Twenty-Five Men To Go in Draft Call August 4

Lions to Give Farewell.

1447 Registrants Now Classified.

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, July 24, 1941


   Twenty-five men from Isabella county, will be sent to the Detroit induction center on Monday, August 4, in answer to call for the Selective Service training.  This is an increase of four over the original call, which was made six days previously.


   The contingent will leave at six o’clock in the evening from the union bus terminal.


   The Mt. Pleasant Lions club is planning another farewell for the men who leave in the ninth call and selectees will be presented with American pocket flags.  A prominent resident from Isabella county will deliver the farewell address.


   The tentative list in so far as complete Wednesday evening is:


            Otis Harold McDonald Blanchard; Carol Otis Grandon, 1403 East Broadway, Mt. Pleasant;

Steve Tarr, Wellston, Michigan; Charles Woodruff, R3, Shepherd; Roland Schutt, R2, Rosebush; Lee Larimer, 415 South Fancher, Mt. Pleasant; Robert Clare, Pennsylvania St., Mt. Pleasant; James Jackson, Farwell; David Walters, R1, Shepherd; Duane Nelson, Blanchard; Willie Heistand, R2, Shepherd;

            Mitchell Decker, 210 Bennett Street, Mt. Pleasant; Robert Thompson, 511 South Main, Mt. Pleasant;  Marvin Rauch, R1, Blanchard; Leonard Keusch, 314 East Cherry, Mt. pleasant; Robert bond, Leslie, Michigan; Howard Heckart, R1, Remus; Sam Mester, R3, Coleman; La Vier Wentz, 213 South Harris, Mt. pleasant; Edward Gallagher, Mt. Pleasant; Gordon Elliott, R1, Weidman; Ralph Vetere, 221 South Fancher, Mt. pleasant; Santiago Moreno, R3, Mt. Pleasant.


   According to the report of the Isabella county draft board, as of June 30, 1941, the number of registrants for whom classification is totally or partially completed number 1447.


   Of this number 650 fell into the class 3-A group which claimed one or more dependents; 92 are placed in Class 1-B, qualified for limited military service; 74 in class 2, occupational deferment; 123 in class 4-F, physically, mentally and morally unfit; 32 in class 4-C, aliens; 3 in class 4-D, ministers; 2 in class 4-E, conscientious objectors (one already inducted); 1 in class  4-A, completed military service; 1 in class 1-A-O, conscientiously opposed to combatant military service; class 1-B-O conscientiously opposed to combatant military service and qualified for limited military service.


   163 registrants from this area are now in military service, with 144 inducted and 19 enlistments through other channels.



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