R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers




Wackerly Christian H, laborer, bds Jefferson house

Wackerley Henry, baggageman F & P M R R, res 400 4th

Wackerly Jacob C, Propr Jefferson House n e cor 3rd and Jefferson

Wackerly Louis, drayman, res 308 Fraser

Wackerly Peter, drayman, rooms Mintline house

Waddell Wm, lumberman, bds obey house

Wade Edward, foreman Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Wade Levi, sawyer Folsom & Arnold, res 311 Belinda

Wade nathan, filer, bds 311 Belinda

Wade Oliver, laborer S G Rice & Sons

Wade Willison, laborer, bds 311 Belinda

Wadsworth Ida, domestic 106 S Monroe

Waffle Rev Albert E, Pastor First Baptist Church, res 400 N Van Buren

Wagel Kunigundi, domestic 1000 6th

Wagner Frederick C, butcher, bds 200 11th

Wager Issac, carpenter, res 200 11th

Wager Titus, carpenter, res 200 11th

Wagner Charles, farmer, res n s 12th 3 e of Green

Wagner Ferdinand, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Wagner Herman, butelier Frank Glaza, bds same

Wagner Joseph, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 416 Ingraham

Wagner Philip, laborer Wm Peter, res n s 12th 2 e of Green

Wagner Van Addie, dressmaker, bds 1122 N Madison

Wagoner James W (cold), fish dealer 914 12th, res same

Wahlberg Nelson, laborer, res 615 Howard

Wahneki Christian, carpenter Industrial works

Wait John, well borer, res 510 Ketchum

Wajtkowia Catherine, domestic John Wolsky

Walborne Miss Ella, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 122 N Madison

Wald Anthony, meat marker 207 3rd, bds 1122 N Madison

Wald Bertha, domestic 619 N Lincoln

Wald John, cattle dealer, res 1122 Campbell

Waldauer Marian (wid Moses), bds 408 Washington Ave

Waldemar Frank, laborer, res 601 29th

Waldon Andrew, bds Jefferson house

Waldron Willard E, Notary Public and Grocer 200 18th, res same

Walk Gustave, saloon, res 506 N sherman

Walker Henry H, laborer, res 258 N Jefferson

Walker Joseph C, hostler, bds Mansion house

Walker Thomas, hostler P Lafrance, bds mansion house

Walkoski Joseph, laborer, res 1801 22nd

Walkowiak Peter, laborer, res 725 S Van Buren

Walkowski John, laborer, res 1000 16th

Wall Alexander (cold), fireman, res 915 Fraser

Wall John, filer, bds 306 Lord

Wall Wm, teamster, res 208 Taylor

Wallace Mrs Catherine B, dressmaker, bds 1511 11th

Wallace Wade H (cold), porter, bds 522 McClellan

Waller Francis C (Rivet & Waller), res 1109 Van Buren

Waller John, driver Washington & rich, bds Frank Waller

Waller Lottie, dressmaker Mrs J McCargo, bds 1109 N Van Buren

Wallin Jacob O, cooper, res 604 30th

Walling Timothy N, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Walling Wm C, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Wallis Robert, laborer S F M Gates

Wallonhop John, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Walls Matthew, filer Detroit mills

Walsh, see also Welch

Walsh Andrew, engineer, res 712 Taylor

Walsh Frederick, laborer, bds 314 Dolsen

Walsh James, cooper Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 314 Dolsen

Walsh James, laborer, bds Shiler house

Walsh James jr, cooper Dolsen, Chapin & co, bds 314 Dolsen

Walsh John, teamster, res 517 S Monroe

Walsh Wm, laborer, bds 314 Dolsen

Walter Frank S, laborer, bds Republic hotel

Walter Frederick, engineer, bds 207 N Jackson

Walter George, laborer Bousfield & Co, res 2404 Fitzhugh

Walter George F, carpenter Bousfield & Co, res 2404 Fitzhugh

Walter John, laborer, res 207 N Jackson

Walter John jr, boomman, bds 207 N Jackson

walter Lena, domestic J E jenkins

Walter Louis, laborer Miller & Lewis, res s w cor 35th and F & P M R R

Walter Paul, butcher J F Dork, bds same

Walter Will P, bkpr Grow Bros, rms 1209 Washington Ave

Walters Frederick, engineer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Walters John, lab Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 2404 Fitzhugh

