R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Kaczmaiwzok John f 2 40 $400 Beaver Duel
Kaczynski Anton f 28 40 $850 Williams Laredo
Kahrier August f 23 40 $1200 Williams N Williams
Kain Timothy   12 80 $2400 Portsmouth Bay City
Kaiser August f 21-28 221 $7300 Hampton Bay City
Kaiser Bruno f 1 44 $1900 Monitor Kawkawlin
Kaiser Charles lab 8 5 $350 Bangor  
Kaiser Frederick f 35 113 $1650 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Kaiser Henry f 1-2 125 $5800 Monitor Kawkawlin
Kalamquin Joseph f 7 40 $400 Kawkawlin Loraine
Kalinski Joseph f 27 40 $800 Williams Laredo
Karkow Wm f 3 40 $900 Merritt Munger
Karnbowski Leo f 2 40 $350 Beaver Loehne
Karnbowski Nicholas saw mill 3 272 $2600 Beaver Loehne
Karthals Herman f 16 20 $415 Merritt Munger
Kasemeier George f 30 71 $3200 Monitor West Bay City
Kashinski Frank f 10 20 $800 Portsmouth Arn
Kasmerick John f 17 40 $700 Monitor West Bay City
Kasmerick Joseph f 17 93 $2500 Monitor W Bay City
Kasmierski Joseph lab 4 8 $700 Portsmouth Arn
Kauth Martin f 16 93 $4080 Frankenlust Amelith
Kayner Alfred   8 10 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Keachie John C   5 10 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Keating Patrick f 22 10 $1650 Merritt Munger
Keating & Tough   f 13 40 $400 Merritt Munger
Keefer John f 30 80 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Keely Dennis f 25 40 $280 Garfield Loehne
Keely James f 25 40 $280 Garfield Michie
Keinney Thomas f 30 20 $1000 Hampton Bay City
Keisel Gottlieb f 18 159 $5650 Bangor West Bay City
Keisel John f 28 40 $600 Beaver Willard
Keith Mrs f 29 80 $1800 Monitor West Bay City
Keith Frederick f 19 28 $2200 Bangor West Bay City
Kelley Terrence lab 23 4 $125 Pinconning Pinconning
Kelly Francis A f 18 80 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Kendall Albert f 15 80 $2000 Williams Laredo
Kenlinck Simon f 33 40 $800 Williams Laredo
Kennedy John lab 23 1 $300 Williams Auburn
Kennedy Walter lab 36 1 $50 Williams Auburn
Kenney Barney f 36 40 $500 Merritt Reese
Kent Charles f 11 40 $1000 Williams Auburn
Kent John f 23 70 $2500 Williams Auburn
Kerkau Otto   7 20 $350 Frankenlust Amelith
Kern Anthony f 35 80 $2600 Williams Auburn
Kern Chester   24 2 $3000 Williams Beaver
Kernel Edward f 21 40 $400 Beaver Willard
Kernstalk George f 25 98 $3100 Williams Auburn
Kernstalk Jacob f 25 80 $3700 Williams Auburn
Kernstock Mrs John f 36 160 $6600 Monitor West Bay City
Kerr Joseph f 22-23 98 $1450 Fraser Lengsville
Kerr Mrs Mary f 22-23 47 $650 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Kerr Thomas f 9 80 $650 Beaver Willard
Kesemier Christian f 6 57 $2330 Frankenlust West Bay City
Kimberly Levi lab 6 1 $100 Bangor West Bay City
Kimel Gottfried f 21 20 $200 Beaver Willard
Kindall Mrs August f 16 80 $2300 Williams Laredo
King Edward f 11 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
King Henry f 5 32 $650 Williams North Williams
King Louis f 25 40 $300 Garfield Loehne
King Noah f 14 80 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
King Peter f 30 20 $1000 Hampton Bay City
Kinnan J E f 21 40 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Kinney Barney f 36 40 $500 Merritt Reese
Kinney Charles f 14 80 $2700 Williams Auburn
Kinney Thomas jr f 29 40 $1200 Merritt Bay City
Kipfmiller George f 36 40 $1600 Williams Auburn
Kipfmiller G A f 36 40 $900 Monitor Kawkawlin
Kirchman Ignatz f 27 40 $800 Monitor West Bay City
Kirk Edward f 8 40 $400 Monitor West Bay City
Kitts John f 27-33 93 $2050 Williams Auburn
Kitzer Herman lab 19 7 $420 Hampton Essexville
Klaha John f 3 33 $1000 Williams North Williams
Klaus John f 7 40 $1800 Frankenlust Amelith
Kleinert August f 7 40 $950 Portsmouth Bay City
Kleinert Charles f 4-5-6 100 $2450 Portsmouth Bay City
Kleinert Frederick f 17 80 $2340 Merritt Merritt
