R. L. POLK & CO.'S




f, farmer; f lab, farm laborer; ft or t, farm tenant; lab, laborer;
carp, carpenter; manfr, manufacturer; p, personal; pr, pro-
prietor; res, reservation; state, state homestead land.


Following each name are given: First, business; second, number
of section upon which person resides; third, number of acres;
fourth, assessed valuation; fifth, name of township; sixth,
postoffice address.


Surname Given Name Business Section  Acres Valuation Township Post Office
Dack Robert lab 13 5 $450 Hampton Essexville
Daeschlein Henry   8-15 80 $3400 Frankenlust Amelith
Dahn John f 4 40 $890 Portsmouth Bay City
Daily Andrew f 29 40 $1600 Hampton Bay City
Dalempal David f 33 32 $600 Hampton Bay City
Dalempal Simon lab 23 8 $150 Williams Auburn
Dalke Daniel f 27 45 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Dalzell T A f 23 40 $6000 Hampton Bay City
Daminaski John f 22 80 $1000 Beaver Loehne
Dammer Martin f 9 40 $400 Kawkawlin Linwood
Dandenbosche Peter f 33 80 $1800 Kawkawlin Bedell
Danielewski A f 24 19 $1500 Monitor West Bay City
Daniels P lab 8 5 $300 Bangor West Bay City
Danskin Rev Alexander         Pinconning  
Dardoski Agnes f 28 40 $500 Williams Laredo
Dargis Philip f 13 12 $650 Hampton Essexville
Darwin Archie f 4 40 $400 Fraser Michie
Datarrah Frank f 16 40 $1030 Merritt Bay City
Durain Frank f 22-23 40 $800 Williams Auburn
Davenport Bert   34 20 $500 Hampton Bay City
Davey Patrick f 6 80 $750 Kawkawlin Linwood
Davidson George f 31 40 $650 Kawkawlin Bedell
Davidson John f 33 40 $1200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Davis A f 34 40 $450 Beaver Willard
Davis A   15 20 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Davis David   15 20 $200 Pinconning Pinconning
Davis Ferdinand f II 77 $750 Fraser Michie
Davis Henry f 34 10 $375 Kawkawlin Bedell
Davis Joseph p     $125 Fraser Michie
Davis O G f 19 40 $300 Gibson Bentley
Davis Wm f 7 80 $800 Fraser Michie
Dawley Martin f 21 60 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
Dawson Wm f 14 40 $1235 Merritt Munger
Day Mrs Mary   4-33 74 $3200 Portsmouth Arn
Day Solomon   27 80 $1600 Hampton Bay City
Daymouth A f 3 40 $375 Pinconning Pinconning
Deamer Frank f II 40 $870 Merritt Munger
Dean Christ f 30 80 $1800 Kawkawlin Bedell
Dean Edwin f 8 40 $900 Merritt Bay City
Dean James lab 13 5 $100 Pinconning Pinconning
Dean J M f 5 10 $400 Bangor West Bay City
De Caire Henry f 7 40 $450 Fraser Michie
De Caire George f 6 40 $500 Fraser Michie
Dechaine Noel   29 5 $225 Hampton Bay City
Decorde Albert f 6 9 $400 Portsmouth Bay City
Cecorde Bruno f 32 40 $500 Portsmouth Bay City
Decorde Frank   5 20 $550 Portsmouth Bay City
Defoe Paul f 8 40 $400 Beaver Willard
Deford Eli gardener 13 4 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Deford Elor f 32 20 $350 Bangor West Bay City
De Frain Leander f 14 40 $900 Monitor West Bay City
Defreshua Gilbert f 14 20 $225 Pinconning Pinconning
De Hart Samuel lab 30 8 $175 Williams Colon
Delano Wm thresher 26 40 $500 Garfield Loehne
Delisle Nicholas lab 9 3 $450 Bangor West Bay City
Deloge James f 23 20 $175 Hampton Essexville
Deloge James jr   28 10 $375 Hampton Essexville
Delohki John f 8 40 $1020 Merritt Bay City
Delong John f 14 40 $300 Kawkawlin Bedell
Delosh John f 17 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Delosh Vincent f 17 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Delude Napoleon f 18 120 $2900 Williams Colon
Demire Peter f 13 10 $900 Hampton Essexville
Demis Adolph   32 20 $400 Portsmouth Bay City
Dencher Frank f 6 57 $1000 Williams N Williams
Deneke August f 35 390 $11350 Monitor West Bay City
Deneker Edmund f 27 10 $1200 Hampton Bay City
Denison Albert S f 29 30 $500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Dennis Frank f I 80 $750 Garfield Michie
De Paemlaen Peter f 26 40 $600 Merritt Munger
Depermelia John f 26 40 $820 Merritt Reese
Deroshia John f II 80 $750 Beaver Loehne
Derosier Hilaire f 31 78 $625 Pinconning Pinconning
Descotte Edward f 29 10 $500 Hampton Bay City
Devault D f II 40 $600 Kawkawlin Linwood
Dewey Marvin E hardware     $150 Pinconning Pinconning
De Witt Frank f 8 40 $600 Fraser Michie
De Witt Frederick f 17 40 $360 Fraser Michie
De Witt John f 33 80 $1300 Fraser Linwood
Dewyse John f 3-10 20 $1300 Portsmouth Arn
Deyke Adolph f 22 45 $600 Pinconning Pinconning
De Young Peter lab 31 1 $325 Monitor Auburn