Walters Joseph, laborer Butman & Rust

Walters Margaret, domestic 321 Jefferson

Walterscheid Frank, cooper, res 1015 2nd

*Walther Alphons, Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter, Copper, Tin and Sheet

   Iron Worker 616 N Water, res 601 N McClellan

Walther Lawrence, cooper, res 3313 N Water

Walther Louis, cooper McEwan Bros & Co

Walther Pius, shoemaker 703 Washington Ave, res 1500 6th

Waltman Joseph, laborer S McLean & Son & Co, res 827 Grant

Walton Andrew J, lab F & P M R R, bds Wackley house

Walton Andrew W, lumber inspr and com dealer 106 Center, res 1209

   Washington ave

Walton Hall, 715 Adams

Wands Frank L, General Insurance Agent 6 Central Bloc, res 517 N Van


Wands Wm R, res 1808 9th

Wanless Charles, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 1512 N Water

Wanless George, foreman Vigilant Hose Co No 2, res 2512 N Water

Wanless George A, feeder, bds 217 N Grant

Wanless George E, molder Bay City Iron Co, bds 2512 N Water

Wanless Henry, harnessmaker Nichols & Sangle, res 1112 Jennison Ave

Wanless John, carpenter, res 217 N Grant

Wanless Miss May, res 2512 N Water

Wanless Wm, blksmth Bay City Iron Co, res 2512 N Water

Wanless Wm M, laborer, bds 217 N Grant

Wanlich Michael, laborer, res 822 Michigan Ave

Wannemacher Dora, domestic, bds 114 N Water

Wannemacher John, laborer, bds 114 N Water

Wannemacher Peter, laborer, res 114 N Water

Ward Anthony, carpenter, bds Spears house

Ward Artemus, carpenter Detroit mills, bds 210 Michigan Ave

Ward Carlton (Ward & Widmer), res w s Adams bdt 10th and 11th

Ward E Carleton jr, foreman N B Bradley & Sons, bds 219 Adams

Ward John B, millwright, res 210 Michigan ave

Ward Joseph, cigarmaker J Wilhelm, bds 1311 N Jefferson

Ward Owen, laborer, bds 113 Broadway

Ward Wm, Saw Repairer 130 N Water, res 241 Washington Ave

Ward & Widmer (Carlton Ward, Wm C Widmer), meat marker 401 11th

Wariski Enos, lab the Mich Pipe Co, res 16th and Madison

Warnecke Louis, brewer, bds 301 Marsac

Warneke Christopher, carpenter, res 222 Fitzhugh

Warneke George, laborer, bds 222 Fitzhugh

Warneke Kate, domestic 259 Washington ave

Warner Charles H, harnessmaker, res 109 Sheridan

Warner Clara, domestic 1221 Harrison

Warner Lucy, domestic 1221 Harrison

Warner Sidney, laborer The Michigan Pipe Co, res 1401 2nd

Warnka Christopher, res 110 James

Warren Byron E, pres Bay National bank, res 814 5th

Warren Stuart B, lumberman, bds 814 5th

Warriner Thomas H, engineer, res 1202 1st

Warsaw Bertha, domestic 1817 Center

Warszawski Emil, laborer, res 507 S Monroe

Washburn Michael, laborer, res s e cor 33rd and Madison

Washer August, tailor H Rosenberg, bds Jefferson house

