911 - 1980
Miller monument
Miller, Laura  1884 - 1920   wife of J. M. 
Miller, Francis   dau. of J. M. &  L. Miller   (no dates)
Brown, Wellington  1855 - 1931     father
Brown, Polly R.  1861 - 1933  mother
Brown, Grace  1890 - 1908        the Lord is my shepherd
Crampton, Neil   1907   age 4m
Moore, Elizabeth  1858  - 1920   wife of D. E. Moore
Moore, David E.  1852 - 1947
Moore monument
Johnston, Kathleen Moore  1895 - 1986
Moore, Geo. W.   Co. K   29 Mich. Inf.   (no dates)
Chamberlin, Iva  1890 - 1918
Chamberlin monument
Claflin, Leola  April 24, 1908 - April 29, 1978
Claflin, Abbott    Sept. 16, 1908 - Nov. 20, 1971    Massachusetts  MOMM2  US Navy World War II
Row twenty four
Haskins, Peter  1965 - 1949   son      (March 11)
Haskins, Margaret  1832 - 1914    mother
Haskins, Joseph  1820 - 1910    father
Haskins, Joseph   died Jan. 2, 1910  (same as above)
Braley, Howard E.  1905 - 1942
Braley  monument
(sexton records; Braley, David, grave, no marker, baby)
Braley, Mary L.   died June 6, 1905   aged 26yrs 3ms 4ds
Beamish, Retta Hare   Sept. 6, 1885 - Mar. 15, 1922
Beamish, Ray Max    July 13, 1883 - Nov. 2, 1948
Beamish, Harold Bruce   June 25, 1924 - Sept. 10, 1942    Mich  Pvt 1 Marines 1 Marine Div.  WW II
Perry, Elmer   died 1908    age  16 yrs.
marker can't read
Stimpson, Robert  died Jan. 26, 1905  aged 19y 7m 4d  (Brewster on base of marker)
Hingston, Robina  1891 - 1971
Hingston, James B.  1880 - 1955
Locke, Ida E.  1867 - 1907   wife of J. W. Locke
Locke, J. W. monument
Row twenty five
Chamberlin, Guy E.  1883 - 1967
Chamberlin, Eva M.  1885 - 1968
Chamberlin, Glen M.  1904 - 1907   son of G. E. & E. M. Chamberlin
Chamberlin, Mary C.  1881 - 1966  mother
Chamberlin, Ray M.  1878 - 1949
Chamberlin monument
Chamberlin, Ray    Sept. 18, 1880 - Oct. 8, 1904    at rest
Cook, Everett     1900     baby
Cook, George P.  1873 - 1937
Cook, Anna  1873 - 1959
Cook, George H.  1899 - 1965
Morden, Coris    (no dates)
Morden, Ida E.  Oct. 4, 1862 - July 16, 1904     wife of A. J. Morden  
Lovell, Roy  1881 - 1935   papa
Burdo, Lynn LaPoint     1918 - 1921
Burdo, Helen Lavisa   died July 23, 1904
Burdo, George  1879 - 1971
Burdo, Millie  1875 - 1927
Burdo, Hattie Alice  1913 - 1930
Pierce, Dora   July 14, 1874 - Sept. 20, 1906  wife of J. W. Pierce
Pierce monument  
Row twenty six
Schlader, Minnie M.  1879 - 1927   mother
Schlader, Frank H.  1874 - 1946
Schlader, Walter E.  1913 - 1930
Schlader, Henry F., Jr.    died April 24, 1908    age 2m   son of F. H. & M. 
Schlader, Wanda Florence   died Oct. 1, 1906   age 3m 20d  dau. of F. H. & M.
Schlader monument
grave no marker  ( ? sexton records Schlader baby buried this plot; Apr. 10, 1947)
Higgins, Clara M.  died Aug. 15, 1888   age 1m   dau. of F. M. & M.
Higgins, Johnie C.    died Mar. 10, 1888   age 2y  son of F. M. & M.