Dickinson Mathew f 18 40 $275 Kawkawlin Bedell
Kickson John f 30 112 $2500 Williams Laredo
Diehl Charles (est)   7 40 $1100 Portsmouth Bay City
Diehl Henry f 26-31 91 $1550 Monitor West Bay City
Dietlein John f 16 40 $350 Beaver Willard
Dillon John f 32-33 43 $1980 Merritt Bay City
Dimond Charles f 8 20 $500 Merritt Munger
Dingman Joseph f 7 75 $1800 Williams Auburn
Dingman Wm f 27 20 $500 Williams Auburn
Dinnan Hugh f 29 80 $1700 Fraser Linwood
Disher H f 19 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Ditzen Frederick f 32 80 $1300 Williams Laredo
Dixon Abraham   24 I $50 Pinconning Pinconning
Dixon Hawley f 8-31 45 $1150 Bangor West Bay City
Dixon Joseph lab 13-24 6 $175 Pinconning Pinconning
Doan Milton   27 10 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Docheamrald Wm F f 23 40 $450 Beaver Loehne
Dodge Alfred f I 30 $300 Beaver Loehne
Dodge Orin lab I 20 $200 Beaver Loehne
Doe Seraphine f 6 80 $750 Kawkawlin Linwood
Dollinger R R f 29 40 $900 Kawkawlin Bedell
Dolph Wm mason       Pinconning  
Dolph W D f 16 80 $1100 Pinconning Pinconning
Domeley T B   31 58 $1750 Portsmouth Arn
Dommer R H f 2 60 $3000 Frankenlust West Bay City
Dommer Wm f 7 60 $2050 Frankenlust Amelith
Donaldson Samuel (est) f 7 40 $1350 Bangor West Bay City
Donavan Wm f 36 40 $170 Mt Forest Pinconning
Donnan Amos f 5 10 $250 Bangor West Bay City
Donnell R A f 18 40 $300 Pinconning Pinconning
Donohue Thomas lab 33 4 $350 Bangor West Bay City
Donovan James f 30 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Doonan John f 30 160 $1800 Beaver Willard
Doring Carl f 29 40 $600 Beaver Willard
Doruchie A f 9 40 $350 Kawkawlin Linwood
Dory Alfred f 33 38 $1200 Kawkawlin Bedell
Dory Henry f 27 60 $1900 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Doten W E f 5 38 $300 Gibson Moore's Junction
Doty Wm f 19 40 $550 Kawkawlin Bedell
Downing Wm   22 56 $950 Kawkawlin Bedell
Doyle John f 33 80 $2020 Merritt Bay City
Doyle Michael f 33 40 $1020 Merritt Bay City
Drager Andrew f 16 30 $300 Beaver Willard
Drager August f 4 40 $650 Portsmouth Bay City
Drafs Henry f 28 40 $500 Beaver Willard
Drafs Herman f 28 40 $600 Beaver Willard
Drake John W f 34 40 $300 Garfield Linwood
Drake Truman f 26 57 $450 Pinconning Pinconning
Dresher Adam f 5 100 $2450 Monitor Kawkawlin
Dresher Conrad f 4 40 $1000 Monitor Kawkawlin
Droemers Jacob f 36 80 $850 Beaver Auburn
Dubois Joseph   14 18 $225 Pinconning Pinconning
Dubey Anton   35 15 $300 Merritt Reese
Dubey Joseph f II 40 $400 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Dubey Joseph sr   I 80 $650 Garfield Michie
Dubey Joseph jr f 12 40 $425 Garfield Michie
Dubey Louis f 9 3 $500 Bangor  
Dubey Noah f 25 40 $520 Merritt Reese
Dubois Louis f 33 80 $1230 Fraser Linwood
Dubois Martin L f 32 40 $650 Fraser Linwood
Duel L L f 8 40 $450 Beaver Duel
Duford Eli state 29 120   Garfield Duel
Duford John f 32 20 $350 Bangor Kawkawlin
Duford Oliver f 31 80 $600 Garfield Willard
Dufrain Charles f 14 40 $350 Fraser Michie
Dufresne M shingle mill 13 5 $1000 Hampton Essexville
Dugette Frank f 15 40 $500 Kawkawlin Bedell
Dumo Frank   14 20 $425 Kawkawlin Linwood
Dumont Prudence f 12 40 $950 Williams Auburn
Dunn Charles f 19 40 $400 Pinconning Pinconning
Dunn James f 4 20 $400 Monitor Kawkawlin
Dunn James f 20 40 $2000 Hampton Bay City
Dunn Joseph f 31 40 $350 Pinconning Pinconning
Dunn Wm f 4 20 $550 Monitor Kawkawlin
Duplante S contractor 13 3 $500 Hampton Essexville
Duplanty Frank f 25 40 $350 Garfield Linwood
Duplanty Wm f 19 40 $600 Kawkawlin Bedell
Duponce John f 24 40 $900 Monitor West Bay City
Dupont Powder Co     34-35 25 $75 Portsmouth  
Dupratt L f 17 40 $200 Frankenlust  
Durfee George & L f 6 35 $700 Bangor West Bay City
Duruselle Constant f 35 120 $2445 Merritt Reese
Duryea Bert f 22 20 $200 Beaver Loehne
Duse Joseph f 26 30 $275 Kawkawlin Beaver
Dushanow Edward f 28 40 $650 Beaver Loehne
Dushanow Wm f 23 40 $450 Beaver Loehne
Duso John f 35 26 $600 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Duso Wm f 34 40 $1475 Kawkawlin Kawkawlin
Dutcher Clarence `lab     $150 Gibson Bentley
Dutton Eli f 17 67 $880 Fraser Michie
Dwyer Daniel butcher 34 10 $1000 Portsmouth Bay City
Dyer Patrick f 4 40 $320 Fraser Michie
Dzurka Frank f 17 40 $500 Williams Laredo

© 2004  - 2005 of  transcription  by Donna Hoff-Grambau

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