Washer Elmer, brakeman M C R R, bds 606 2nd

Washington Annie, dressmaker, bds 413 Fraser

Washington Ave M E Church, e s Washington ave bet 4th and 5th

Washington Coleman, filer Eddy Bros & Co

Washington George (Washington & Rich), res 2001 Center

Washington Miss Mary, bds 2001 Center

Washington Park, e s Washington ave bet 1st and 2nd

Washington Wheeler L (cold), barber 704 N Water, res 413 Fraser

*Washington & rich (George Washington, George H Rich), grocers 108


Wasielewski angelina, millinery 105 Washington ave, res same

Wasielewski Frank, elk A Wasielewski, bds 105 Washington

Wasser Allen, baker 446 Nebobish ave, res same

Waterhouse Oliver A, dentist, res 909 N Lincoln ave

Waterman Wm, laborer, res 404 Dolsen

Waters Henry, millwright N B Bradley & Sons, res 809 19th

Waters Louis M, clerk M C R R, bds 606 Grant

Waters Oliver, laborer Thomas Munn

*Waters Oscar, commercial agent M C R R, office 717 N Water, res 608


Waters Samuel W, elk Buck, Leighton & Co, bds 808 19th

Watkins Dora, domestic 600 N Grant

Watkins Edgar B, Agent American Express Co 909 Saginaw, res 816 N Madison

Watkins Harlow C, express messenger, bds 816 N Madison

Watkins Harvey P, carpenter, res 238 N Van Buren

Watkins Minor E, laborer Detroit mills, res 715 Campbell

Watkins Walter G, clerk W W Bassett, bds 816 N Madison

Watrous Ansel W, cabinetmaker w s S Water foot of 33rd, res 304 38th

Watrous Bros (Henry N and Orville A), lumber dealers e s Harrison bet 38th

   And 39th

Watrous Henry N (Watrous Bros), res 1014 Center

Watrous Oliver, huckster, res 1312 12th

Watrous Oliver jr, molder, bds 1312 12th

Watrous Orville A (Watrous Bros), res cor Grant and Center

Watrous Samuel, teamster M Lamont, bds 1312 12th

Watrous Wm A, bookkeeper, bds 304 38th

Watson Albert, engineer M C R R, bds 606 2nd

Watson Benjamin J, tinner Tousey & Jennison, bds 1015 N Jackson

Watson Block, w s Water foot of Center

Watson Charles V, physician, res 507 Fremont ave

Watson David C, bkkpr E T Bennett, bds Campbell house

Watson George H, foreman M Ayrault & Co, res Essexville

Watson Isaac W, carp Thos Munn, res n s 22nd 2 e of James

Watson John, cooper Miller & Lewis, res 516 Polk

Watson Mary, domestic John Reid

Watson Robert, lab The Mich Pipe Co, res 19012 Campbell

Watson Robert S, tinner Tonsey & Jennison, res 1015 N Jackson

Watson Wm, lab Detroit mills, res s w cor Fitzgerald and Belinda

Watt Alexander, laborer, bds 250 N Water

Watts Abraham, policeman, res 2514 N Water

Watts Thomas, foreman, bds 102 Parker

Watts Wm, laborer Detroit mills, bds 102 Parker

Waugh Alexander, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Waupinski August, laborer, res 709 Webster

