R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.

U & V

Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Uberhorst John gardener 17 20 $900 Hampton Essexville
Uberhorst W J gardener 17 20 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Underwood Abner (est)   35 40 $1050 Portsmouth Bay City
Underwood Albert f 36 40 $1050 Portsmouth Bay City
Underwood C C   36 40 $1050 Portsmouth Bay City
Underwood Henry f 4-33 80 $1575 Portsmouth Bay City
Underwood Jesse f 25 40 $2600 Hampton Bay City
Upsimies Leonda f 26 40 $760 Merritt Reese
Urbin John f 35 80 $1800 Williams Auburn
Valinkore Alford f 22 20 $300 Williams Auburn
Valinkore John f 14 40 $800 Williams Auburn
Valle A f I 35 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Valle George f I 30 $250 Pinconning Pinconning
Valle P f I 25 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Vallender Stephen f 4 40 $850 Portsmouth Bay City
Vallier Stephen f 20 78 $2900 Monitor West Bay City
Valway Benjamin f 31-32 70 $1420 Merritt Bay City
Van Amhold Bernard gardener 24 18 $1270 Hampton Essexville
Van Amhold H gardener 24 14 $1100 Hampton Essexville
Van Alstine A C f 32 60 $1050 Bangor West Bay City
Van Alstine George f 25 80 $800 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Van Brocklyn John f 23 40 $800 Mt Forest Michie
Van Buskirk Richard f 36 100 $2230 Merritt Reese
Van Cumber Louis f 22 80 $1600 Hampton Bay City
Vanden Bogard Mrs Adriana   II 20 $500 Portsmouth Arn
Vanden Broek John f 15 40 $500 Hampton Essexville
Vanden Brooks A f 5-34 50 $1800 Portsmouth Bay City
Vanden Herk Henry gardener 13 6 $420 Hampton Essexville
Van der Acken Andrew f 29 20 $800 Hampton Bay City
Vander Boom C lab 10 8 $300 Portsmouth Arn
Vanderplas Frank f 10-15 80 $1950 Williams North Williams
Vandervill Louis f 36 160 $3950 Portsmouth Bay City
Vanderwillen Bernaradus gardener 15 20 $1160 Hampton Essexville
Vanderwilt Frank f 20 20 $800 Hampton Essexville
Van Erpt Peter f 25 40 $2400 Hampton Bay City
Van Ess John gardener 24 2 $200 Hampton Bay City
Van Haaron Peter f 16 80 $2600 Hampton Essexville
Van Hoogstrater Adrian f 10 20 $800 Portsmouth Arn
Vanhoop Emmanuel f 5 40 $900 Portsmouth Bay City
Van Hurk John f 18 10 $560 Hampton Essexville
Van Mercour Frank f 20 10 $475 Hampton Essexville
Van Munn John f 24 12 $850 Hampton Essexville
Van Ochten G   20 20 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Van Ochten John f 20 20 $1050 Hampton Essexville
Vanoorschot Anthony f 10 10 $350 Portsmouth Arn
Vanootigham George f 32 40 $1000 Portsmouth Bay City
Vanootigham Paul f 32 20 $450 Portsmouth Bay City
Van Paris Peter   10 10 $350 Portsmouth Arn
Van Parys B f 20 40 $2175 Hampton Essexville
Van Popollan Albert f 22 40 $1100 Hampton Essexville
Van Popollan Alphonse f 24 18 $1200 Hampton Essexville
Van Popollan Helen   19 10 $600 Hampton Essexville
Van Popollan Henry f 19 30 $1600 Hampton Essexville
Van Popollan Mrs H   20 40 $1800 Hampton Essexville
Van Someren H   13 5 $450 Hampton Essexville
Van Someren Lewis f 13 10 $800 Hampton Essexville
Van SOmeren Tice f 30 80 $4200 Hampton Bay City
Van Tol Anthony f 20 20 $950 Hampton Essexville
Van Tol H   20 10 $400 Hampton Essexville
Van Tuyl John f 10 10 $300 Portsmouth Bay City
Vanvlasslor Frank f 9 35 $1600 Bangor West Bay City
Van Voorhees W C   30 8 $600 Monitor West Bay City
Van Wert John sr f 20 40 $2200 Hampton Essexville
Van Wert John jr   20 20 $1300 Hampton Essexville
Van Wort H lab 13 5 $350 Hampton Essexville
Vassor Edward f 8 40 $530 Fraser Michie
Veile Atwood f 23 37 $450 Pinconning Pinconning
Vennex Gerardus f 13 55 $3900 Hampton Essexville
Vennex Jacob gardener 19 10 $550 Hampton Essexville
Vercinski Simon lab 34 6 $600 Portsmouth Bay City
Verhover John f 29 40 $1600 Hampton Bay City
Verhultz Frank f 12 40 $1300 Portsmouth Bay City
Verrillen Ferdinand E f 30 40 $1600 Hampton Bay City
Verrillen Mrs gardener 13 10 $800 Hampton Essexville
Verycken Frank f 30 80 $3200 Hampton Bay City
Villard Gilbert f 5 60 $1600 Monitor Bedell
Vincent John f 13 40 $1100 Williams Auburn
Vincent John f 2 40 $400 Fraser Michie
Vink Henry f 17-18 50 $2500 Hampton Essexville
Vink John gardener 19 10 $850 Hampton Essexville
Vink Wm gardener 19 13 $700 Hampton Essexville
Viroski Frank f 29 80 $1900 Williams Laredo
Visneau Fred f 16 40 $450 Pinconning Pinconning
Voelders Caspar f 10-14 35 $1025 Portsmouth Arn
Voelker Frederick f 24 40 $860 Merritt Munger
Vogel G A f 2 77 $3100 Frankenlust West Bay City
Vogel John f 29 80 $2000 Monitor West Bay City
Vogtman Adam f 16 80 $850 Beaver Willard
Vogtmann John grist mill 2 3 $3500 Frankenlust West Bay City
Vos Frank f 33 20 $400 Portsmouth Bay City
Voss Bernhard f 36 40 $3500 Monitor West Bay City
Voss Charles f 35 80 $2000 Williams Laredo
Voss Christian f I 15 $600 Frankenlust West Bay City
Voss Estate   19 48 $3450 Hampton Essexville
Voss Frederick f 19-20 20 $1150 Hampton Essexville
Voss John C f 32 89 $3400 Monitor West Bay City

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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