R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Mackagowski Frank lab 16 20 $200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Mackensen Carl   6 20 $1600 Frankenlust West Bay City
Mackensen Theodore f 32 100 $1500 Beaver Willard
Mackenson Charles f 31-36 65 $2650 Monitor West Bay City
Mackey W V   8 10 $850 Bangor  
Macklein Wm f 19 80 $600 Beaver Willard
Macumber C B f 13 60 $1400 Williams Auburn
Madill John f 28 70 $2080 Merritt Munger
Magill Alex f 19 15 $1300 Bangor West Bay City
Magill Wm E physician 8-19-22 94 $7550 Bangor West Bay City
Maher Edward f 20 40 $320 Gibson Bentley
Mahew Charles lab 8 10 $850 Bangor West Bay City
Mahew John lab 8 5 $150 Bangor West Bay City
Maholski Joseph f 33 40 $900 Beaver Willard
Maier Wm f 15 20 $200 Beaver Willard
Major B A f 31 40 $800 Williams Laredo
Major Fred f 15 40 $600 Williams Laredo
Major James f 31 40 $1200 Beaver Willard
Malapont Alphonse f 6 40 $375 Kawkawlin Loehne
Malawy Jacob f 13 40 $400 Beaver Loehne
Malone Wm f 15 99 $2600 Monitor West Bay City
Maluse Stanislaus f 23 40 $250 Kawkawlin Bedell
Manary Joseph f 18 30 $1000 Monitor West Bay City
Manary Victor f 6 40 $450 Kawkawlin Loehne
Mann August f 10 40 $750 Merritt Bay City
Mann Frederick f 15 40 $800 Merritt Bay City
Manor Napoleon   12 20 $1025 Hampton Essexville
Manton Henry f 20 20 $400 Kawkawlin Bedell
Mapes Wm f 13 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Marand Harry f 24 40 $600 Beaver Loehne
Marble Merrick f 25 40 $600 Beaver Loehne
Marcoux Charles f 19-20 80 $1210 Fraser Lengsville
Marentette Augustus f 12 80 $700 Garfield Michie
Marguson Ellis f 30 53 $2070 Monitor Auburn
Markee Joslin   15 40 $400 Kawkawlin Bay City
Marrow John f 20 78 $2600 Monitor West Bay City
Marsh John f 30 10 $750 Monitor Auburn
Marshal M J   4 40 $850 Williams North Williams
Marston Thomas F f 6 93 $6050 Bangor Bay City
Martain Conrad f 29 80 $2000 Williams Laredo
Martain Peter f 18 40 $800 Williams Laredo
Martens Philip carp 8 10 $700 Frankenlust Amelith
Martin Edward f 8 83 $820 Hampton West Bay City
Martin John f 23 40 $350 Beaver Loehne
Martin Owen W f 16 40 $400 Kawkawlin Bedell
Martin Peter f 4 40 $700 Kawkawlin Linwood
Martinski Stanley f 19 80 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Mason Anthony gardener 5 10 $700 Bangor West Bay City
Mason Eustache f 9 40 $500 Fraser Michie
Matevia Charles   19 10 $600 Hampton Bay City
Matevia Henry lab 13   $200 Hampton Essexville
Matevia Peter   36 20 $460 Fraser Linwood
Mathews Ed f 22 40 $700 Pinconning Pinconning
Matthews James f 18 34 $900 Williams Colon
Matthews John f 18 34 $900 Williams Auburn
Matts Henry P f 10-15 60 $1600 Portsmouth Portsmouth
Maurer George f 18 90 $3500 Frankenlust Amelith
Maurer John P f 1-12-13 263 $7530 Frankenlust West Bay City
Maxon August   31 40 $700 Bangor West Bay City
Maxon A W   32 4 $350 Bangor West Bay City
Maxon Daniel   32 2 $100 Bangor West Bay City
Maxson James gardener 18 10 $600 Hampton Essexville
Maxson Wm gardener 18 25 $1500 Hampton Essexville
Maxson W A gardener 18 10 $560 Hampton Essexville
Maxwell A C gardener 25 8 $500 Hampton Bay City
Maxwell Michael f 35 40 $1250 Williams Auburn
May John f 26 40 $150 Mt Forest Mt Forest
Mayer George f 16 80 $750 Beaver Willard
Mayo Frederick f 32 25 $370 Merritt Bay City
Mayotte Charles   7 113 $1800 Monitor West Bay City
Mead Clara f 5 46 $1450 Bangor West Bay City
Mead George A   19 10 $2500 Bangor West Bay City
Meadough George f 16 40 $320 Fraser Michie
Meaghar Mrs f 26 38 $2300 Hampton Bay City
Medort Joseph f 6 40 $350 Kawkawlin Loehne
Mehlmann August f 12 40 $1200 Monitor Kawkawlin
Meier Charles   5 19 $450 Portsmouth Bay City
Meier Mrs Eva f 25-36 60 $2600 Monitor West Bay City