Wawrzyniak John, laborer, res 509 S Van Buren

Wayne John F, student, bds 520 Bowery

Weadock John C (Weadock & Weadock), res 2133 Center

*Weadock & weadock (Thomas A E and John C), Lawyers 2 Bank Block

Weare Frederick, laborer, res 708 11th

Weare George E, res 714 11th

Weatherby George, bookkeeper Evans Bros, res W Bay City

Weaver Charles, blacksmith H G Steggall, bds n e cor 3rd and Jefferson

Weaver Godfrey, carpenter, res 1516 16th

Weaver Tena, cook Bay City hospital

Weaver Wesley, laborer, res 910 Williams

Weaver Wm L, driver H Birney, bds lefevre house

Webb Charles W, Milk Dealer and Veterinary Surgeon 801 Fremont ave,     res same

Webb Frank E, pedler, bds 801 Fremont Ave

Webb Freeman, laborer, bds 910 Marsac

Webb thomas C, laborer, res 910 Marsac

Webber Henry, laborer Miller & Lewis, bds 502 30th

Webber John K, saltmaker, res 601 18th

Webber Phillip, tailor W N Teall, bds 409 Harrison

Webber Wesley A, laborer, bds 502 30th

Weber Catherine (wid Christian), res 912 Pendleton

Weber Charles, res 1701 3rd

Weber Conroad, stonecutter, res 2009 4th

Weber Conrad, teamster, bds 307 5th

Weber Edward, foreman, bds 415 8th

Weber Edward J, pres Nat Boiler works, bds n w cor Jefferson and 8th

Weber Frederick, laborer, bds 912 Pendleton

Weber Henry, laborer, res 1808 2nd

Weber Henry, carpenter, res 1981 4th

Weber Lawrence, bartdr Otto Feyerabender, res 813 Saginaw

Weber Lena, domestic 1600 6th

Weber Richard, soap mnfr 505 S Madison, res 417 same

Weber Miss Sophia, dressmaker Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 1701 3rd

Weber Wm (Weber & Patenge), res 417 S Madison

Weber & Patenge (Wm Weber, John Patenge), potash mnfrs 417 S Madison

Webster Clark N, dentist e s Washington ave bet Center and 6th, res

   West Bay City

Webster Harry B, lumber inspr, bds Brunswick Hotel

Webster Susan (wid Asahel), bds 501 26th

*Webster Hon Thomas E, Probate Judge and Lawyer 4 Eddy Block,

   Res 900 5th

Weddel James, mason, bds 314 S Farragut

Weddle Annie, waitress Bay City hospital

Wedemeyer Louis, carpenter, res 1301 N Sherman

Wedler Herman, laborer, res s s 22nd nr Lincoln Ave

Wedthoff Albert H, elk Mason & Beach, bds 604 N Farragut

Wedthoff George E, elk T E Webster, bds 604 N Farragut

Wedthoff Louisa F (wid Albert), dressmaker 604 N Farragut, res same

Wedthoff Wm Fk, circulator Evening press, bds 604 N Farragut

Weed George, huckster, res 2024 5th ave

Weedman Miss Bertha, dressmaker Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 1310 17th

Weedman Miss Emma, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 1310 17th

*Weeks Charles H, vessel agt 109 Center, res 400 N Jackson

Wegert Wm, physician Portland house, bds same

Weggel Maggie, domestic 1200 6th

Wehner August, laborer, res 409 S Sherman

Wehr Frederick, teamster Industrial Works

Weidman, see also Widman

Weidman Joseph, trimmer Swift Electric Light Co, res Madison

Weigen elizabeth, domestic 241 Washington Ave

Weiler Elizabeth, domestic 201 N Jackson

Weiler Joseph, laborer, res 119 N Jackson

Weimar Henry, laborer, res 900 Fitzhugh

Weir, see also Wier

Weir James M, gardener, res w s Broadway 1 n of S Center

Weir Miss Josie H, bds w s Broadway 1 n of S Center

Weir Maggie, domestic 513 N Monroe

Weir Wm, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, bds w s Broadway 1 n of S Center

