Detroit Free Press Favorite
Camp Custer 1924 -4 Bat 3 Reg B Field Artillery History


E. S.

“So this is the old camp again, hum-m-m—several more streets of tents than were here last year.” This sentence was heard by several hundred regulars on duty from July 31 until Aug. 2. When the CMTC contingent began arriving, the men who had charge of assigning students to outfits invariably picked the best men and sent them into Battery “B” of the Field Artillery

August 1, 2, and 3—These were days of changing clothes, changing homes, changing ideas and small change.

August 4—We began work, and saying “work” in the F. A. doesn’t mean “maybe”.

August 5—We took our oath and were impressed with the spirit of the ceremony.

August 6 and 7—Many of the White and Red course men are walking as though they were born bowlegged. Also some of the horses are walking with bowed backs.

August 8—Red course men hint that compulsory “Voluntary Athletics” are a bore. August 9—Our first big parade. Afterwards the men remarked as they always do— “Believe me, boys, there’s nothing like the thrill of marching behind a real military band.”

August 10—Sunday. Everybody is jay-walking in Battle Creek today. Even officers offer no exception.

August 11—These Monday mornings are no fun after a late Sunday night, but we have to get up just the same.

August 12—The Blue course men have horses for the first time this year.

August 13—It did not rain today or last night. Something seems to have gone wrong somewhere when our daily issue of rain is forgotten.

August 14-A lecture on hippology was interesting and we were told what to do with injured animals. They didn’t tell us what to do when the horses have finished with us.

August 15—At times, especially on Fridays, work gets very monotonous but even with the occasional monotony where has time gone? Camp is half over.

August 16—A parade on a wet parade ground and an extra issue of rain. The Camp Custer News came out as usual but the sun didn’t.

August 17—Sunday. Ice cream at noon—seems a little bit like home.

August 18—Fisher forgot to get the mail until it was too late. Then he called the letters of that had not been handed out in the morning. As soon as he finished without even a smile he said, “That’s all.”

August 19—It’s great to lie in bed and hear the Sixth Infantry orchestra knocking of several of the latest pieces at a dance in the hostess house.

August 20—Field day. There was no half holiday today. Some of the men proceeded to get hard. However, it did no good.

August 21—Pan of the battery took a little midnight exercise in the form of double time up and down the battery street after taps.

August 22—The chemical warfare demonstration kept us from going to sleep and we are now preparing for “Visitors’ Day”.

August 23—Visitors’ day. Parade and demonstration.

August 24—Sunday another day of rest. The days are surely growing longer.

August 25—Blue Monday again, the last one we will spend in camp.

August 26—We saw the sham battle, and in the afternoon passed in review before the Governor of Michigan.

August 27—The last half holiday that we will get at camp this year. We are starting to turn in our equipment.

August 28—Today is the day of our last parade. Our colors are turned over to the Regulars until next year. General Hale gave us his farewell address and medals were awarded.

August 29—Today is a busy day. We took down tents and turn in our equipment. We took our final examination today and got our civies.

August 30—Nobody got any sleep last nite and the shower baths did their duty.

Fourth Battalion 3rd Regiment Company B Field Artillery

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