Kloha Leonhard f 8, 15 100 $4400 Frankenlust Amelith
Klopff John f 5 40 $750 Portsmouth Arn
Klopp John lab 19 4 $850 Bangor West Bay City
Kloskia M f 10 40 $225 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Klossowski Alex f 15 40 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Klumpp Fred W meats     $100 Pinconning Pinconning
Klumpp Paul W f 26 18 $250 Pinconning Pinconning
Knapp Joseph f 29 40 $400 Pinconning Pinconning
Knell Stephen   24 0 $550 Williams Auburn
Knight Birdsey supervisor 17-20 200 $9550 Hampton Essexville
Knight Caspar f 13-14 100 $2100 Portsmouth Arn
Knight John   13-14 80 $1650 Portsmouth Arn
Knight Louis f 13-14 100 $2850 Portsmouth Arn
Knight Wm f 14 10 $350 Frankenlust Amelith
Knoblach Jacob f 16 40 $320 Fraser Michie
Knoblach Josephine f 30 80 $450 Kawkawlin Bedell
Knoellinger George f 18 127 $2600 Frankenlust Amelith
Knoodle Valentine f 20 80 $1800 Fraser Lengsville
Knoodle Wm f 20 40 $350 Fraser Lengsville
Koch August f 30 31 $1800 Monitor West Bay City
Koch Bernard f 32 116 $3300 Monitor West Bay City
Koch C F lab 5 5 $300 Bangor West Bay City
Koch F L lab 5 10 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Koch Henry f 33 80 $1750 Beaver Willard
Koch Wm lab 16 2 $350 Frankenlust Amelith
Kofilski John   21 40 $750 Williams Laredo
Kohler Fred W f 8-9 200 $4600 Williams Laredo
Kohler John f 31 12 $1000 Monitor West Bay City
Kohler Otto f 8 80 $1400 Williams Laredo
Kohn Henry f 21-33 80 $1200 Beaver Willard
Kolb Charles f 27 40 $700 Beaver Willard
Kolb Frederick lab 31 7 $450 Monitor Williams
Kolb John f 36 40 $1800 Monitor West Bay City
Kolb Thomas f 27 60 $900 Beaver Willard
Kolb Thomas G f 30 60 $2800 Monitor West Bay City
Kolberg Frederick f 28 130 $2830 Merritt W Bay City
Kolminok S f 16 40 $500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Korman George f 10 27 $1800 Frankenlust Amelith
Korman John P f 9 27 $1040 Frankenlust W Bay City
Koschpki John f 26 40 $400 Merritt Munger
Koss Charles f 34 80 $1600 Merritt Munger
Kott Edward f 1 40 $750 Williams Auburn
Koveau Jermiah f 19 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Kowalk John f 5 26 $200 Beaver Duel
Kowalske Frank f 12 40 $350 Keaver Loehne
Kowpinski John f 9 40 $400 Kawkawlin Linwood
Koyke Mitchel f 20 40 $270 Gibson Bentley
Koyle Wm f 17 40 $230 Gobson Bentley
Kozoch Thomas f 28 40 $750 Williams Auburn
Krabbe August f 31 80 $1400 Merritt Bay City
Krabbe Charles f 31 160 $3950 Merritt Bay City
Kramer August f 24 100 $4700 Monitor W Bay City
Kramer Frederick f 23 80 $4700 Monitor W Bay City
Kraus John f 15 65 $2900 Frankenlust Amelith
Kraus John L f 31 26 $1550 Monitor West Bay City
Kraus Michael f 11 40 $1000 Frankenlust W Bay City
Kraus Rudolph f 3 40 $1000 Merritt Bay City
Krawczyk Joseph f 12 40 $350 Beaver Loehne
Kreft Edward f 21 20 $300 Beaver Willard
Kreft Ferdinand f 20-21 120 $2250 Beaver Willard
Kreft Julius f 22 40 $500 Beaver Willard
Krenzlein George saloon 1 2 $1400 Frankenlust West Bay City
Kreutzer George f 5 77 $1700 Monitor Bedell
Krouse Wm f 17 100 $1600 Williams Laredo
Krueger Henry f 30 80 $1815 Merritt Bay ciy
Kryzaniak Anthony f 16-17 55 $1155 Monitor West Bay City
Krzyzsniski Lawrence f 2 40 $1000 Williams Laredo
Kuch John C f 4 92 $3900 Frankenlust Amelith
Kuch John M f 2 80 $1500 Williams N Williams
Kuch Michael f 4 92 $3750 Frankenlust Amelith
Kuchum John f 36 40 $1150 Portsmouth Bay City
Kugawa John f 24 40 $150 Mt Forest Pinconning
Kuhlow John f 8 40 $900 Monitor West Bay City
 Kukla John f 32 40 $900 Portsmouth Bay City
Kukla Joseph f 8 80 $775 Kawkawlin Loraine
Kukler Thomas f 20 80 $1000 Beaver Willard
Kunze Charles f 35 80 $2700 Williams Auburn
Kurtz Frederick f 3 40 $930 Merritt Bay City
Kuster John f 34 40 $900 Portsmouth Bay City

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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