Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the photograph.

THE DREW SCHOOL, April 23, 1925 -- From the Weidman Messenger Newspaper.
This reminder of old times was loaned the Messenger by Minnie Strauch of Mt. Pleasant.
Her notations accompanying the picture list the students as follows: Top Row, left to right, Ila Risdon, Emma Darnell, Vada Chaffee, Lorena Baker, Iva Willoughby, Beatrice Chaffee, Teacher Anna Miles, Gladys Darnell, Fern Willoughby, Milda Johnson, Erma Hines.  Second row: Clayton Beutler, Kenneth Baker, Oren Leiter, Clarence Chaffee, Harry Darnell, Gerald Embrey.  Third Row: Harley Latham, Charles Hines, Fey Beutler, Kenneth Chaffee, Doris Embrey, Esther Beutler, Dorothea Beutler, Glenn Fritz, Glifford Leiter, Carl Fitzgerald.  Bottom row: Clarence Embrey, Clyde Chaffee, Harold Losey, Leo Embrey, Lyle Darnell, George Woodin, Orval Merrihew.  The picture was taken by a photographer from Newaygo.

Per Joyce McClain, the photographer is George Bonneville.

The Weidman Messenger

Vol. II, No. 4, Thursday, July 8, 1965

The Woodin School Children (the picture for this piece is the same as the above picture labeled The Drew School).

     The Busy Bees entertained the old Woodin School scholars and teachers with a reunion held at the Drew Hall June 27. 
     There were about 100 present, including five teachers and 47 old scholars.
     The teachers were Lena Merrihew Comstock, who taught there in 1904; Lucille Fleming Merrihew, 1913; Rose Sheahan Beutler, 1920; Margaret Peacock Denslow, 1932, and Lola Fordyce, 1938 and 1939.
     The Woodin School was built in 1879. 
     Among the old scholars present at the reunion were Lena Merrihew Comstock, who attended in 1889; George Merrihew and Ina Gillette, 1893; Bob Hine, 1894; and Orrie Merrihew, 1893.
     Everyone had a very enjoyable day renewing old acquaintances and meeting new ones.
     The next reunion will be held the last Sunday in June, 1966.  Old students are urged to send their present addresses to Mrs. Vada Gatehouse, Weidman, R. 1, for future contact with old friends.
     "Busy Bees, we thank you," was the word from all who attended this historic reunion.

© 2003 by Donna Hoff-Grambau