R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Fairchild Clarence f 29 37 $450 Gibson Bentley
Fairley Thomas f I 98 $3450 Portsmouth Bay City
Fanger Christopher f 27 40 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Faragan Alexander f 18 39 $460 Fraser Michie
Farquarson John f 30 80 $1000 Beaver Willarad
Faulds Andrew f 19 105 $700 Gibson Bentley
Faulds D & M D f 20 80 $430 Gibson Bentley
Faust Anthony lab 35 3 $275 Portsmouth Bay City
Faxon Carrie   19 34 $4700 Bangor West Bay City
Featherly J W f 27 77 $2500 Hampton Bay City
Feinauer Andrew f 29 80 $2700 Monitor West Bay City
Feinauer George f 4 98 $3400 Frankenlust West Bay City
Feinauer George W f 33 100 $3500 Monitor West Bay City
Feinauer John C f 32 80 $3100 Monitor West Bay City
Feinauer J M f 25 120 $5700 Monitor West Bay City
Felker James f 31 120 $4100 Monitor West Bay City
Felski August f 24 80 $1885 Merritt Munger
Felski Gottlieb f 13-24 80 $1580 Merritt Munger
Felson Mrs D A f 25 50 $3000 Hampton Bay City
Fenerstock Ludwig f I 15 $700 Portsmouth Bay City
Fennelly James f 32-33 77 $2730 Merritt Bay City
Fenski Charles f 5 40 $300 Beaver Duel
Fenwick Thomas   20 20 $350 Kawkawlin Bedell
Ferguson James lab 5 10 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Fenerstock Ludwig f I 15 $700 Portsmouth Bay City
Fennelly James f 32-33 77 $2730 Merritt Bay City
Fenski Charles f 5 40 $300 Beaver Duel
Fenwick Thomas   20 20 $350 Kawkawlin Bedell
Ferguson James lab 5 10 $500 Bangor West Bay City
Ferguson Walter well borer       Pinconning  
Fersterling Christian f 4 78 $1800 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fick Arthur W f 17 80 $1075 Pinconning Pinconning
Fifield Eugene f 11-12-13 240 $10,600 Monitor Kawkawlin
Filbrandt Frederick lab 5 0 $300 Frankenlust Amelith
Finn John f 28 40 $1100 Hampton Bay City
Finn John J f 19 80 $1375 Kawkawlin Bedell
Finn Lawrence f 28 50 $1650 Hampton Bay City
Finn Mat f 28 30 $1200 Hampton Bay City
Firkus Charles   3 12 $1000 Portsmouth Arn
Fischer Albert lab 5 0 $350 Frankenlust Amleith
Fischer Edward f II 89 $2450 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fischer Fred f 2 33 $900 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fischer Frederick W f II 50 $1750 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fischer Wm f II 50 $1500 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fischhaber L f 7 40 $650 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fisher Gustave f 32 40 $800 Williams Laredo
Fisk Alfred f 17 40 $450 Kawkawlin Bedell
Fisk Eliza    18 2 $125 Hampton Essexville
Fisk G L gardener 18 10 $550 Hampton Essexville
Fisk L H gardener 13 10 $1400 Hampton Essexville
Fitch Wm f 8 40 $600 Fraser Michie
Fitzgerald Daniel f 11-12 150 $5250 Portsmouth Bay City
Ftizhugh A F   26 15 $1200 Hampton Bay City
Fitzhugh E T   27 19 $2400 Hampton Bay City
Fitzhugh Frank real estate 14 19 $6000 Hampton Bay City
Fitzek Frank f 29 80 $800 Beaver Willard
Fleece Wm f 10 40 $400 Pinconning Pinconning
Fletcher James justice 31 40 $400 Beaver Willard
Fletcher Robert f 21-23 120 $2300 Williams AUburn
