Due to the amount of information in most of these weddings, I am only listing the date of marriage or newspaper date (nsp) and names.  Some go into great detail in setting, gowns, decorations,  etc., and do not feel this is necessary for genealogy




June 21, 1915 (nsp)


Miss Mary Roethlisberger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Roethlisberger and Selmar F. Gilmore were married at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. C. W. Waidelick of Clare.  They were attended by the bride's sister, Anna and the groom's brother Alwin.

The couple will make their home in Clare.


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June 21, 1915 (nsp)


Miss Glee Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Clark and Albert Giesken, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Giesken,  were married at St. Vincent's church in Shepherd by Rev. Fr. Mulvey.

Miss Ida Giesken, sister of the groom attended the bride and Willie Brandehoff, from Ottawa, OH,  cousin of the groom, acted as best man.

The couple will make their home with the groom's parents.


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August 15, 1915

(from the Waukegan Illinois Daily Gazette)


Miss Blanche Earnestine Bush of this city and Mr. Benjamin Thomas Slates of Flint, MI were married at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Amelia Bush by Rev. Funston.

Miss Bush has been a teacher in the Waukegan schools for the past three years. Mr. Slates is a graduate from Valparaiso University and for the past year has been employed as a bookkeeper in the Buick motor works at Flint.

The couple will make their home in Flint, MI


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June 24, 1915

(from the Coe Center Correspondent)


Archie Leonard, youngest son of Morgan and Ada Leonard and Miss Mabel Cook, youngest daughter of Elder R. R. Cook of Chesaning, were married at the home of the groom's parents.  The father of the bride performed the ceremony.

The bride was attended by her niece, Miss Dorothy Moore of Mt. Pleasant, and Little Miss Janet Cook, niece of the bride was ring-bearer.  The groom was attended by J. M. Cook, brother of the bride.

Those present were:  Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cook of Owosso,  Mr. and Mrs. Bert Moore and daughter, Dorothy, of Mt. Pleasant, Lee Leonard and family, Ray Leonard and family, Elizabeth Leonard and Mert Leonard and wife of Coe.


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October 12, 1925


Herbert Smith and Miss Bertha M. Scott, both of Winn were married by the Rev. Jas. Pinckard.  They will make their home in Win.


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(no date other than 1915)


John C. Knowlton and Mrs. Iva Kniffen, both of Lincoln township were married at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Jas. Pickard.


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April 22, 1915


Miss Florence Piatt, sister of Carl Piatt, and Lewis Barnes were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Piatt by C. E. Davis of the Methodist Episcopal church.


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April 8, 1915


Miss Marjory E. Johnson, elsdest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Coe, and Firm J. Wagner of Shepherd were married by Rev. J. C. Meese of the St. Louis Christian church in the Coe Church.

The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ruby Johnson and Monroe Salisbury acted as best man.  Little Lene Stilgenbauer, niece of the groom acted as flower girl and Lillian Johnson, sister of the bride acted as ring-bearer.

The couple will make their home on the Johnson farm in Coe.


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February 4, 1915


Floyd D. MacNaughton and Miss Linnie Fordyce were married at the home of the bride's parents in Southeast Coe.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Curch.


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May 20, 1915 (nsp)


Miss Tillie Hokemyer and Mr. Ed Howe were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. C. E. Davis.  The couple will continue to make their home in Shepherd.


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Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Ross

Enterprise - November 19, 1915


Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary at their home  in East Coe November 10th.

They arrived in the locality almost 52 years ago.  Mr. Ross is a native of Ontario, Canada where he was born Nov. 10, 1827, hence was 88 years of age on the day of the anniversary.  Mrs. Ross was born in Ontario county, New York, May 22, 1831, being four years his junior and they were married November 10, 1850.  Six years later they came to this state and located in Hillsdale county, and in October 1863, they came to Coe, which then was a forest with a little settlement at Salt River.  For many years Mr. Ross taught school and recalls the first town meeting he attended in Coe was held in a log school house one half mile south of Salt River.