Weir Wm, laborer, Bousfield, Perrin & Co, res 508 Fitzhugh

Weitzel Henry, porter, bds 708 11th

Weithzel Margaret, domestic 206 18th

Welberry John, laborer Smalley Bros & Co

Welch, see also Walsh

Welch Alexander, fireman, res 1916 Woodside Ave

Welch Catherine (wid Thomas), res 401 Shearer

Welch James, sawyer and boarding, res 2607 N Water

Welch James jr, lab Folsom & Arnold, bds 2607 N Water

Welch John, laborer, bds Belinda house

Welch Lawrence, filer Folsom & Arnold, bds 401 Shearer

Welch Lucia B, domestic 247 N Monroe

Welch Michael, lab Folsom & Arnold, bds 2607 N Water

Welch Stephen, laborer Detroit mills, bds 2607 N Water

Welch Wm, laborer Folsom & Arnold, bds 401 Shearer

Wemch Wm, filer, res 1808 Broadway

Welchili John, turner Bousfield, Perrin & Co, res 415 Harrison

Welcome Frank, laborer, bds 509 Polk

Welcome George, laborer, bds 509 Polk

Welcome James, laborer, bds 509 Polk

Welcome Peter, laborer, res 509 Polk

Welcome Wm, laborer, bds 509 Polk

Welge Herman, principal Evangelisch Lutherishe Bethel school, bds

   Forest City house

Weller Joseph, laborer, bds Shiler house

Weller Leon, laborer, bds Shiler house

Wellette Arthur, laborer, bds 610 Taylor

Wellette Edmund, laborer, bds 610 Taylor

Wellette Henry, laborer, bds 610 Taylor

Wellette Joseph, laborer, bds 610 Taylor

Wellette wm, laborer, res 610 Taylor

Wellman David, millwright, res 1201 Wilson

Wellman James B, cooper, bds 1201 Wilson

Wells Albert M, carpenter, bds 2014 Broadway

Wells Alexander B, overseer of the poor, res 221 Adams

Wells Allie B, Wines, Luquors and Cigars 818 N Water, res 416 N Jackson

Wells Miss Berta, teacher Dolsen school, bds 1507 11th

Wells Byron M, bds 221 Adams

Wells Charles H, cooper, res 1915 Johnson

Wells Charles K, carpenter, res 2014 Broadway

Wells Charles R, sec and treas Bay City Gas Light Co, sec and treas      Industrial Works, res 207 10th

Wells Charles S, wagonmaker 412 N Water, res 600 Grant

Wells Earl, hostler A McGugan, res 1507 11th

Wells Elmer, laborer, res 315 39th

Wells George M, laborer S G M Gates, rooms 612 Saginaw

*Wells James A, saloon 306 Center, res 219 Washington Ave

Wells James M, cooper Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 100 N Monroe

Wells Jane (wid Wm D), res 1915 Johnson

Wells Louisa (wid Moses), res 1507 11th

Wells Miss Maggie, dressmkr Mrs C E Owen, bds 1507 11th

Wells Whitney, laborer, res 500 Ingraham

Welter Charles, cigarmaker Root, Williston & Co, res cor Farragut and 19th

Welter Constantia, domestic 915 Grant

Wemer Tina, domestic 1609 Center

Wend Minnie, domestic 2203 Center

Wendell Moses, jeweler 103 3rd, res 1210 N Madison

Wendland Herman G, clerk Bancroft, Thompson & Co, res w s Jefferson

   Bet 6th and 7th

Wentworth George K (J & G K Wentworth), res Oshkosh, Wis.

