City and County Give Rousing Sendoff to Boys

Crowd of Two Thousand Cheers Seventh Call Contingent Numbering 53

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, June 12, 1941


   Approximately two thousand residents of Mt. Pleasant and Isabella County, participated in the metropolitan farewell given in honor of the fifth-three men from the county who left Monday morning, June 9, at 11:38 am for induction into Selective Service training.  The patriotic event was arranged by the Mt. Pleasant Lions club in cooperation with the Owen Barrett post of the American Legion.

   After receiving final instructions at the Selective Service headquarters, the men were taken via the Mt. Pleasant fire trucks to the city’s famed corners, Broadway and main streets, where they received public acclaim.

   City manager W. K. Willman, spoke briefly praising the men  for the part they are about to play in the National program for the defense of the United States of America, left this closing thought with the men “Mt. Pleasant will not forget – we hope you will not forget Mt. Pleasant”.

   Lendy Davis, clerk of the Selective Service board, made the final roll call and as each man answered, he was presented with a 12 x 18 silk American pocket flag.  The presentation was made by Paul Hamel, chairman of the Citizenship committee of the lions organization.

   Following the flag presentation the boys, aboard the fire trucks, were escorted to the Ann Arbor depot for the last adieux.  The American Legion color-bearers, led the parade to the depot, followed by  the honored guests on the fire trucks, the Mt. Pleasant high school band, resplendent in their new uniforms, and under the directorship of Preston Mayhew.  Following were the members of the Lions club, Sheriff’s department, American Legion and members of the Veterans of Foreign wars.  Motorcycle escort was furnished by the Michigan State police.

   The high school band continued with their program of music until the train, bearing the men to the induction center in Detroit, had steamed out of the station.

   Thus ended Mt. Pleasant’s first general patriotic demonstration in honor of men from this county who will train to protect the country in the present emergency.

   While tearful relatives, and friends waved last adieus, the men in true soldier fashion, leaned from the windows and stood on the observation platform, waving the small American flags which they had so proudly received as a gift from one of Mt. Pleasant’s civic clubs.

   The men who left Monday in answer to the seventh call were:


   Louis J. Toth, R-3, Mt. Pleasant; Dewey Allen, R-3, Clare; Harlan R. Sprague, Weidman; Edwin N. Thomas, Weidman; Raymond L. Fraley, R-1, Weidman; Charles L. Quick, R-4, Clare; Cecil J. Clare, 316 N. College Ave., Mt. Pleasant; Elmer O. Flaugher, 805 W. Broadway, Mt. Pleasant; Aubrey D. Norris, 1116 E. Pickard, Mt. Pleasant; Ford W. Sharp, R-1, Remus.

   John A. Muterspaugh, R-1, Rosebush; Charles J. Myers, 1500 E. High St., Mt. Pleasant; Edward P. Smith, R-1, Mt. Pleasant; Alfred G. Fryfogle, Box 45, Mt. Pleasant; Joe P. Radey, R-1, Rosebush; Frank Duriga, R-2, Rosebush; Donald S. Claybough, Shepherd.


   Dalton D. Hutchins, Box 23, Winn; Henry L. Wieber, R-1, Weidman; Richard A. Tilmann, R-2, Mt. Pleasant; Kenneth E. Lynch, R-1, Blanchard; Elton R. Sherman, 416 Williams St., Lansing; Edward E. Archey, 1013 E. High St., Mt. Pleasant; Charles D. Darnell, R-1, Weidman; Lewis M. Abbott, R-3, Blanchard; Robert E. Sole, 511 S. Franklin St., Mt. Pleasant; Eugene Thayer, R-3, Clare.

   Bernard P. Schumacher, R-3, Rosebush; William F. Vorce, R-1, Coleman; Franklin J. Riggle, R-3, Mt. Pleasant; James A. Pease, R-1, Blanchard; Howard A. Dingman, 211 N. Adams, Mt. Pleasant;Marvin L. Williams, Box 66, Weidman; Jesus Herrera, R-2, Rosebush; Joseph A. Snell, R-3, Clare; Dale D. Barker, R-3, Shepherd; Aaron E. Blackmer, R-3, Blanchard; Ronald A. Crawford, Rosebush; Warren G. Cole, R-3, Shepherd.

   Floyd R. Powers, R-4, Clare; Harold M. Snyder, R-2, Shepherd; Mathias Kornexl, R-2, Mt. Pleasant; John Ackerman, R-3, Clare; Robert S. Smith, R-1, Farwell; Roy W. Snear, R-4, Clare; Roy F. Spalsbury, 415 N. Arnold, Mt. Pleasant; Laurence F. Betz, 512 E. Broadway, Mt. Pleasant.

   Harry J. Bellinger, 512 S. Kinney, Mt. Pleasant; Donald J. MacRae, 102 E. Broadway, Mt. pleasant; Elmer A. Lynch, R-2, Rosebush; Alexander W. Weiber, Weidman; Raymond J. Endres, 417 N. Franklin, Mt. Pleasant;

Edwin K. McIntosh, 414 S. Arnold, Mt. Pleasant; Clarence Grewe, 503 S. Main St., Mt. Pleasant.

   William J. Albright of 509 South College avenue was transferred to Oklahoma and Jesus Herrera, of R-2, Rosebush, was transferred, to Texas.  These men were originally members of the seventh call from this area.

   Two other men who were listed to go with the seventh call but were excused because of illness were Steve Tarr, of Wellston  and Joe E. Ulsh of Box 38, Shepherd.

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