Older Draft Registrants are Deferred

Seventeen Men Leave in July Contingent…Given Rousing Sendoff

Isabella County Times-News, Thursday, July 3, 1941


   The Isabella Selective Service board received instructions from the National headquarters this week, to postpone the induction, for thirty days, of all selectees who have obtained the age of twenty-eight years on or before July 1, 1941.

   The action was taken pending the outcome of the Draft age bill, which passed the senate and is now before the House of Representatives.

   Seventeen men from Isabella county, and Central Michigan College of Education, were accorded a rousing send-off by the members of the Mt. Pleasant Lions club, the American Legion and city officials, Wednesday afternoon, July 2, when they left at 5:30 o’clock from the Union bus terminal for induction into Selective Service training.

   Mayor Frank E. Robinson in behalf of the city, gave an inspiring talk in commemoration of the part the men from the county are taking in defense work.

   Silk pocket flags, were then presented to each man leaving, by Charles Millen, representing the Lions club, with Mayor Robinson presenting the first flag to Chas Crampton leader.

   American Legion color bearers and legionnaires were also present to see that the boys received all due attention.

   Those who left Wednesday included:

   Volunteers – John Starkweather, Winn; Chase Crampton, R-3, Mt. Pleasant, Myron Singer, Shepherd.

   Selectees – Aloysius Tilmann, R-2, Mt. Pleasant; Dale Nelson, Stanton; Edwarad Pearson,Midland; Andrew Stone, bay City; Otto Hoffman, Mt. Pleasant; Kenneth Waldron, Big Rapids; Andrew Nicolaon, Mt. Pleasant, Chris Myers, Shepherd; Edward Krepps, Muskegon Heights; Ralph Stafford, Mt. Pleasant; Floyd Morey, R-2, Blanchard; Walter Zier, R-1, Mt. Pleasant; Edwarad Epple, R-5, Mt. Pleasant; and Alix Hoffman, R-3, Shepherd.

   The leader of the group was Chase Crampton and assistant leaders, Floyd Morey and Andrew Nicolson.


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