Higgins monument
Higgins, Frank M.         1896 - 1967   
Higgins, Mary Anna  died June 17, 1924
Johnston, C. Colin  1856 - 1937
Johnston, Ellen S.  1859 - 1934
Johnston, Harvey D.  1882 - 1932
Johnston, Clara B.  1883 - 1900
Henske, Augusta L.  1878  - 1967
Henske, Frank J.  1887 - 1956
Henske, Beatrice   April 24, 1923 - June 24, 1924   dau. of F. & A.
baby  (no name or dates)
Sanford, Marilla V.  1827 - 1905
Sanford, Sullivan T.  1825 - 1904
Sanford monument
Row twenty seven
Parker, Leon   1890 - 1965
Parker, Mabelle  1891 - 1969
Parker, Chancey   died April 23, 1904  age 35y
Gifford, Nellie   died Nov. 22, 1899  24y 6m  wife of Frank and dau of G & S Hutchens
marker can't read
Ostrander, Laura M.  1874 - 1946
Ostrander, Byron R.  1862 - 1948
Ostrander monument
Ostrander, Russell B.   June 21, 1915 - July 5, 1923
Ostrander, Louis B.  Feb. 28, 1895 - Aug. 20, 1899
stone marker (no name or dates)
Town, John H.  1863 - 1933
Town, Alta O.  1869 - 1931
(sexton records; baby of Dollie Town  buried here, no marker)
LeRay, Gertrude C.  died Mar. 7, 1902   age 24y 5m 8d  wofe of C.
monument (LeRay ?)
Bullock, Mort M.  1841 -      (no death date)
Bullock, Emma J.  1844 - 1910
father  (sexton records; Harlow Marcy husband of Mary Marcy)
Marcy, Jerusha  1879 - 1972  (wife of Pearl)
Marcy, Pearl E.  1879 - 1965   (husband of Jerusha)
mother (sexton records: Mary Marcy wife of Harlow  died Jan. 30, 1909  age 50y)
Row twenty-eight
Alvord, (?)
Alvord, Maude  1888 - 1902  (dau. of Justin)
Alvord, Clayton     1900 - 1901
Cook, Jane   died Feb. 11, 1899   age 63y  wife of E. J.
marker can't read
Gifford, James   died July 29, 1907  age 70y 5m 2d  husband of Mary A.
Gifford, Mary A.  Mar. 9, 1840 - July 1, 1926   wife of James
Gifford monument
Marshall, Charlotte  died Dec. 9, 1879   age 25y 18d   sister
Town, Charley   died June 3, 1899  age 59yrs 7mos & 11d  Mich. Co. F  4 Inf.  husband of Sarah A.
Town, Sarah  1842 - 1918   aged 75 yrs.
Sly monument
Sly, Libbie   Aug. 23, 1865 - Nov. 6, 1905
Aikens, Lora Belle  1871 - 1899  mother
Aikens, (sexton records Laura Aikens, no dates)
marker   (can't read;  sits between rows twenty seven and twenty eight)
Reed, Blanche F.  1907 - 1997
Reed, Roscoe C.  1891 - 1953
Row twenty nine
Switzer, John   died April 19, 1894  age 74 y
Switzer, John  (no dates)     (sexton records; John Jr.)
Fisher, Clara E.   died May 30, 1891  age 35y  wife of Thomas
Fisher, Harry P.  July 17, 1884 - July 18, 1905
Fisher, Thomas   husband of Clara E.  (no dates)
Fisher, Julia F.  1865 - 1943
Hanks, Gerldine E.  1879 - 1919
Hanks, William P.  1873 - 1953
stone can't read  (sexton records; babies of G. E. & W. P. Hanks; no dates)
Winslow, Dorothy M.  1879 - 1967
Winslow, Joseph J.  1844 - 1915  father    Musn Co. G.  16 Vt. Inf.
Winslow, Mary S.   1851 - 1921  mother
Winslow, Lena R.  1871 - 1896
Riefenberg, Lewis   June 6, 1832 - Jan. 20, 1897   father
Riefenberg,  Anna M.  Jan. 27, 1844 - Sept. 25, 1911
Riefenberg, Louis  born June 6, 1832 - died Jan. 1897
mother (can't read rest of marker)
mother (can't read rest of marker)
Townsend, Bertha M.  1886 - 1945  mother
Townsend, Marcus H.  1887 - 1953
Row thirty
Ryan, Aldon W.  1904 - 1929
Ryan, Richard M.  1929 - 1929
Townsend, Frank   1861 - 1926
Townsend, Anna E.  1867 - 1939  mother
Townsend, Octavius   1897 - 1974   son
Townsend, Blanche J.  1895 - 1896   daugther
Hutchins, Solon T.  Mar. 1, 1820 - April 10, 1902
Hutchins (?)