There were but a few families in the county, Salt River and Indian Mills being the only settlements. 

Mr. Ross has been school director 22 years and hired J. W. Hance to teach his first term of school.  He held a township office six years, was notary 12 years, Sunday school superintendent three years, and has been a Master Mason since May 1874, testifing to the confidence and respect accorded by his fellow citizens.

In the 80's he taught north of Midland, taking the place of one who failed on examination, Mr. Ross being one of seven who were given diplomas.  Mr. Trowbridge, who failed to get a certificate, was brother-in-law to a president, his wife being a Garfield, sister of Jaems A.  Mr. Ross tells how Throwbridge worked to get an education, finally becoming connected with the soldiers home in Washington.

It is interesting to listen to Mr. Ross reminiscences for he has been a man of keen intellect, and a careful observer.

The 'Enterprise' extends to them the best wishes for a pleasant afternoon of life, and hopes they will celebrate many more anniversaries.

They have three sons and one daughter, Mrs. Allen.

(There is also a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Ross with this article)


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August 12, 1915


Miss Gertrude May Stump and Harry E. Rosselit, both of Shepherd were united in marraige at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stump, by Rev. C. E. Davis of the Shepherd M. E. church.  Miss Stump was a teacher in the village school last year after having taught at Gladwin a couple of years.  Mr. Rosselit now holds the position of assistant cashier of the Central State Savings Bank at Shepherd. 

They will be making their home in the G. Ruse residence on East Wright ave., Shepherd.

They left for an extended wedding trip and were joined at Detroit by Prof. Cassius H. Teague of Shepherd schools and his bride,  formerly Miss Helen Gertrude Winegar of Morrice who were also married the same day at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Winegar and will be making their home in Shepherd at the beginning of the school year.  Mr. Teague has been teaching in the Shepherd schools the last two years.


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November 4, 1915 (nsp)


Zelpha, the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Coon, and Fred M., the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stilgenbauer, were united in marriage at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. C. E. Davis.

They were accompanied by Russell Stilgenbauer, cousin of the groom and Mae Coon, sister of the bride as best man and bride's maid.

Upon returning from a short honeymoon trip they will be making their home with the bride's parents until spring, when Mr. Stilgenbauer expects to build.

Mr. Stilgenbauer is in the furniture and undertaking business and Mrs. Stilgenbauer is employed at the J. H. Struble's store.


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December 24, 1915


Mr. Ansie Hook of Chippewa twp. and Miss Pearl Frye of Midland County were married at the Methodist parsonage by the pastor.  They were attended by Miss Ivah Frye and Edwin Frye, sister and brother of the bride.


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June 7, 1915 (nsp)


The wedding of Mr. Albert Gieskin and Miss Cleo Clark was held at the Catholic church.


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(can't read month - 25, 1915)      


Howard Freeman and Miss Hazel Grauber, both living near Shepherd were married in the Baptist parsonage by Rev. Ritts.  Their home will be in Detroit where Mr. Freeman has work in one of the auto factories.


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September 13, 1915


Mr. Guy Spaley and Miss Ruth Bowen, both of Mt. Pleasant, were married at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. Jas. Pinckard.  They will be making their home at Midland.


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November 24, 1915


Donald DuBois and Miss Gladys Pickett were married at the 14th Ave.  Methodist church in Detroit by Rev. Steadman, pastor, who is a brother of George Steadman, a former superintendent of our schools, under whom both the bride and groom graduated.

They were accompanied by Florence Pickett, sister of the bride and their cousin, Hollis Clark.


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July 1, 1915


Lola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orser and Vernon Cleveland of Hartford, MI were married at the home of the bride's parents by Rev. C. E. Davis.

Little Estelle Louise Orser acted as flower girl.

The wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. A. E. Clark.

The groom is pastor of the M. E. church at Beaverton, where they will be making their home.