Wentworth James, laborer, 814 William

Wentworth Justin (J & G K Wentworth), res 419 N Jackson

*Wentworth J & G K (Justin and George K), Real Estate, Pine Lands, Logs

   And Lumber, 718 Saginaw

Wentworth Wm, bds 419 N Jackson

Wenzel Wm, laborer, 1001 Webster

Wenzler John, laborer, bds 1112 N Jackson

Wersky Maggie, domestic 313 N Van Buren

Werth Lena, domestic spears house

Wescott John, laborer Detroit Mills, bds 725 Campbell

Wespinter Charles C, clerk Grow Bros, res 222 N Monroe

West Charles, carpenter M Lamont, res 502 14th

West David J, millwright, res 1113 11th

West Frederick J, foreman, res 709 Bowery

West Miss Jennie, dressmaker, bds 924 N Monroe

West Oscar, laborer Miller & Lewis

West Thomas, carp Industrial Works, res 407 S Monroe

West Wm (Rogers & West), res 412 Saginaw

Westall Joseph S, laborer, bds 100 23rd

Westenberg Frederick, clerk, res 208 S Madison

*Western Union Telegraph Co, T J Cooper Mngr, 811 N Water

Westover Amanda (wid Luther), res 900 Center

Westover Block (Opera House), s w cor Center and Washington ave

Westover Delbert L, lumber, office Second National Bank, bds 910 Center

Westover Frank L, postmaster, res 1309 5th

Westover Jane (wid Dennis), bds 1309 5th ave

Westover Maria (wid Jacob M), housekeeper 1509 11th

Westover, Sullivan & Co (Wm Westover, Delbert L Westover, Wm W

   Westover, Owen Sullivan), lumber, office Second National bank

Westover Wm, pres Second National bank), res 910 Center

Westover Wm jr, treas Bay Co Milk Assn, res 910 Center

Westover Wm W (Westover, Sullivan & Co), res 809 6th

Westphal Augustine (wid Henry), res 216 McCormick, McGrawville

Westrich John, fireman stmr Metropolis, res West Bay City

Westwal John, laborer, res 821 S Sherman

Wetherell Antionette (wid John B), res 417 Jefferson

Wetters John, laborer, res 209 S Sherman

Wetters Mark, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Wetzel Albert C, clerk Rose, Lewis & Co, bds 506 30th

Whalen Ella, domestic 521 N Farragut

Whalen Jerry, laborer, bds Windsor house

Whalen Maggie, cook 600 Washington ave

Whalen Matthew, laborer, res 215 S Jackson

Whalen Patrick, laborer, res 520 S Jackson

Whaler George R, stonecutter, res 522 N Birney

Wharton Frederick J, printer Tribune, res 243 Saginaw

Whedon Bertram P, salesman James Clements & Son, res 803 8th

Wheeler Catherine (wid John), res 615 17th

Wheeler Corley L, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res 1617 Bullock road

