R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Gabbe Ludwig f 33 40 $800 Beaver Willard
Gadbean Amadeus f 10 40 $900 Monitor West Bay City
Gador Napoleon f 16 40 $500 Hampton Essexville
Gaffney John W f 34 40 $1400 Williams Auburn
Gaffney Nicholas   26 5 $800 Hampton Bay City
Gaffney Wm f 34 40 $900 Williams Auburn
Gaffney Wm f 22 118 $5800 Monitor West Bay City
Gafner Frank f 30 40 $500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Gagnier Charles grocer     $1700 Hampton Essexville
Gaines Andrew f 5 10 $400 Bangor West Bay City
Gale John f 24 40 $600 Merritt Munger
Gallagher Dennis f 26 49 $3500 Hampton Bay City
Gallagher James f 35 120 $3200 Williams N Williams
Gallenau James f 17 100 $940 Fraser Michie
Garber John f 24 52 $4600 Hampton Essexville
Gardner A f I 37 $350 Beaver Lochne
Garn Thomas f 4 20 $1400 Bangor West Bay City
Garrison George f 7 40 $450 Kawkawlin Linwood
Gartong August C f 13-24 77 $2500 Williams Auburn
Garvie David f 21 80 $1500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Garvie Wm f 19 40 $350 Kawkawlin Bedell
Gates Archie f 5 120 $2600 Williams N Williams
Gates S G M f 2-11 120 $5050 Portsmouth Bay City
Gates & Cushman 5   5 39 $1300 Bangor West Bay City
Gatzar Pual f 15 40 $1020 Merritt Auburn
Gavin Xavier f 30 57 $2000 Monitor Auburn
Gazak Jacob f 15 40 $1000 Williams North Williams
Gease John f 31 40 $500 Fraser Linwood
Gebes Casimir f 12 40 $800 Williams Auburn
Gebhart A   8 40 $3050 Bangor  
Gegorek Andrew f 12-13 80 $750 Beaver Loehne
Gehringer Mrs L f 24-29-30 139 $6100 Monitor West Bay City
Geiersbach Herman f 28 40 $910 Merritt Munger
Gerhauser Fritz f 8 60 $1600 Frankenlust West Bay City
Gerhauser George f 8 60 $2700 Frankenlust West Bay City
Gerhauser John f 15 40 $1800 Frankenlust West Bay City
Germain Alfred f 19 5 $350 Bangor West Bay City
Gerueski Frank f 21-27 80 $1450 Williams Auburn
Gesler Eliza   30 4 $320 Monitor West Bay City
Geyser F f 28 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Gibson James f 19 40 $300 Gibson Bentley
Gibson John G grocer       Pinconning  
Gibson J G & Co p     $450 Pinconning  
Gies John   19 5 $750 Bangor  
Gilbert Albert f 4 40 $1000 Williams N Williams
Gilbert Anthony   29 20 $260 Fraser Linwood
Gilbert Edward f 29 40 $600 Fraser Lengsville
Gilbert Joseph f I 40 $400 Fraser Michie
Gilbert Mrs Sarah M f I 20 $400 Monitor West Bay City
Gillam George f I 30 $250 Beaver Loehne
Gillardo Philip f 24 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Gilliland Wm f 21 40 $1640 Merritt Munger
Gillispie James   32 10 $400 Bangor West Bay City
Gillmann Abraham f 8 80 $1600 Monitor West Bay City
Gilmore AUstin f 3 38 $325 Pinconning Pinconning
Gilmore James f 30 80 $1020 Fraser Linwood
Girard Andrew f 29 80 $1400 Fraser Linwood
Girard David f 23 40 $600 Hampton Bay City
Girard Leon f 35 28 $300 Fraser Linwood
Girtz Ernst f and butcher 35 29 $950 Portsmouth  
Glaspie Monroe W f 28 100 $1160 Fraser Lengsville
Glaza Stephen f 28 80 $1500 Williams Laredo
Gleason Michael   32-33 58 $1150 Merritt Bay City
Glinnick John f 29 40 $1000 Williams Auburn
Godkin J & B   10-11-12 245 $7750 Portsmouth Bay City
Goetz Jacob f 13 75 $2400 Frankenlust West Bay City
Goetz Leonhard f 25-36 220 $8000 Monitor West Bay City
Gohr Edward lab 6 3 $300 Frankenlust Amleith
Gohsman Jhn f 20 40 $750 Kawkawlin Bedell
Gollett Louis f 6 20 $250 Fraser Michie
Golombeck Joseph f 16 40 $425 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goodell James M f 2 40 $350 Beaver Loehne
Goodmere Alphonse f II 37 $500 Fraser Michie
Goodspeed Fred   19 5 $400 Bangor West Bay City
Gordenier Lewis f 30 40 $260 Gibson Bentley
Gorkie Joseph   13 40 $900 Williams Auburn
Gorkie Paul f 13 40 $1000 Williams Auburn
Gornowick Thomas lab 3 7 $570 Portsmouth Bay City
Gorton Frederick lab 19 0 $150 Bangor West Bay City
Gosler Thomas f 21 20 $300 Williams Auburn
Goss Abraham f 30 40 $350 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goss John f 29 40 $850 Kawkawlin Gedell
Goss Wm f 30 40 $600 Kawkawlin Bedell
Gould Eugene f 9 40 $350 Beaver Dual
