1921 District Five Nottawa School Census List

School Census of the Township of Nottawa, County of Isabella for the school year ending July 11, 1921
District Five: the following is a correct list, as taken by Michael Schumacher, of the names and ages of all children belonging to district No. 5,
five years of age and under twenty years, together with the name and address of parent or guardian and that said census was taken in a house to house
canvas during the fifteen days prior to June 1, 1921.
Eight grades were taught in the school, with 2 pupils graduating from the eighth grade in 1919-1920.  Neither pupil entered High School.

KEY: Date of Birth is for those age 5 and 19 at the time of the census; the date of birth is entered as entered by the enumerator.
         All spellings of names, both given and surname, are as the enumerator recorded them.
         There were 51 children between the ages of 5 and 20 in the district, 26 males and 25 females.  Of those 31 attended school
         during the school year, 16 males and 15 females.  5 children were enrolled in the 7th grade and 4 were enrolled in the 8th grade.
         A district library was established in 1907. In 1921 there were 0 new volumes added for a total of 111 volumes.
         Explanation of the relationship to the child is given if it is not the parent in the column Full Name of Parent or Legal Guardian.   
Teacher: Mary E. Loomis
Enumerator: Michael Schumacher

Enrollment by Grades

Grade Boys Girls Total
Kindergarten 0 0 0
First Grade 5 4 9
Second Grade 1 3 4
Third Grade 0 1 1
Fourth Grade 0 0 0
Fifth Grade 2 1 3
Sixth Grade 3 3 6
Seventh Grade 0 0 0
Eighth Grade 5 3 8
NAME OF CHILDAgeDate of birth of those 5 and 19NAME OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIANADDRESSDistrictTeacher
Anna Martin18 Tony MartinRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Carl Martin11 Tony MartinRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Harold Martin8 Tony MartinRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Alma Fox17 Mathias FoxRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Rose Fox16 Mathias FoxRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Sylvester Fox15 Mathias FoxRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Fredrick Fox13 Mathias FoxRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Herman Fox7 Mathias FoxRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Edwin Fox9 Mathias FoxRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Harold Spooner19Feb. 19, 1902Charles SpoonerRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Walter Spooner16 Charles SpoonerRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Howard Spooner10 Charles SpoonerRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Marion Spooner13 Charles SpoonerRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Florence Spooner8 Charles SpoonerRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Thern Jarmen15 Shay JarmenFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Leonard Jackson14 Elden JacksonFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Walter Jackson12 Elden JacksonFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Cecelia Wawersick17 Emamal WawersickFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Joseph Wawersick16 Emamal WawersickFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Edward Wawersick14 Emamal WawersickFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Mary Wohlscheid18 Matt WohlscheidFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Anna Wohlscheid16 Matt WohlscheidFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Ernest Halfmann19May 18, 1902Frank HalfmannFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Clemens Halfmann16 Frank HalfmannFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Loretta Halfmann12 Frank HalfmannFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Andrew Blasen19May 5, 1902Joseph BlasenFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Anna Blasen15 Joseph BlasenFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Loretta Blasen12 Joseph BlasenFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Christine Blasen8 Joseph BlasenFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Irene Pung9 William PungFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Dorothy Pung7 William PungFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Bernard Pung5Nov. 18, 1915William PungFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Antonette Schumacher16 Michael SchumacherFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Rachiel Cotter17 Frank CotterRosebush Route 35Mary E. Loomis
Christine Cotter15 Frank CotterRosebush Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Luke Cotter13 Frank CotterRosebush Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Mildred Cotter10 Frank CotterRosebush Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Harold Cotter8 Frank CotterRosebush Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Willmer Cotter6 Frank CotterRosebush Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Tony Vogel16 Joseph VogelFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Peter Vogel13 Joseph VogelFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Bertha Doll17 Matt DollFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Edward Smith6 Joseph SmithFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Roy Smith6 Albert SmithFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Raymond Smith5Jan. 21, 1916Albert SmithFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Florence Straus19March 31, 1902Herbert StrausWeidman R. 25Mary E. Loomis
Iva Keller17May 8, 1904Lorne KellerFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Margaret Black11 Andy BlackFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Antonio Henzihnotivz10 John HenzihnotivzFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis
Mary Henzihnotivz6July 10, 1915John HenzihnotivzFarwell Route 15Mary E. Loomis


© 2012 by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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