Fletcher R H f 22 20 $400 Williams Auburn
Flickinger Rudolf f 34 80 $1300 Monitor West Bay City
Flood Charles f 30 78 $1300 Frazer Linwood
Flood George f 29 15 $225 Fraser Linwood
Flood James f 30 40 $800 Fraser Linwood
Florence Gideon f 26 40 $1000 Williams Auburn
Flowers Mary   32 19 $350 Bangor West Bay City
Flynn Margaret f 23 40 $300 Hampton Bay City
Flynn Wm f 8 80 $3200 Bangor West Bay City
Focow Paul f I 80 $1000 Garfield Michie
Foerster George f II 36 $500 Frankenlust West Bay City
Foerster John f 8 80 $3250 Frankenlust Amelith
Foerster Michael   6 5 $250 Frankenlust Amelith
Foerster Michael jr f 9 80 $3600 Frankenlust Amelith
Fogelsonger Elmer f 5 80 800 Kawkawlin Linwood
Fogelsonger Jerris f 7 40 $600 Fraser Michie
Fogelsonger L f 18 40 $460 Fraser Michie
Fogelsonger Nathaniel f 5 40 $500 Kawkawlin Linwood
Fondrich Henry f 16 40 $915 Merritt Bay City
Fondrich Michael f 16 40 $930 Merritt Bay City
Foote Mrs Joseph   27 I $75 Pinconning Pinconning
Foote Michael   23 I $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Forbes John f 33 40 $800 Williams Laraedo
Forcier B f I 39  $275 Pinconning Pinconning
Ford John   30 12 $600 Hampton Bay City
Ford W H (est) staves and heading 23 4 $2000 Pinconning Pinconning
Forester John M   26-29 16 $6200 Monitor West Bay City
Forgette August f 11 40 $420 Fraser Michie
Forster John A f 8 80 $1800 Williams Laredo
Forster John C f 33 60 $2200 Monitor West Bay City
Foss Evan E f 9 40 $450 Fraser Michie
Foster Isaac   31 10 $300 Portsmouth Bay City
Fountain  George   33 40 $800 Kawkawlin Bedell
Fountain Jacob f 21 40 $225 Kawkawlin Bedell
Fournier Paul lab 13 5 $350 Hampton Essexville
Fowler John S f 32 80 $1060 Fraser Linwood
Framke Albert f 6 38 $1050 Portsmouth Bay City
Francis Charles f 29 20 $700 Hampton Bay City
Francis Gregory f 34 79 $1400 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Francis Hugh f 36 60 $600 Merritt Reese
Francis James f 35 90 $2500 Merritt Reese
Francis John C   I 6 $350 Monitor Kawkawlin
Francis Wm A f II 40 $920 Merritt Reese
Francis Wm H f II 80 $780 Fraser Michie
Frank Charles blacksmith 17-21 41 $1100 Merritt Lansing
Frank Henry and Edwin f 27 97 $1830 Merritt Munger
Franklin Charles   36 14 $250 Kawkawlin West Bay City
Franz John f 8 40 $1100 Merritt Bay City
Freckelton R O f 2 37 $370 Fraser Michie
Freckelton Thomas f 2 3 $50 Fraser Michie
Frederick Albert   8 10 $1000 Bangor West Bay City
Frederick Edward f 16 20 $200 Beaver Lochne
Fremont Virgil f 14 40 $450 Fraser Michie
Frisbie Gottfried f 27 80 $1900 Kawkawlin Bedell
Fritz Adolphus f 23 30 $1500 Hampton Essexville
Fritz Jacob (est)   34-35 6 $600 Portsmouth Arn
Froschour John f 33 40 $700 Beaver Willard
Froster George f 5 80 $1500 Williams North Williams
Froster John f 5 160 $3600 Williams North Williams
Frusik John f 16 80 $900 Kawkawlin Bedell
Fry J f 34 40 $850 Hampton Bay City
Fuckerer Joseph f 4 19 60 $1400 Monitor Kawkawlin
Fuller Warren (est)   7 40 $500 Fraser Michie
Furnier Joseph f 26 30 $375 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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