Wheeler George, inspr L E Moyes & Son, res 1205 Farragut

Wheeler Maria (wid Amos), bds 1102 Center

Wheeler Matthew, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 615 17th

Whelan Annie, domestic Fraser house

Whelan Frances, domestic 235 Washington Ave

Wherry Harrison, carp Pitts & Cranage, res n e cor 1st and King

Whieton John, bartender Fraser house

Whipple Charles H, carpenter, bds 410 Fremont Ave

Whipple Frank, watchman Fraser house

Whipple Philander M, carpenter, res 410 Fremont house

White Adam, teamster Birdsall & Barker, res 1613 Bullock rd

White A E F, pres B H Briscoe & co, res Detroit, Mich

White Frank, teamster McEwan Bros & Co

White Frederick, butcher, res 703 16th

WhiteMiss Helen, bds 317 Jefferson

White House, J J Hime propr, s e cor Harrison and 30th

White Ida, domestic 509 N Grant

White John M, laborer, res 614 Wilson

White Joseph, laborer S G M Gates

White Mrs Melvina, dressmaker, rooms 216 3rd

White peter, laborer, res 1406 16th

White Robert J, bookkeeper, res 612 30th

White Vincent W, clerk Hammond, Standish & co, res W Bay City

White Wm, blricklayer, bds lefevre house

White Wm, laborer, bds 1400 Marsac

Whiteford Wm, sailor, bds 1112 N Jackson

Whitehead joseph, coachman 1112 Center, bds same

Whiting Joseph, Ticket Agent M C R R, res 1013 Jackson

Whiting Marvin G, conductor, res 1415 2nd

Whitlock John (Atkinson & Whitlock), bds 112 Washington Ave

Whitmore C W (J H Cooke & Co), bds Fraser House

Whitney Charles C (Pomeroy & Whitney), res 518 N Jefferson

Whitney Chauncy, teamster G F Ambrose & Co, bds 1303 6th

Whitney James E, mail carrier, res 710 N Grant

Whitney John P, tallyman, bds 710 N Grant

Whitney Wm E, tinner Baily & Mc Donell, res 207 8th

Whittemore Bernard C, clerk, bds 513 N Jackson

Whittemore Harry R, clerk and propr Arundell, rooms 14 Shearer block

*Whittemore J Frederick, vessel agent, Union block, res 809 N Farragut

Whittemore Miss Theresa F, bookkeeper, bds 513 N Jackson

Whittemore Walter H, lumber, Union blk, bds Fraser house

Whyte Michael, laborer, res 1204 15th

Wian John, laborer Wm Peter

wickham Robert H, drayman, res 115 N Grant

Widlowski Valentine, laborer, res 717 S Van Buren

Widman, see also Weidman

Widman Amelia (wid John B), res 1019 N Jackson

Widman Emil A, photographer, bds 1019 N Jackson

Widman Frederick A, butcher G Hine, bds 1019 N Jackson

Widman John M, clerk A B Friswold, bds 1019 N Jackson

Widman Minnie L, music teacher, bds 1019 N Jackson

Widman Oscar M, clerk A B Griswold, bds 1019 N Jackson

Widmer Gabriel, tailor, res 911 11th

Widmer W Charles, painter, bds 911 11th

Widmer Wm C (Ward & Widmer), res 911 11th

Wieland Christopher, laborer, res 2010 5th ave

Wieland Wm, saloon 801 N Saginaw, res same

Wier, see also Weir

Wier Charles T, cooper Bousfield & Co, res 1009 S Center

Wier Henry, laborer, res 1011 S Center

Wiesniski John, laborer, res s s 26th 1 e of Michigan Ave

Wiffin Wm, laborer Eddy, Avery & eddy

Wiggins Isaac, fireman, res 903 McCormick

Wiggins James, laborer, res 409 Broadway

Wiggins Robert, engineer, res e s Stanton bet 32nd and 33rd

Wight Rev J Ambrose, pastor 1st Presbyterian, res 259 Washington Ave

Wight Wm A, clerk water works, res 259 Washington Ave

Wilbery Thomas, blacksmith thomas Munn

Wilcox Andem J, engineer, res 310 Nebobish ave

Wilcox Charles A, printer Tribune, res n e cor 5th and Washington Ave

Wilcox Mrs Estella (wid Elton S), music teacher, bds 601 Adams

Wilcox James, ins agt, res n e cor 26th and McCormick

Wilcox James M, bds 310 Nebobish ave

Wilcox Julius E, carpenter, bds n e cor 26th and McCormick

Wilcox Lyman G, editor Tribune, res 407 N Madison

Wilcox Melvin L, machinist Bay City Iron Co, res s w cor Van Buren and 1st

Wilcox Merrill F, foreman The Mich Pipe Co, res 1412 N Sheridan

Wilcox Myron S, clerk Mich Pipe Co, bds 1412 N sheridan

Wild Frederick, machinist, bds 211 Fraser

Wild Mrs Louisa, dressmaker 211 Fraser, res same

Wiles Florence (wid Charles), bds 502 S Farragut

Wiles Frederick, machinist Smalley Bros & Co

Wiles Robert, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Wilhelm Miss Annie, clerk T M Swetland, bds same

