World War I Draft Registration


Under the Selective Service Law and Regulations in 1917 and 1918 all Michigan men were required to file a Selective Service Registration Card.

Three Draft Registrations Were Held:

     First Registration: held June 5, 1917 (men born June 6, 1886 - June 5, 1896)

     Second Registration: held June 5, 1918 (men born June 6, 1896 - June 5, 1897)

      Supplemental registration - August 24, 1918 (men born June 6, 1897 - August 24, 1897)
      considered part of the second registration

     Third Registration: held Sept. 12, 1918 (men born September 13, 1873 - September 12, 1900)

Points to Remember:


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