R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Haag Leonard f 17 67 $3000 Frankenlust Amelith
Habershaw Sylvester lab 19 0 $300 Bangor W Bay City
Hachtel Peter f 29 40 $1200 Monitor West Bay City
Hadd James f II 40 $250 Kawkawlin Linwood
Hadd Levi f II 80 $700 Kawkawlin Linwood
Hadd Thomas f II 40 $300 Kawkawlin Linwood
Hag Leonard f 34 80 $1450 Beaver West Bay City
Hagarty James f 8 40 $900 Monitor Bedell
Hagarty Thomas f 8 40 $375 Kawkawlin Loraine
Hagarty & Mosher Co stave mill   36 13 $3500 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Hagen Owen f 36 80 $900 Garfield Linwood
Hager George   6 12 $900 Bangor West Bay City
Hager Helmuth f 34 40 $800 Monitor West Bay City
Hagis Case gardener 19 8 $540 Hampton Essexville
Hagis George   29 20 $700 Hampton Bay City
Hagis G gardener 24 6 $350 Hampton Essexville
Hagis Jacobus gardener 24 6 $450 Hampton Essexville
Hagis John gardener 14 8 $1500 Hampton Essexville
Haire Thomas J f 21 40 $450 Fraser Lengsville
Halet Mrs   26 5 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Hall Jerry R shingle and salt manfr 14 18 $22750 Hampton Essexville
Hall Ransom   19 12 $850 Bangor West Bay City
Hall Wm f 21 37 $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Halleck Daniel f 13 80 $2100 Portsmouth Bay City
Hallock Harry f II 40 $600 Merritt Munger
Halstead J M f, t     $100 Portsmouth Bay City
Hamerbacher A f 15 15 $1000 Frankenlust Amelith
Hamerbacher George f 17 60 $1950 Frankenlust Amelith
Hamilton Jhn f 6 20 $760 Fraser Michie
Hamilton Wm f 26 40 $500 Beaver Loehne
Hampton Mnfg Co   p     $2600 Hampton Bay City
Hampton Mrs Mary f 20 10 $100 Fraser Michie
Hand Wm F lab 8 4 $450 Bangor Bay City
Hanks Peter f 16 20 $360 Merritt Munger
Hanna Frank (est)   8 20 $600 Frankenlust Bay City
Hannah Dorothy f 34 40 $1000 Hampton Bay City
Hans Joseph f 5 20 $350 Williams N Williams
Hanscomb Fred f 32 40 $700 Bangor Kawkawlin
Hanscomb R G f 32 20 $700 Bangor West Bay City
Hansen Peter f 5 30 $800 Monitor Kawkawlin
Hanson John f 5 30 $650 Monitor Kawkawlin
Hanson Wm H lab     $30 Gibson Bentley
Harding Israel f 10 40 $900 Merritt Bay City
Hardy Ambrose f 10 20 $400 Williams N Williams
Hardy Samuel f 4 80 $3000 Williams North Williams
Harris Dr Augustus J drugs     $1600 Hampton Essexville
Harrison George f 21 40 $300 Kawkawlin  
Hart Ellis f 4 50 $650 Bangor West Bay City
Hart Isaac f 4 10 $150 Bangor West Bay City
Hart R G state 6 360   Garfield Mt. Forest
Hartingh George supervisor     $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Hartley Alexander   21 10 $200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hartley John   28 20 $700 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hartley Peter   28 20 $675 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hartley Peter justice       Kawkawlin  
Hartley R D f 21 22-44 $800 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hartley Thomas   29 20 $425 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hartley Wm f 29 40 $1050 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hartmann Gottfried f 9 40 $1850 Frankenlust Amelith
Hartmann L f 25 40 $300 Garfield Michie
Harton H f 23 320 $6040 Merritt Bay City
Harvey Enoch f 29 40 $320 Gibson Bentley
Hastings George f 20 80 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Hatch Charles H f 16 40 $320 Fraser Michie
Hatch H H f 21 117 $2800 Monitor Auburn
Hatton W H f II 118 $1250 Fraser Michie
Haut Lewis f 4 25 $750 Williams N Williams
Hawkins Orrin W   3 15 $1000 Portsmouth Arn
Hawkins T W f 3 10 $700 Portsmouth Bay City
Hawkins Wm f 3 35 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Hay Henry f 32 40 $320 Gibson Bentley