Hutchins, Albert E.  Nov. 1, 1848 - Sept. 9, 1866
Hutchins, Johanna      born May 1, 1826    died Aug. 21, 1894
Row thirty one
Brown, Martha  1880 - 1905
Short, Minnie M.   died Nov. 9, 1899  age 1y 9m 29d  dau. of A. & L. E.
Short (?)
marker can't read
Smith, Ella   1879 - 1888   dau. of  C. & M. Smith
Smith, Nellie J.  1874 - 1942  mother
Smith, Martin H.  1855 - 1934
Ryan monument
Ryan, Merle  1896 - 1927
Ryan, Lena     Mar. 5, 1895 - April 2, 1896     dau. of Martin & Nellie J.
Row thirty two
Hepinstall, Belle    1869 - 1947
Hepinstall, William H.  1861 - 1931
Hepinstall mounument
Hepinstall, Nina  1907 - 1907
Hepinstall, Muriel Marie  1900 - 1901
Spaulding,  Lela Pearl   1894 - 1922   dau. of John & Eldora
Spaulding, Lillie M.  1863 - 1948
Spaulding, John  1860 - 1936
father  (can't read name or dates)
Hepinstall, Jane Hazel   (1896) 
Hepinstall, Elizabeth    Aug. 29, 1836 - July 28, 1899
Baker, George E.  1868 - 1947
Baker, Nellie E.  1872 - 1961
Baker, Rufus         1895 - 1896
Acker, Cecil Henry  May 6, 1894 - Oct. 6, 1894
Acker, Mable E.  born and died Mar. 15, 1902
Acker  (?)
Acker, Lily B.  1868 - 1943
Acker, William  1861 - 1948
Johnson, our baby  (no dates)
Johnson (?)
Johnson, L. A.  July 25, 1837 - June 1, 1926
Johnson, J. B.   July 18, 1836 - May 1, 1912
Row thirty three
Wiser, Pearl C.  1883 - 1951
Marcy, Henry H.  1879 - 1925
Reliford, Phieinda Marcy  Dec. 28, 1873 - Dec. 4, 1900
Cook, John  1864 - 1927
Osborn, Irene Cook  1904 - 1953  "Shorty"
Franklin, Rebecca  died Aug. 22, 1891  age 41y  wife of Edmund
Franklin monument
Franklin, Edmund  May 26, 1849 - July 15, 1932
Ryan, Dele   1896 - 1964  (Dele)  wife of Howard
Ryan, Howard   1900 - 1966  wife of Howard
Morris (?)
Morris, Carrie A.   died Jan. 25, 1893  age 31y  wife of I. S.
mother  (can't read rest of marker)
father  (can't read rest of marker)
Row thirty four
McAdams, Axey   May 12, 1866 - Aug. 24, 1932
Moore, Elizabeth  (sexton records; no dates)
Moore, E. H.  (sexton records; no dates)
(sexton records; Moore baby buried here; no marker or dates)
Wehner,  Ferdinan    1840 - 1912    father  (buried Aug. 11)
Wehner,  (?)
Wehner, Kate Vernon  died Nov. 11, 1893   age 21y   dau. of F. & S.
Wehner, Frank C.  1871 - 1950  (Dec. 15)
Wehner, Polly, 1873 - 1948
McCormick, Eva Mae  July 26, 1898 - May 28, 1970
Wehner, (?)
Wehner, Fred   died July 8, 1909  age 8y 9m 12d  son of Polly Anna & Peter
Ostrander, John W.  1829 - 1917  father
Ostrander, John  born Sept. 18, 1829 - July 30, 1917   (same as above)
Ostrander, Martha H. 1834 - 1892  mother     (Mar. 3; age 57y 27d)
Row thirty five
Blake, William   (no dates)
Blake, Elizabeth P.   Aug. 15, 1900    age 47y 3m 4d  wife of W.   mother
Wade, Martha I.  1919 -
Wade, Howard W.  1913 - 1956   together forever
Behler, Oren Leroy  Dec. 31, 1914 - May 21, 1961   Michigan PHM2  USNR  World War II
Gaskill monument
Gaskill, John L.  Jan. 16, 1863 - Nov. 24, 1882
Gaskill, Samuel D.  Sept. 30, 1826 - Feb. 25, 1912
Gaskill, Maria L.  died Sept. 7, 1920   age 93y 4m 15d  wife of S. D.
