Religious and Spiritual Organizations


Churches of Isabella County, by Township

Pioneer Days, The First Church Service Held in the County, by Chas. Taylor
North-Western Tribune, March 16, 1888

Past and Present of Isabella County Michigan
Isaac A. Fancher, 1911
CHAPTER XV - CHURCH HISTORY -------------------------------------------
Church History Coincident With First Settlement-First Church Built for the Indians--Methodists Early in the Field-Erection and Dedication of First Church-History of M. E. Society at Mt. Pleasant-First Sunday School- Ministers of this Society - Presbyterian--A New Church Erected-Ministers-- The Baptist Church-Episcopal Church-Free.-will Baptists--Free Methodists -Church of God-The Disciples-M. E. Church at Salt River-Other Methodist Church--Wesleyan Methodists--United Brethren-Seventh-Day Adventists-- Evangelical Church-German Lutherans--Church of the Open Bible--Holiness Church-Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church-The Hornerites-Catholic Societies and Schools--Christian Science Church-An Indian Prayer-Unitarian Church.

Portrait and Biographical Album, Isabella County, Mich. containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches
of Prominent and Representative Citizens of the County...

Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1884
            Churches and Societies - includes information on the Methodist, Presbyterian, Unitarian, Catholic
                                                     Episcopal, Baptist and Sunday Schools in Mt. Pleasant
                                                     page 571
                                                     page 572
                                                     page 573   
                                                     page 574


        Calvary Baptist Church
        Chippewa Baptist Church
        First Baptist Church, founded in 1883 as the Baptist Society in Mt. Pleasant
        Strickland Baptist Church
        Salt River Baptist Church, Shepherd, founded in 1872
        Free Will Baptist Church, Gilmore Township, founded in 1881
        Weidman Baptist Church


Early French Missions on the Saginaw
          Sacred Heart, Mt. Pleasant, from Faces and Places Familiar, Mt. Pleasant
          Sacred Heart Church, Mt. Pleasant from The Daily Times News article (1964).
  Sacred Heart Church was originally called St. Charles church
                Visit of Bishop Richter, North-Western Tribune, May 4, 1888
          St. Charles, Leaton
          St. Henry's, Rosebush
          St. Joseph the Worker, Beal City
          St. Leo's, Winn
          St. Philomena, Beal City   
 Rev. Father Alexander Zugelder, Part I
                                                                        Part II
                  Priest's House
          St. Vincent De Paul, Winn

Temple of Benjamin
Central Michigan Jewish Community Association, Mt. Pleasant

Church of God, Fremont Township, founded in 1891

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
          Mt. Pleasant Ward

Church of the Open Bible, Brinton
Church of the Nazarene

Disciples of Christ, founded in 1876


        St. John's Episcopal Church, Mt. Pleasant, founded in 1883

Evangelical Church (also known as the Brookens Church)

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Mt. Pleasant

First Church of God

Gilmore Church of Christ, organized in 1880

Holiness Church, Brinton
Hornerites,  Rosebush


        German Lutheran Church, County Center,  Deerfield Township, organized in 1880,
        moved to Mt. Pleasant in 1938 to the corner of Maple and Arnold Streets where it
        became know as the Zion Lutheran Church.
        Evangelical Lutheran Trinity Church, Mt. Pleasant, founded in 1908
          Lutheran Mission, established 1861
History of the mission written in 1961 by Harold W. Moll of Midland, Michigan
        Zion Lutheran Church, Rolland Township



        First Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Mt. Pleasant, founded in 1863
Obituary of George Bradley - Missionary to the Indians
               Obituary of Sophia Bradley - wife of George Bradley

From the Enterprise: REV. ROBERT SHELDON
               Written by Father Sheldon’s daughter; Mrs. Frank Butler Eastland, Maryland
               Jan. 25, 1922
        Rosebush Charge Methodist Episcopal Church - also known as the Center Church or
                    the Rosebush Center Church.
                    Record of Pastors through 1931
                    Record of Official Members
                    Alphabetical Record of Members in Full Connection
                    Record of Probationers
                    Record of Marriages
                    Record of Baptisms

        Free Methodist Church, Weidman, founded in 1899
        Caldwell (Two Rivers) Methodist Episcopal Church
Chippewa Methodist Church
        Shepherd Methodist Church, founded in 1863
        Wesleyan Methodist Church, Blanchard
        Weidman Methodist Episcopal Church, now Weidman United Methodist Church, 1897
Pioneer Days, The First Church Service Held in the County, by Chas. Taylor
        North-Western Tribune, March 16, 1888

        The Beginnings of Methodism in Isabella County - Mabel C. Adams, Robert C. Adams
Fifty-Two Years of Itinerant Life in the Michigan Conference of the M.E. Church


        Presbyterian Ministerial Aid Society, Mt. Pleasant, founded in 1867
        First Presbyterian Church, Mt. Pleasant, founded 1871
        First Presbyterian Church, Calkinsville/Rosebush, founded 1880
                The Church Register - from The Minutes of Session and Church Register
                    Register of Pastors
                    Register of Elders
                    Register of Communicants
                    Register of Marriages
                    Register of Deaths           

Quaker - Pine River Meeting

Seventh Day Adventist Church, Union Township

Unitarian Universalist Church, Mt. Pleasant, founded in 1881

United Brethren, Blanchard

West Side Gospel Tabernacle


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