Haynes E f 5 80 $800 Kawkawlin Linwood
Hayward Aaron f II 40 $1000 Portsmouth Arn
Hayward Henry f 31 40 $500 Merritt Bay City
Hayward Richard f II 80 $2650 Portsmouth Arn
Hayward Wm f II 60 $1775 Portsmouth Arn
Hazard James f 14 17 $250 Pinconning Pinconning
Hazard Nathan state 30 40   Garfield Duel
Hazen Arthur H f II 40 $880 Merritt Munger
Hazen Jared lab 21 4 $125 Merritt Munger
Hazen O D gardener 17 10 $450 Hampton Essexville
Hazlett Edward f 5 40 $240 Gibson Moore's Junction
Hearit John f 19 80 $1200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hecht John f 28 40 $1400 Monitor West Bay City
Hedburg Andrew f 5 40 $330 Fraser Michie
Heddon Wm lab 24 4 $50 Pinconning Hedlund
Hedlun John f 7 33 $500 Monitor Bedell
Heidenberger John M f 17 40 $710 Merritt Bay City
Hein Carl f 6 80 $600 Beaver Duel
Hein Herman f 6 80 $600 Beaver Duel
Heinreich Carl f 29 40 $2000 Hampton Bay City
Heitzig Christian f 31 40 $2400 Monitor W Bay City
Helman John   I 20 $450 Williams North Williams
Helmer John p     $100 Pinconning Pinconning
Helmore Robert   19 0 $700 Bangor West Bay City
Helmreich Conrad f I, 3 120 $4700 Frankenlust West Bay City
Helmreich Fritz f 1-12 117 $5630 Frankenlust West Bay City
Helmreich George A f 2-3-8 214 $6100 Frankenlust West Bay City
Helmreich John f 1-6-7-12 231 $8380 Frankenlust West Bay City
Helmreich J G p     $500 Frankenlust West Bay City
Helmuth Engelhard f 5 40 $750 Portsmouth Bay City
Helmuth John   5 40 $700 Portsmouth Bay City
Hembling Noah f 31 50 $1500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hemngway Thomas f 25-36 59 $1800 Williams Auburn
Hemingway Wm f 25 120 $4000 Williams Auburn
Heninger Michael   27, 34 50 $1300 Monitor W Bay City
Hennard Wm f 26 40 $400 Beaver Loehne
Henne F f 26 9 $500 Hampton Bay City
Hennessy Mary   26 8 $400 Hampton Bay City
Henry Burt A f 10 40 $1325 Portsmouth Arn
Henry Samuel f 3 159 $9500 Portsmouth Bay City
Henry Wm f 3-4 52 $2735 Portsmouth Arn
Heppner Charles f 6,8,10 250 $8300 Frankenlust Amelith
Herauf Frederick f 7 40 $350 Kawkawlin Loraine
Herbert Caroline f 20 40 $1600 Hampton Bay City
Herbolsheimer George f 6-8-10 112 $4830 Frankenlust Amelith
Herdlin John C f 34 80 $2400 Williams Laredo
Herman Frederick f 30-31 80 $1100 Beaver Willard
Herrieter George f 3 40 $500 Kawkawlin Linwood
Herrieter Joseph f 33 40 $600 Fraser Linwood
Herrieter Mary E f 33 60 $910 Fraser Linwood
Herritt John f 19 80 $1200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Heske Julius f 12 40 $600 Merritt Munger
Hessling George W shoemaker       Pinconning Pinconning
Heubner George f 29 10 $500 Hampton Bay City
Heubner Wm f 29 10 $500 Hampton Bay City
Heubner Wm f 10 40 $800 Merritt Bay City
Heulitt Mary H f 8 80 $325 Mt. Forest Mt. Forest
Hewitt C A   16 40 $400 Hampton Bay City
Hickey Mrs M A f 25 160 $1250 Merritt Reese
Higgins Charles f II 40 $325 Pinconning Pinconning
Hidden Paul (est) f 6 48 $1150 Bangor West Bay City
Hilber Jacob lab 8 10 $700 Bangor West Bay City
Hildebrant Alonzo f 6 69 $1400 Monitor Bedell
Hill A B   16 161 $2500 Frankenlust Bay City
Hil S A f 5 46 $1500 Bangor West Bay City
Hilliard I f 17 40 $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Hilliker A C f 16 120 $3250 Hampton Bay City
Hillman George f 17 80 $700 Fraser Michie
Hine Gustavus f 34-35 78 $6100 Portsmouth Bay City
Hine G f 26 22 $2200 Hampton Bay City
Hines Adam f 19 40 $600 Williams Auburn
Hiscock F W lab 8 5 $300 Bangor West Bay City
Hiskes Cornelius f 23 8 $1900 Hampton Bay City
Histed Albert f 21 40 $1165 Merritt Munger
Histed Wm   8 20 $610 Merritt Munger
Hitz Andrew f 30 53 $850 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hitz George f 31 80 $1400 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hitz John f 7, 18 80 $950 Kawkawlin Bedell