Meier Fred J f 31 38 $1350 Portsmouth Bay City
Meier Henry f 31 40 $1500 Monitor West Bay City
Meier Herman f 10 40 $1610 Merritt West Bay City
Meier H & M f 33 40 $925 Portsmouth Bay City
Meier John G f 32 80 $2000 Portsmouth Bay City
Meier John L f 34 10 $750 Portsmouth Bay City
Meier Martin f 26 40 $600 Merritt Bay City
Meier Michael f 25-27 60 $1400 Monitor West Bay City
Meiselbach Oscar   2 12 $900 Portsmouth Bay City
Meisner Robert f 29 40 $400 Pinconning Pinconning
Mellum Sherman f 28 40 $1000 Hampton Bay City
Melrose James f 20 10 $175 Fraser Lengsville
Melzow Herman f 7 40 $300 Beaver Duel
Melzow Wm f 7 80 $600 Beaver Duel
Merrill George W f 17 40 $1200 Hampton Bay City
Merrill H J   17 10 $400 Hampton Bay City
Merritt Nelson (est) f 2-11 320 $4200 Portsmouth Arn
Merritt Wlater p     $350 Portsmouth Arn
Merritt Wm f 3 80 $3200 Portsmouth Arn
Mersdorf D L f 31 40 $380 Fraser Linwood
Mexicott Abraham f 26 20 $290 Fraser Lengsville
Meyer Henry f 10 40 $850 Merritt Bay City
Meyer John f 16 80 $2600 Frankenlust Amelith
Meyers John f 27 20 $400 Monitor West Bay City
Meyers Michael f 31 40 $300 Kawkawlin  
Meyers M f 28 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Michallo Louis f 5 40 $350 Kawkawlin Linwood
Michallo Morris f 5 40 $500 Kawkawlin Linwood
Middleton George f 21 40 $1675 Hampton Essexville
Middleton Joseph f 11 80 $800 Beaver Loehne
Middleton Reason F f 12 40 $300 Beaver Loehne
Middleton T H f 14 80 $700 Fraser Michie
Mielens Herman f 33 60 $1175 Portsmouth Bay City
Miers Frederick f 26 40 $900 Hampton Bay City
Miles A W   24 12 $150 Pinconning Pinconning
Miller Allison K   19 5 $1700 Bangor West Bay City
Miller Benjamin lab 26 2 $100 Frazer Lengsville
Miller Charles f 24 80 $800 Beaver Loehne
Miller Charles f 13 40 $150 Mt Forest Pinconning
Miller Frank f 35 28 $300 Fraser LInwood
Miller Henry f 22 40 $350 Kawkawlin Bedell
Miller Herman f 34 80 $1200 Beaver Willard
Miller Jacob   19 8 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Miller John f 5 160 $1350 Pinconning Pinconning
Miller J A f 26 20 $500 Williams Auburn
Miller Levy f 21 20 $600 Merritt Munger
Miller Matthias f 19 58 $5700 Bangor West Bay City
Miller Peter f 19 99 $5350 Bangor West Bay City
Miller Solomon f 29 25 $1200 Hampton Bay City
Mills A W   14 15 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Mills Richard f 12 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Milner Jonson f 30 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Misch Albert lab     $350 Frankenlust West Bay City
Misener Herman f 32 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Mitchell Albert f 13 80 $1620 Merritt Reese
Mitchell Malcolm f 13 40 $1020 Merritt Reese
Mix Chauncy L (est)   4 66 $5500 Portsmouth Arn
Mix George & C G f 15 260 $3100 Portsmouth Arn
Moeller Henry supervisor 13 80 $3300 Monitor West Bay City
Moeller Mrs Ida f 21 39 $1600 Monitor Auburn
Moeller Julius f 31 40 $2500 Monitor West Bay City
Moeller Louis f 13-14 120 $5100 Monitor West Bay City
Molbey Samuel f 17 80 $2215 Merritt Munger
Moldenhour Henry f 25 100 $3000 Williams Auburn
Moloney Solomon f 24 10 $175 Pinconning Pinconning
Molyneaux Thomas f 4 80 $2000 Williams Laredo
Monitor Chesse Factory   p     $800 Williams Auburn
Monitor Coal Co   p     $2000 Monitor West Bay City
Monscheski Paul f 14-33 70 $1830 Merritt Munger
Moore Antoine f 4 40 $800 Kawkawlin Linwood
Moore Charles f 18 28 $1200 Merritt Bay City
Moore Daniel f 26-27 60 $800 Fraser Linwood
Moore Deforest f 11 54 $850 Kawkawlin Linwood
Moore George f 15 40 $350 Beaver Willard

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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