George Bolinger

      So long as there is a railroad in Weidman, George Bolinger will be its agent.  So says the

P. M. Superintendent.  And everybody here thinks that is a good arrangement.  For George

is the popular Pere Marquette Railroad agent at this place. 

     He was born in Saginaw county 48 years ago;  attended school in Merrill, where he

worked for the railroad, and the family then moved to Vanderbilt, where he continued as a

railway employee.  The family came to Weidman in 1916, and have lived in the house they

bought of Allie Shephard, on North street, ever since.

     George was in the army in the big war, but aside from that experience he has been with us

ever since coming here.  Affairs at the depot are always in apple pie order, and the incoming

and outgoing freight gets the best of attention.  He is always courteous to questioners asking

this and that about outside railroads and connections, and takes proper care of all business

entrusted to him.

     He was taken to Camp Custer in 1917, on entering the war, and was with a regiment of

engineers at Indianapolis for the rest of the war, returning home in 1918.

     So we take pleasure in presenting his picture to our readers this week.  If you have any

business with the P. M. you will find him affable, courteous and efficient.  May our railroad

branch long be with us, and with George as its agent. 


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