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April 8, 1915


W. D. George of Flint and Miss Gertrude D. Williams of Shepherd were married at the home of the bride's parents, D. O. Williams and wife, by Rev. C. E. Davis.

A dinner was served by Florence Melville, Mildred Murphy, Reatha Fuller and Mabel Waiters.

A reception was held at the Ardie White home the following evening.

The couple left the following day for Flint where they were given another reception at the home of the bride's brother-in-law, H. L. Fletcher.

Mr. George is employed as a draftsman in an auto factory in Flint and the couple will be making their home at 1103 E. Kearsley St., Flint.


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January 13, 1915


Mrs. C. F. Johnson and M. C. Lathrop, prominent business man of Owosso were married at the bride's home on Cottage Ave, by Rev. Wolford of Owosso.

The couple will be making their home at 602 North Hickory street, Owosso.


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October 8, 1915


Miss Clara Koyl, a former Isabella Co. teacher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Koyl of this place and Dr. W. H. Michand of Beaverton, MI were married by.......rest of this article is missing.


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November 11, 1915 (nsp)


Bernice E. Dean, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Dean and Clyde L. Smith of Pontiac, were married at the home of the bride's parents at 330 Cherry street by the Rev. Jas. Pinckard.

The couple will make their home in Pontiac where Mr. Smith is employed in the Motor works there.


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(no date other than 1915)


Sherman M. Smith and Miss Winnifred I. Brown, both of Lincoln twp. were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. Jas Pinckard.  They will make their home in Lincoln twp.


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December 25, 1915


Mr. Clair Stahl and Miss Iva Jacobs were married at the home of the groom by Rev. Kirch of Coe.


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December 25, 1915


Mr. Paul R. Riess and Miss Retha N. Fuller were married at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. C. E. Davis.  They were accompanied by Mr. Raymond Slates and Miss Louine Lyon.

Dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fuller.

Paul, who had been a mechanic in a garage in Shepherd the last few years, but has now taken a position at the Battle Automobile Co., in Mt. Pleasant, and Retha was employed in the Bell office.

They will make their home at 301 Fancher Ave., Mt. Pleasant

Out of town guests were:  Mrs. William Fuller and Mrs. Ann Derr of Marion, grandmother and great grandmother of the bride and Mrs. W. D. Keith and daughter Dula, and two sons, Dale and Delbert of Saginaw.


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December 26, 1915


Ruby Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson and Monroe Salisbury were married at the home of the bride's parents by J. W. Kurch.

The wedding march was played by Mrs. Frank Randolph.

The bride was attended by her sister, Marjorie Wagner and the groom by Firm Wagner.


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September 16, 1915 (nsp)


Claude McFerren of Shepherd, left this week for Canada, where he was united in marriage to Miss Estella Anger.  The couple will return to Shepherd and make their home in the P. H. Vredenburg residence on Orchard Ave.

Mr. McFarren is assistant cashier at the Commercial State Bank of that village and during his absence his vancey is being filled by Miss Edna Kelley.


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August 6, 1915

(taken from the Shelby, Mont., Promoter, Friday, August 6, 1915)


July 31st:  Henry McKee and Elizabeth Wilkie came down from Verdin and were married by Mr. Pippy.

Henry McKee, the groom, is Co. C's 2nd lieutenant.  Miss Wilkie comes to us from the east.


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July 1, 1915


Miss Angie Bell, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Goolthrite and Mr. Alvin Brondstetter, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brondstetter were married at the home of the bride's parents on South Franklin Street by the Rev. Pinckard.

The bride is a graduate of this hight school and Central Normal and has been a successful teacher for the past two years.  The groom is a popular clerk at Johnson Bros.

The couple will be making their home on the corner of Franklin and Maple streets.


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October 27, 1915


Miss Edna Struble, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Struble, and Mr. Hanson, an electrician formerly of Flint, were married at the bride's home in Shepherd by the Rev. C. E. Davis.

The bride is a graduate of C. S. N. and has been beaching for the past two years at Ewen.

The couple will make their home in Cleo, MI.


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