Hitz Michael f 9 80 $3700 Frankenlust Amelith
Hodder Windham f 20 40 $600 Fraser Michie
Hodge Almon f 6 80 $1500 Williams N Williams
Hoffman Catherine f 30 40 $675 Fraser Lengsville
Hoffman Katharina f 2 7 $400 Portsmouth Bay City
Hogle Mrs Mary H f 35 75 $3750 Portsmouth Bay City
Hohes George f 31 40 $550 Fraser Linwood
Holka Andrew f 7 80 $600 Beaver Loehne
Holka Jacob f 34 40 $300 Garfield Loehne
Holland Morritz S f 26 40 $1500 Monitor W Bay City
Holloway John f 16-22 60 $875 Pinconning Pinconning
Holman T J f 26 40 $1750 Williams Auburn
Holmes Mrs S F   27 16 $1800 Hampton Bay City
Home George f 32 40 $700 Beaver Willard
Honabos John f 33 80 $1600 Williams Laredo
Hooker Francis f 23 120 $425 Mt Forest Mt Forest
Hooker Jeannette f 23 80 $300 Mt Forest Mt Forest
Hooker Wm f 23 80 $275 Mt Forest Mt Forest
Hooley Minnie dressmkr       Pinconning Pinconning
Hoovinert Henry f 21 40 $1100 Hampton Essexville
Hopkins Frank f 4 5 $350 Portsmouth Bay City
Hopkins Jesse f 4 23 $1050 Portsmouth Bay City
Hopler Henry W supervisor 10 80 $2500 Williams N Williams
Hopp Wm sr f 15 40 $900 Merritt Bay City
Hopp Wm jr f 15 40 $915 Merritt Bay City
Hoppe Albert lab     $450 Frankenlust West Bay City
Horan James lab 26 I $250 Hampton Essexville
Horan John f 23-26 24 $2800 Hampton Bay City
Horlacher John f 13 8- $700 Beaver Loehne
Horn Arthur f 22 20 $500 Williams Aurburn
Horn Augustus f 3 40 $1400 Williams N Williams
Horn Frederick f 22 20 $500 Williams Auburn
Horn Henry f 30 II $825 Monitor West Bay City
Horn John f 15 30 $600 Williams N Williams
Horn Minnie   30 3 $500 Monitor West Bay City
Hornaber Ferdinand f 5 80 $1950 Monitor Kawkawlin
Horne Charles f 15 50 $1550 Williams Auburn
Hornshig August f 29 40 $725 Beaver Willard
Horstman Jacob f 8 40 $400 Beaver Duel
Hotchkiss B D f 15 80 $1950 Williams North Williams
Hotchkiss Frederick f 15 40 $800 Williams North Williams
Hotchkiss Wm J f 24 120 $3600 Williams Auburn
House Christopher f 5 30 $150 Mt Forest Mt Forest
Howe Alexander f 3 39 $1200 Monitor Kawkawlin
Howell Chatford A supervisor 14 123 $3160 Merritt Bay City
Howell Percy W f 14 37 $1000 Merritt Munger
Howell S J f 14 40 $800 Merritt Munger
Howell Wm f 9-15-16 183 $1975 Hampton Essexville
Hubble George f 6 40 $600 Williams North Williams
Hubner August f 20 20 $1000 Hampton Bay City
Hubner Charles f 5-6 139 $3850 Portsmouth Bay City
Hubner Frederick f 6 40 $900 Protsmouth Bay City
Hubner Wm f 20 20 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Huckins J D f 33 240 $5600 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Huckinson A 30 40 $700   Bangor  
Hudson Joseph f 14 35 $4000 Hampton Essexville
Huff Henry   22 5 $100 Beaver Willard
Huff Henry E lab 23 2 $400 Hampton Essexville
Huffman Willard lab 5 5 $250 Bangor West Bay City
Hugo Amand f 22 80 $1700 Hampton Bay City
Hufnagel Mrs J f 22 40 $1600 Monitor West Bay City
Hugo Armand f 22 80 $1700 Hampton Bay City
Hugo Frank f 22 40 $1100 Hampton Bay City
Hulford Alfred f 4 40 $325 Pinconning Pinconning
Humphrey John f 5 40 $350 Gibson Moore's Junction
Humphrey Wellington f 4 40 $300 Gibson Moore's Junction
Hunt James f 14 40 $800 Williams Auburn
Hunter J f 3 120 $920 Fraser Michie
Huntley Hannah f 30 80 $500 Gibson Bentley
Hupfer Leonard f 17 140 $3950 Frankenlust Amelith
Hutcheson Daniel & Son f 2 70 $1800 Williams Auburn
Hutchins Stephen f 4 20 $150 Beaver Duel
Hutter Jacob f 7-9-17 200 $7500 Frankelust Amelith
Hyre August f 17 80 $1800 Williams Laredo

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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