Linton, Katie A.    died 1893  age 12y 4m 18d  dau. of James & Anna
Wylie, Ida J.  1894 - 1978
Wylie, Mary E.  1861 - 1942  mother
Wylie, (?)
Wylie, Oliver E.  1864 - 1896   father   (May 13)
Wylie Olivier C.  May 23, 1888 - June 20, 1923
Wylie, Maria   Feb. 9, 1892   age 9d
Waters,  ?Achsah  (can't read rest of marker)
Trowbridge, Samuel A.   died Feb. 3, 1897  age 74y
Row thirty six
West, Benjamin   1843-May 6-1896
Gross, Albert  Co. 1 187 N. Y. Inf.   (no dates)
Fritz, Uriah    died Jan. 3, 1902  age 77y 4m 20d  husband of Elizabeth
Fritz, Grace M.  1884 - 1897
Fritz, (?)
Hingston, John, L. C.   1845 - 1923   husband of Mary
Hingston  monument
Hingston, Mary   1850 - 1906  wife of J. L. C. 
Hingston, Francis Arthur  died Feb. 25, 1887  age 10m 25d  son of J LC & M
Seward, Grace M.  1884 - 1897
Seward, George A.     died May 15, 1890  age 36y 7m 29d
Row thirty seven
Sly, Effie   1869 - 1952
Sly, Minnie   died May 23, 1897   age 2y 6m 5d  dau. of W & H
Sly monument (in back of plot)
Sly, Wm. H.  1858 - 1930
Sly, Harriet   loved wife of William Sly
Garrett, John  1852 - 1938  father
Garrett, Tressa  1859 - 1929  mother
Garrett, (?)
Garrett, Maud   Mar. 16, 1878  - June 11, 1880    dau. of A  & T
Garrett, Mary  Aug. 18, 1833 - June 19, 1881  mother wife of Hugh Garrett
Garrett  (?)
Garrett, Hugh  July 19, 1932 - Oct. 15, 1918
Goold, William G.  1855 - 1938
Goold, Maggie A.  1857 - 1939
Griffor, Charley    Aug. 12, 1886 - Aug. 2, 1888
Row thirty eight
Springsted, Daniel E.  Dec. 12, 1890   age 36y 5m 14d
(sexton records: grave, no marker; Springsted baby; no dates)
Fales, Horace  Co. F  1st Pa Vet Cav.  (no dates
Simmons, Harriett J.  Mar. 10, 1840 - Mar. 29, 1920   mother   at rest
Turner,  Ellen  Mar. 21, 1854 - July 23, 1889   wife of F. D. J.
Turner, Willie  July 23, 1889 - Aug. 26-1889  son of   F. D. J. & Ellen
Turner  monument
Turner, Perl J.  June 15, 1898 - Mar. 4, 1920  son of Fred & Gertrude  
Turner, Gertrude  Mar. 16, 1874 - Nov. 7, 1922   wife of Fred D. J.
Turner, Edith Mae  Dec. 22, 1894 - May 3, 1933 in loving memory
Turner, Fredd J.  Dec. 8, 1855 - Feb. 4, 1938  father   rest in peace (husband of Ellen and Gertrude)
Turner, Elizabeth  Nov. 5, 1882 - Mar. 29, 1977   in loving memory
Beden, Harriett  born Oct. 12, 1835   died Jan. 27, 1925  wife of B. G.
