R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers




Yahn Frank, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water

Yalarkavitch John, laborer, res w s Sherman 2 n of 21st

Yankean Martin, laborer, Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Yankowiak Frank, laborer, res 901 S Farragut

Yankowiak Philip, laborer, res n s 19th 2 w of Van Buren

Yanowik Hattie, domestic 814 N Sheridan

Yanowizch Joseph, res 905 S Farragut

Yanwowicz Matthew, laborer, res 915 S Farragut

Yarchinski Sebastian, laborer, res e s Wilson 2 n of 33rd

Yarovet John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Yaster Wm, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Yaszkiewicz John, laborer, res 815 S Farragut

Yeip Catherine (wid Peter), res 118 North

Yeip John, teamster, res 411 13th

Yeip Michael, laborer, bds 408 13th

Yeno Arthur, laborer, res 300 Jennison Ave

Yon Joseph, blacksmith, res 707 Fitzgerald

Yon Oliver, clerk Ephrema Bergevin

 Yorka August, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Young Archibald, bartender R J Parker, bds same

Young Archibald, laborer, bds Elk hotel

*Young Bros (Charles E and Walter D), Coal, Wood, Ice, Sewer Pipe,

   Cement, Fire Brick Clay, etc, 711 and 713 N Water opp Fraser house

Young Charles E (Young Bros), pres Bay City Brewing Co and sec and treas

   Lake Ice Co, bds n w cor Center and Van Buren

Young Frederick, laborer, bds Wipdsor house

Young Frederick W, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, res 1123 Bowery

Young George, vice-pres Bay City bank, res 814 Center

Young George H, Cashier Bay City Bank, res 511 N Van Buren

Young Gottieb, teamster, bds 707 N Madison

Young Isabella, domestic 231 Adams

Young John, boots and shoes 1022 N Water, bds Anscomb house

Young John, laborer, bds Ontario house

Young John, carpetweaver, res 707 N Madison

Young John, plumber Washington ave (under postoffice), res 906 13th

Young John jr, plumber John Young, bds same

Young Josephine, domestic 420 N Van Buren

Young Mary, domestic Albert F Bohn

*Young Mens Christian Association, W T Sunley Gen Secy, n w cor

   Center and Washington Ave

Young Nellie, domestic Fraser house

Young Oliver, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 616 Fitzgerald

Young Peter, lab Folsom & Arnold, res 2500 N Water

Young Walter, D (Young Bros), vice-pres Bay City Brewing Co and pres Lake

   Ice Co, res 711 N Van Buren

Young Wm, stevedore, res 1112 N Jefferson

Young Wm, edger Wm Peter

Young Wm A, bkpr Wm Peter, res 815 Center

Youngs Wm, laborer, res 109 12th

Yozavak Joseph, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Yust Michael, laborer, res e s Michigan ave 2 s of 26th



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Volunteers hold copyright to the material they have donated for this site.  Not to be copied and used in any format to any other site or in any other media.