Goulette Archie f 27 40 $1300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette Mrs A f 27 39 $1475 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette Clovier f 33 40 $1150 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette Frank postmaster 27-33 40 $2300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette George f 27 40 $900 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette John f 22 40 $850 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette Joseph f 27 40 $1400 Kawkawlin Bedell
Goulette Samuel f 33 40 $1400 Kawkawlin Bedell
Gould Charles E f 9 40 $425 Beaver Willard
Goyer Francis f 30 12 $1000 Monitor Auburn
Gracy James f 36 38 $1150 Portsmouth Bay City
Graham Aretus f 6 30 $600 Monitor Bedell
Graham Duncan mercht 21-22 43 $1100 Merritt Munger
Graham Emerson f 34 40 $1250 Kawkawlin Bedell
Graham Robert f 3-10 25 $1250 Portsmouth Arn
Gramson Joseph f 14 30 $500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Granger Joseph f 2 80 $1000 Kawkawlin Linwood
Grant Lovell W lab 19 0 $250 Bangor West Bay City
Grant Miss Minnie f 3 40 $1000 Williams North Williams
Grappin Benjamin f 19-30 80 $1010 Fraser Linwood
Gravelin M   27 3 $250 Pinconning Pinconning
Gravelin Peter f 20 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Graves A A f 30 40 $650 Gibson Bentley
Gray Thomas f 32 40 $800 Beaver Willard
Green Charles f 34 40 $800 Beaver Willard
Green John f 30 40 $800 Fraser Linwood
Green Samuel f 7 80 $900 Fraser Michie
Green & Braman   sawmill 5 11 $10500 Frankenlust West Bay City
Greenie Noel f 29 40 $460 Fraser Linwood
Greenleaf Louis W hotel       Pinconning  
Gregoire Gustaf f 31 80 $1200 Fraser Linwood
Gregiore Thomas f 31 80 $750 Fraser Linwood
Gregory Frank gardener 23 8 $1800 Hampton Bay City
Gregweir C   9 2 $400 Bangor West Bay City
Gremboski Angus f 13 75 $270 Mt. Forest Pinconning
Greuschki Gottlieb f 3 40 $1130 Merritt Bay City
Greyorski John f 21 40 $200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Griesbach Charles f 9 40 $800 Merritt Munger
Griffin James lab 19 1 $150 Bangor West Bay City
Grigg Matilda f 3 40 $1200 Merritt Bay City
Grigg Robert f 2 160 $3025 Merritt Bay City
Grigg Wm f 3 80 $2170 Merritt Bay City
Grisdala Albert f 16 20 $1220 Merritt Bay City
Grisdella Frank f 28 40 $850 Williams Laredo
Grisdella Max f 29 40 $800 Williams Laredo
Griswold H F 19 18 $1800 Hampton Bay City
Grobe John f 20 40 $2100 Monitor West Bay City
Grobe Wm f 20 40 $1400 Monitor West Bay City
Groboski Thomas   3 5 $250 Portsmouth Arn
Groholski Joseph f 10 15-120 $1625 Kawkawlin Bedell
Gromboski Michael f 19 20-80 $775 Pinconning Pinconning
Grose Joseph lab     $550 Hampton Essexville
Gross Joseph f 27 25 $350 Williams AUburn
Groulix Mrs f 30 35 $1850 Hampton Bay City
Groulix Edward f 13 20 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Groulix Ernest f 29 25 $1025 Hampton Essexville
Groulix E lab 30 5 $250 Hampton Bay City
Groulx Joseph f 32 20 $500 Portsmouth Bay City
Groulx Napoleon f 32 60 $1450 Portsmouth Bay City
Grover O W f 22 40 $650 Beaver Lochne
Groves George f 5 80 $450 Gibson Moore's Junction
Grumboski Henry f 24 40 $175 Mt. Forest Pinconning
Grumboski Stanislaus f 24 40 $125 Mt. Forest Pinconning
Gruschke John lab     $200 Frankenlust West Bay City
Grusczinski Stephen f 14 40 $1025 Portsmouth ARn
Grusczinski Wiscoulie f 14 40 $700 Portsmouth Arn
Guardipe Wm f 29 20 $900 Hampton Bay City
Gudschinsky E D p     $300 Hampton Essexville
Guesser J lab 22 5 $175 Pinconning Pinconning
Guillett John   13 17-23 $1250 Hampton Essexville
Guillett Louis f 13 37 $3500 Hampton Essexville
Guindon Joseph f 17 35 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Guinup Charles p     $100 Portsmouth Bay City
Guinup Charles jr gardener 2 5 $400 Portsmouth Bay City
Gulberg John f 13 20 $2800 Hampton Essexville
Gunn Hugh f 30 40 $580 Fraser Linwood
Gunther John f I 80 $1500 Williams North Williams
Guntherman H lab 31 3 $250 Monitor Auburn
Gurney James   8 10 $950 Bangor West Bay City
Gust Herman f 33 20 $400 Portsmouth Bay City
Gustavson A   36 3 $150 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Gustavson Samuel J pump mnfr       Kawkawlin  
Gustin H A f 8 75 $4450 Bangor West Bay City
Gutchick Henry f 9 40 $425 Pinconning Pinconning
Gwizdala Paul f 18 80 $2100 Monitor Auburn

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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