Beden, Benjamin G.   Feb. 18, 1822 - Nov. 8, 1891
Beden monument
Beden, Ellen  Feb. 26, 1859 - June 16, 1937  wife of Rodney A,
Beden, Rodney A.   April 24, 1858 - Mar. 11, 1922  (sexton records; had two wives)
Beden, Sarah  Sept. 11, 1859 - Feb. 3, 1883  wife of Rodney Beden
Beden, Willie B.   Nov. 21, 1880 - April 17, 1883
Row thirty nine
Pierce, (?)    can't read rest of marker
marker can't read
marker can't read
marker can't read
Row forty
Potter,  Kate E.  1869 - 1916   wife of S. Potter
marker can't read
Braley, John    died March 23, 1903  age 36y    son
Braley, baby  died Aug. 12, 1887  age 1m  son of C. L. & T. O.   our pet
Braley, Ida May  1931 - 1937
Beckley, Willie  Oct. 24, 1885 - Jan. 20, 1900
Beckley, Mary  1840 - 1919  wife of Geo. W. Beckley
Beckley monument
Beckley, Geo. W.  1948 -1941
Beckley, Geo. L.  1884 - 1967   son
Atchinson, W. Elmer  1869 - 1947  husband of Anna
Atchinson, Anna  1873 - 1961
Atchinson, Helen M.  Dec. 29, 1815 - June 1, 1903
Atchinson, Wm. H.  19 N Y  LA  Sergt    (no dates)
Atchinson (?)
Winslow, John E.  1854 - 1931  father
Winslow, Hettie A. 1863 - 1931  mother
Halstead, Nettie M.   died Jan. 13, 1883  age 23y 3m 14d
Pierce, Phineas S. died July 31, 1883  42y 5m 16d  10 Mich. Inf
Pierce, Jane  died Jun3 4, 1885  age 39y 5m 28d   wife of P. F.
Pierce, Carrie   died 7/12/1880  age 8y 11m 11d  daug. of P. F. & J. D.  (sexton records; Clarris E. Pierce)
Pangborn, Anna  died March 13, 1882  aged 20yrs 8mos  0dys wife of Henry
Mills, Eliza A.  July 23, 1838 - May 20, 1907
Row forty one
Hare, D A.  Co. C  Mich. Vol
Hare, Mich  IN Co. C   
Hare,  Decatur A.  April 15, 1828 - July 5, 1898
Hare, Jenet B.  Oct. 17, 1827 - Dec. 13, 1897   mother
Hare, Joseph G.  born May 16, 1863 - Mar. 23, 1872    Joie
Hare, George F.  died Jan. 17, 1890
Cramton, rusty metal marker; can't read  (sexton records: Mable Cramton; baby)
Cramton , rusty metal marker; can't read
Cramton, Daniel B.  1848 - 1926
Chamberlin, Archie E.    died Oct. 11, 1899  age 12y  17d
Chamberlin, Clarence E.     died Feb. 5, 1874  age 6m 19d
Chamberlin Dr. J. M.  V. S.   (no dates)
Fritz, Chester     Mar. 31, 1897 - May 15, 1898  son of E. G.
grave no marker
Perfect, Henry  died  April 26, 1883  age 26y  a native of England
Pettibone, Esther   died May 8, 1863  age 17y 22d  dau of Oliver C. & Elizabeth
Pettibone, Elizabeth  died Nov. 19, 1864  age 30y 3m 11d  wife of O. C.
Row forty two
Blake, Mary L. Mills  July 24, 1857 - Jan. 6, 1928
Mills, Harvey C.  died May 8, 1901  age 54y 3d  29 Mich. Inf.
Goodspeed, Ezra    died April 5, 1891  age 77y  Co. C  38 Ohio Inf
Row forty three
Chamberlain, Erial A.  1818 - 1863
Chamberlain, Mary  Oct. 26, 1820 - Sept. 7, 1888
Winslow, Clara A.  July 15, 1852 - Mar. 12, 1875  wife of G. J. 
Winslow, Frankie E.  Jan. 26, 1875 - July 27, 1895  son of G & C
Chamberlain, Charles A.   Oct. 18, 1856 - Oct. 15, 1889  brother
Chamberlain, Levi B.  Mar. 30, 1843 - Mar. 25, 1927   father
Chamberlain, Emma C.  July 25, 1844 - Nov. 2, 1926  mother
Allen, Mary E.  died Mar. 28, 1888    age 23y 6m 28d
Wylie, Catherin   died Sept. 25, 1905   age 69y 5m  wife of John
Wylie, John   died Jan. 10, 1904  age 74y 11m 2d  husband of Catherin
Shaffner, Lottie M.  1880 - 1963   wife of Thomas H. 
Shaffner, Thomas H.  1877 - 1955  husband of Lottie M.
