Winn Area Centennial History Book, Winn, Michigan 1876-1976


Elzy Dush


Elzy Dush was the son of William and Hannah (Todd) Dush, natives of Licking County, Ohio. They moved to Michigan in 1867 and settled on 40 acres in Section 10 of Fremont Township.


Elzy Dush was born in Licking County, Ohio, on December 15, 1835. He enlisted in Co. E, 14th Ohio Vol. Infantry.  He was wounded in the arm at the battle of Jonesboro and was finally discharged. He then came and located on Section 3, Fremont Township and later settled upon Section 2.


In 1866 Mr. Dush married Lucinda, daughter of Hiram and Catherine Beard. To them were born 8 children: Alice, Dec. 8, 1867; William, Jan. 3, 1869; Martha, July 8, 1871; Olive, Sept. 6, 1874; Oscar, Sept 14, 1877; Claude, Oct. 14, 1880; Minnie and Mina, born Aug. 17, 1882. Their son, Claude, died at the age of 3. Mr. Dush had another daughter, Harriet (by a former marriage), born Jan. 19, 1862. Elzy Dush was the grandfather of Kenneth Dush.



(Elzy Dush is buried in Taylor Cemetery in Fremont Township, Michigan.

See Portrait and Biographies, Isabella County, MI, 1884.)


Transcribed by Joan Van Spronsen 





                                                   Lucinda and Elzy Dush