Mt. Pleasant High School 1919 Yearbook


Student Listings



Irene Ayling

Helen Stirling

Frank Sage

Faith Jonston

Mildred Graham

Grace Armstrong

Ernest Orser

Walter Warner

Gertrude Mae Dodds

 Nellie Imhoff

Roy Robinson

 Don Ubele

Marjorie Graham

Pauline Spring

Fred Beddow

Pierson Mosher

Norma Young

Elsie Behrend

George Middlesworth

 Howard Guthrie

Eva Orser

Charlotte Dunigan

Sidney Kennedy

Nellie Seaton

Thelma Dersnah

Gladys Stutting

Robert Balmer Gorham

Haldon Robinson

Genevieve Graham

Elva Wilbur

Dale Grauber

George Lance

Maye Grinnell

Mary Louise Maxwell

Elmer Pease

Monroe Van Riper

Jesse Smith

Irene Savage

Louis Meyer

George Priest

Ellen Goodenough

Mildred Jones

Chester Spring

Grace Woolworth

Nanette Carnahan

Mary Ruth Sanford

Leland Taggart



Ellen Allen

Grace Meyers

Helen Allen

Corabella Morse

Edith Bush

Rosella Merrill

Ruth Brown

Hazen Moore

Loyd Bush

Elden McMacken

Olive Brown

 Guy Oliver

Bruce Calkins

Arnold Peters

Menzo Caliman

Gertrude Porterfield

Elmer Calhoun

Marguerite Plowman

Charlotte Dunigan

Alice Rowlader

Mildred McDonald

Alice Stutting

Ruth Densmore

Marion Sampson

Bernice Doud

Nina Seaton

Cecil Funnel

 Eunice Slentz

Marja Ferris

Marguerite Stutting

Loretta Freeman

Carrie Sisco

Fern Goolthrite

Willard Stanton

William Holcomb

 Mamie Spring

Dorothy Hubbard

Francis Thayer

Fred Hersee

Bertha Thorpe

Carl Jennings

John Van Lammeren

Karl Kipfmueller

 Thayer Walsh

Ronald Larzelere

Nellie Lewvay

Beulah McKenzie

Gerald Middlesworth

Harold McMacken

Jospehine Mitchell



Elsie Ayris

Gladys Lamb

Marion Brandenburg

Thelma Livingston

Aileen Bellows

Helen Lethorn

Olive Brookens

Mable De Lamater

Glenn Brookens

Karl Moss

Iva May Burgess

 Carlyle Montgomery

Herbert Beddow

Glenora Mogg

Carrie Baumgart

Norma MacGillivray

Rolland Brown

Ethel Maschke

Birdella Campbell

 Nina MacIntyre

Milan Crapo

Bernice Packard

Ivan Cole

Ella Pearce

Arthur Cooper

Helen Rowland

Ruth Doughty

Jonly Ripley

Marion DeVinney

Lulu Slocum

Olga Dunn

Frank Still

Olive Davis

Ralph Stickle

George De Puy

Gladys Shauf

Charles Egbert

Dora Shauf

Martha Forquer

Beulah Sutton

Dale Figg

Charles Thayer

Iden Francis

Harold Tucker

Minnie Hobbs

Verna Vedder

Phyllis Haggerty

Bernard Wodruff

Mildred Hileman

Wade Weaver

Phyllis Johnson

Mary Warriner

Elizabeth Kelley

Edward Gilpin

Gladys Keller

Karl Wile

Harold Kniffen

Harry Piper

William Lawrence

Dorothy Bacon

Harold Manchester


Ruth Williams

Gretchen Harrison

Harold Wymans

 Ellen Hall

Ione Warner

 Donald Hall

Ruth Winslow

Cora Gilpin

Mary Willis

Wesley Gilpin

Gerald Whitney

Goldie Goodin

Donald Wilbur

Franklin Flory

Arthur Van Riper

Kenneth Farner

Wallach Thayer

Elsie Fee

Carl Thayer

Reuben Earns

Olive Tripp

Bertrand Evans

Eleanor Thering

Aleda Dexter

Esabel Tonkin

Lionel Davis

Thelma Tonkin

Olive Dorn

Howard Stacy

Fanny Diehl

Lafern Sanders

Ruth Devinney

Bruce Stevens

Doris Davidson

Hazel Secord

Henrietta Dunigan

Donald Sanders

Anna Dow

Arthur Savage

Edna Doughty

Beatrice Sage

Leroy De Mond

Mildred Rice

Bessie Caszatt

Clifford Russell

Ralph Crawford

Dorothy Root

Minnie Converse

Dana Roy

Phil Collins

Alice Quick

Beatrice Cady

Dora Prothero

Viola Coughlin

Marian Pullen

Lela Christenson

Mary Porterfield

Ray Campbell

Kathryne Proud

Martha Chamberlain

Asahel Orser

Verba Baker

Joseph Olsen

Ray Bowerman

Olga Oliver

Walter Barkey

Kenneth Moss

Richard Bilcox

Stanley Monroe

Helen Beebe

Eva Mead

Ellen Blacklock

Florence Meyer

Sybil Blacklock

Mary Logan

Elsie Beach

Onita Low

William Avard

Kathlyne Kellog

Harry Armstrong

Ivan Kennedy

Modina Ash

Ivah Jones

Tillie Sisco

Coral Howay

Ida Phelps

Erma Hoover

Ralph Deeter

Minnie Honeywell

Harry Merrill

Lawrence Hanks

Hervey Beutler

Alma Merrill


Mr. Frederick H Kinney, Principal

Miss Florence Bovee

Mis Beatrice Frater

Mrs. Edith Whitney

Mrs. Irene Balwin

Miss Marguerite Meyer

Mr. H. G. Chase

 Miss Florence Delong

Miss Bertha Hess

Mr. Warren Allen


In the Military

John Beddow

Foster Hoover

John Delamater

 Evan Weidman

Fred Beddow




Oscar Patterson

Killed in Action August 6, 1918


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