Shaffner, Russell Wilber  1908 - 1909
Mills, Lewis E.   Nov. 11, 1879 - Aug. 21, 1936    brother
Goodspeed, William R.   died Jan. 4, 1866  age 2y 7m 4d  son of Ezra & Cordelia
Goodspeed, Mary L.  died Sept. 5, 1869  age 14y 10m 18d  dau. of Ezra 7 Cordelia
Row forty four
Barnes, Almond D.   Nov. 15, 1865 - Oct. 31, 1946    resting in peace  father 
Co. D  16 Mich Inf.
Barnes, Jemima   Jan. 23, 1867 - Dec. 2, 1921   resting in peace  mother
Barnes, Katherine  1896 - 1976
Barnes, Lyle E.  1895 - 1922
Rix, Claude G.  1877 - 1939
Rix  (?)
Rix, Hattie E.   died June 8, 1890    15y 7m 14d  dau. of C & E M
Rix, E. M.   Sept. 14, 1846 - Sept. 23, 1913  mother
Rix, Frederic Pete  April 1, 1919 - May 15, 1919   (Frederick Peter)
Cramton, David    Co. G  29 Mich  Inf.  (no dates)
Demmon, Henry  died Sept. 24, 1865   age 51y 6m 23d  husband of Betsy F.
Demmon, Betsy F.  died Mar. 13, 1871  age 50y 6m 11d  wife of Henry (Denman: Betsey F.)
Demmon, Oliver E.   May 20, 1850 - July 21, 1920  husband of May (Denman)
Demmon, May   1864 - 1908   wife of O. E.  (Denman)
Martin, Rosa C.  and baby  died Sept. 26, 1903  age 37y wife of Jay
Row forty five
Townsend, Mariah  1833 - 1900
Crampton, Claud    died Oct. 1, 1900  age 4m 4d  son of C V & S M
Steffen, John D.   1852 - 1982
Goold, Fred H.  died Mar. 4, 1900   age 18y 9m 2d
Goold, Paul    died April 15, 1897   age 4m 15d
marker can't read (Goold ?)
Goold, Henry W.  1849 - 1912
Goold, Eliza Ann   Oct. 3, 1825 - Feb. 7, 1901  age 75y 4m 4d
Walker, Addie D. Goold  1856 - 1931
baby    (can't read name or dates)
Walker, Clyde J.  died Mar. 6, 1877  age 1y 6d  baby son of G O & F L
Demmon, Mertis May   died Jan. 29, 1870   (wife of Cyrus A.)  (Denman)
Demmon, Lewie    died Dec. 1, 1863  age 1y 4 m  son of C A & M    (Lewis; Denman)
Demmon, George Henry  died Jan. 1, 1869  age 2y 8m  son of C A & M (Denman)
Johnson, Ellen      died April 9, 1899   age 79y 9m 26d
Johnson, Albert    died Dec. 16, 1885   age 77y 2m 26d
Row forty six
marker  can't read
marker  can't read
Sanders, Floyd Lee   Oct. 20, 1918 - Aug. 10, 1919
Rogers, Thomas John   Feb. 3, 1958 - June 19, 1978   to live in hearts left behind is not to die
Alvord, Raymond D.  1904 - 1979
Marcy, Ira A.  May 22, 1895 - Sept. 20, 1916
Marcy, Grace   May 27, 1890 - May 27, 1890
Marcy, Willis   May 20, 1889 - May 20, 1889
Marcy, Anna   April 17, 1888 - May 5, 1888
Marcy, Seth     Nov. 5, 1863 - Mar. 21, 1929
Marcy, Viola H.   Aug. 12, 1870 - Nov. 8, 1952
Marcy monument
Marcy, Charley F.  Feb. 22, 1836 - Jan. 28, 1899  father
Marcy, Clista J.   Nov. 8, 1851 - Jan. 5, 1880   mother
Weese, Ada M.  1892 - 1978  (sexton records; Ada Weese Middleton)
Weese, G. Earl  1888 - 1957
Demmon, Frank  July 21, 1843 - Feb. 5, 1923  husband of Mary E. (Denman)
Demmon, Mary E.  1839 - 1912  wife of Frank (Denman)
Demmon monument
Brown, George  June 6, 1795 - Dec. 9, 1887
Brown, Julia S.  Dec. 16, 1808 - Feb. 6, 1885
Brown, Asahel   died Feb. 1, 1867   age 35y 2m 18d
Williams, Janette  1835 - 1911
rusty metal marker  can't read
Row forty seven
Loyer, George   April 19, 1880    age 79y 17d
Closs, Robert     1854 - 1924   father
Closs, Margaret  1851 - 1928   mother
Closs monument
Brown, Delos   1915 - 1919
Brown, Mary J. Closs  1882 - 1918
Annible, Hannah J.   died Nov. 8, 1879   age 52y 4m 2d
DeBolt, Ida Smith  1856 - 1923  mother
Smith, Gilbert  1818 - 1902    (husband of Dollie & Ida Smith/DeBolt)
Smith, Dollie    died July 7, 1870   age 50y 16d (Dorothy Gibbs; wife of Gilbert)
Winslow, Rena   1857 - 1881
Winslow, Rose   1882 - 1925   (wife of Will)
Row forty eight
Nagle, Philip   1804 - Jan. 5, 1876    age 72 y
Nagle, Hanora  1815 - Sept. 21, 1880   age 65y  on marker with Philip
(sexton records; Nagle baby buried here)
DeBolt, Michael  1823 - 1895   (husband of Esther Wilsie & Martha Jane)
DeBolt, Ester May   1876 - 1896
Smith, Martha Jane  1846 - 1929  wife of Henry Cramton - Michael DeBolt (Martha Jane Smith/Cramton/DeBolt)
Gravratt, Emma Jane  1869 - 1947   (Cramton)
(sexton records; McEuen, Mrs. Calvin;  no dates on marker)
Cramton, Henry M.  husband of Martha Jane  1843 - 1870
Coleman, George E.  died Oct. 19, 1887   age 35y 4m 6d
Coleman monument
Coleman, Mary E.  1850 - 1929
Row forty nine
Kennedy, F. C.   died Mar. 14, 1877   age 54y 1m 16d  husband of Sarah
Kennedy, Sarah   died Mar. 19, 1876    age 60y
marker can't read
marker can't read
Tilden, Harold Gene  died July 17, 1951   baby boy
Pangborn, Loring W.   born June 5, 1840  died June 26, 1895
Pangborn, Pheline L.  May 15, 1846 - May 19, 1910
Pangborn, George W.  1843 - 1873 (husband of Harriet A.)
Pangborn, George     Co. B  First Reg. Vt. Cav. Vol. (same as above)
Atchinson, Harra A.  1847 - 1922  (Pangborn/Marcy/Atchinson; wife of James Pangborn)
Winslow memorial
Pangborn, Hannah  died Nov. 29, 1873   age 59y 9m 5d   wife of James L.
Winslow, Mary B.  1817 - 1892   wife of L. S.
Winslow, L. S.   died Mar. 26, 1876   68y 14d  wife of Mary Brown (Loring S., Sr.)
Marcy, Alonson   Oct. 16, 1807 - Jan. 15, 1895  husband of Mary Ann Upton
Marcy, Mary A.  1825 - ?   nee Upton  wife of Alonson
Marcy, Ira E.  Nov. 5, 1868 - Jan. 10, 1876   son of A & M A
Row fifty
Boughner monument
marker can't read  ( ? Boughner)
marker can't read  ( ? Boughner)
marker can't read ( ? Boughner)
Lee, Eddie    child of J & M   (no dates)
Lee, Grace    child of J & M   (no dates)   on same marker with Eddie
Lee, Ella       died Dec. 27, 1879   age 12y 11m
Lee, Joseph H.   Co. E  2 NY  Inf   (no dates)
?, Malinda  (can't read rest of marker; same as below?)
Smith, Malinda    died Mar. 28, 1903   age 34y 6m 30d  wife of Harmon L.
Smith, Harmon L.   1872 - 1955   wife of Malinda
Bagg, L. G.   Oct. 29, 1823 - Jan. 20, 1888   husband of Jane
Bagg, Jane   died Nov. 13, 1903   age 79y 1m 8d   wife of L. G.
Smith, Mary J.   (sexton records, age 23y 11m 5d, wife of Charles G. & adopted dau. of L J & J B Bagg)
Row fifty one
Marcy, Orin J.  1865 - 1940   dad
Marcy, Edna  1870 - 1889   wife
Marcy, Seth A.  1904 - 1912  son
Marcy, Kenneth W.   Nov. 26, 1927 - Jan. 17, 1984   US Navy  World War II
Prichard, Henry  1878 - 1880   son
Prichard, James  1848 - 1926    father      husband of Mary Etta
Prichard, Mary Etta   1846 - 1927  mother    wife of James
Winslow, Ray E.  1889 - 1915
Winslow, Roy  died Sept. 13, 1889   age 3d    son of F P & Louisa
Winslow monument
Winslow, Louisa L.   1861 - 1948   mother
Winslow, Franklin P.  1861 - 1945  father
Winslow, Roy E.   1916 - 1917   son of Ross & Nellie
Warner, Electa    died July 9, 1892    81y 11m 21d   wife of Chester
Warner, Chester   died Apr. 18, 1884  age 68y 8m  husband of Electa
Warner, George S.   died June 13, 1874    age 23y 10m
Parker, Hiram P.  Feb. 22, 1845 - Nov. 16, 1938
Parker, Caroline A.   July 8, 1849 - Feb. 14, 1922
Parker, Lewis E.   Feb. 14, 1881 - Feb. 11, 1901   son of H
Parker monument
Parker, Bertie H.   1878 - 1878   son of H P
Parker, Ward E.   1902 - 1904    son of H P
Hutchins, Cora Jane  1870 - 1933
Hutchins, Edward G.  1864 - 1947
Row fifty two
Webster, Adelia Ellen  April 6, 1848 - Jan. 7, 1899  wife of Wm.
Webster, Hiram W.  died Apr. 6, 1890  age 8y 4m  son of Wm. & Adelia
Winegardner, Jennie   died Sept. 18, 1884   47y 2m 27d  wife of C. K.
DeBolt, Emma D.   1882 - 1922   wife of G. Albert       mother
DeBolt, G. Albert  1881 - 1916   father (husband of Emma D. Bonhoff; died 1917; first name George)
Shaffner, L. O.   1871 - 1916   father  (Osmer)
Shaffner monument
Shaffner, Emma   1874 - 1938   mother
Merritt, Mary E.   1820 - 1899   mother
(sexton records; four Merritt children buried here)
Merritt, Nathanial T.   1819 - 1878   husband of Mary E.   (wife of Nathanial)
Chamberlin, James A.   1845 - 1912   Co. D  16 Mich  Inf
Chamberlin, Cynthia V.   1847 - 1917
Chamberlin monument
Chamberlin, Minnie B.  1869 - 1939
Chamberlin, Curtis F.  1876 - 1897
DeBolt, Florence P.  1879 - 1880    dau. of G W & I A
DeBolt, Ida A.  1855 - 1881  (wife of G. W. ; Ida Alleta Smith)
DeBolt, George W.  1849 - 1913    (husband of Ida A. & Emma A.)
DeBolt, Emma A.  1861 - 1937    (Tilden)
Row fifty three
Winslow, Charles H.  1878 - 1935
Hichens, Julia Winslow    1883 - 1927
Winslow, Harriett Chase  1849 - 1929
Winslow, Charles Henry  1847 - 1910
Shaffner, Frances M.   1850 - 1945    mother
Shaffner, Oscar R.   1888 - 1970   son of Frances & Samuel
Shaffner, Samuel E.   1846 - 1932   father
Winslow, Curtis G.  1875 - 1915
Winslow, Rex G.  1890 - 1946
Winslow, Loring S.  1848 - 1922
Winslow, Alta G.   1851 - 1916
Bennett, Alice   1872 - 1945   wife of Wm.
Bennett, William  1864 - 1932
Bennett, Minnie  1877 - 1913   wife of Wm.   (nee DeBolt)
Brown, Elizabeth     died Mar. 29, 1900   age 73y 7m 11d
Row 54
Sharlowe, Sarah Elizabeth     died Aug. 17, 1910    57y 7m 21d  wife of J
Davis, (? Hannah   Aug. 6, 1854 - June 30, 1894   wife of Richard)
Davis, George W.   Jan. 1, 1813 - Aug. 20, 1884  71y 3m 19d husband of Rachel
Davis, (?  Richard  June 12, 8- Mar. 10, 1910   husband of Hannah)
Davis, (? Rachel  Feb. 2,


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