Wilhelm Elmer, telegraph operator, bds 703 N Johnson

Wilhelm Esther (wid Jeremiah), res 708 Ketchum

Wilhelm Jerome B, painter, res 1217 N Sherman

Wilhelm Julius, Cigar Mnfr 807 3rd, res s e cor 6th and Farragut

Wilhelm Solomon, drayman, res 703 Johnson

wilhelmi Joseph, watchman, res 805 Howard

Wilinski Stanisalus, laborer, res 821 18th

Wilk Michael, mach hand Bousfield & Co, res 1013 Taylor

Wilkerson Edward W, engineer M Lamont, res 713 18th

Wilkin Sanford V, clothing 816 N water, res 1402 6th

*Wilkins John H, Abstracts of Title and Real Estate Cranage Block, cor

   Center and Adams, res 915 N Grant

Wilkins Joseph, laborer, res 1202 Trumbull

Wilkins Michael, laborer, res 115 North

Wilkinson Darius, laborer, res 412 Jennison Ave

Wilkinson Edward, engineer, res 713 18th

Wilkinson George, lab Murphy & Dorr, bds 412 Jennison Ave

Wilkinson John, laborer, bds Spears house

Wilkosky Phillip, lab Birdsall & Barker, res 1305 Wilson

Willard Charles, engr Mich Fire Lighter Co, res cor 33rd and Fitzhugh

Willard Louis, butcher L Bertch & Son, bds cor 11th and Madison

Willard Thomas, laborer, bds s s 33nd 1 e of Fitzhugh

Willett Alexander, sawyer Wm Peter

Willett Annie, domestic 606 S Madison

Willett Frank, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res West Bay City

Willette Edward, edger Murphy & Dorr

Willette George, filer, bds 706 Howard

Willette henry, laborer, res 409 S Monroe

Willette Joseph, laborer Miller & Lewis, res 706 Howard

Willette Mary, domestic Louis Lemire

Willette patrick, carpenter, bds 1001 22nd

Willette Wm, laborer Miller & Lewis

William Mary (cold, wid James), res 108 N Jefferson

Williams Anna (wid Richard L), res 814 13th

Williams Ansel P, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 509 Fraser

Williams Bradford, conductor M C R R, bds 516 Saginaw

Williams Charles, florist J Irvine, res 512 N Grant

Williams Charles, laborer F E Bradley & Co, bds 800 13th

Williams Charles, E, clk E Y Williams, bds 250 Washington

Williams Charles O, machinist Thomas Munn, bds 1607 13th

Williams DeWitt C, res 800 13th

Williams Edward, gardener, res 1607 18th

Williams Edward jr, turner, bds 1607 18th

Williams Edward C, lab Pitts & Cranage, res 103 Longtin

*Williams Edward Y, lumber inspector and dealer Opera house block, res

   250 Washington Ave

Williams Eliza (cold), domestic 907 N Jefferson

Williams Miss Ella, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 814 13th

williams George, laborer S G M Gates, bds 1607 18th

Williams George, driver McDonell Bros

Williams George A, physician 908 N Water, res same

Williams George H, lather, res n s 30th 1 e of Stanton

Williams Henry, foreman S G M Gates, res 423 Jefferson

Williams James, laborer Sprague & co, res 300 S Marsac

Williams Joseph, watchman Industrial works

Williams Josephine M, dressmaker, bds 814 13th

Williams Pearl W, operator J A Cook & Co, bds Campbell house

Williams Selden E, fisherman, res s w cor 37th and Ingraham

Williams Smith C, watchman, res cor 40th and Harrison

Williams Wallice, laborer, res 417 Bullock road

Williams Walter, sawyer S G Rice & Sons

Williams Wm M, potter, bds 800 13th

Williams Wm W, elk E Y Williams, bds 250 Washington Ave

Williams Willis A, clk elisha Pratt, bds 423 Fraser

Willimson Albert F, machinist J Williamson, bds n e cor 11th and Jefferson

Williamson Frank, machinist, bds 503 11th

Williamson Henry, mngr J Williamson, res 503 11th

Williamson John, shoemaker P Walther, bds West Bay City

Williamson Josephine, blacksmith 116 N Water, res n e cor 11th and Jefferson

Willis Frank, carpenter, res 1013 N Van Buren

Willis Harry, cook thomas Maguire, bds same

Williston George A (Root, Williston & Co), res 202 Henry

Williston Horace M (Root, Williston & Co), res 214 N Jefferson

Williston Louisa (wid Charles), bds 214 N Jefferson

Wilmot Wilber G, bkkpr M Garland, bds Campbell house

Wilneuve Edward, laborer, res 114 Fremont Ave

Wilsey Albert A, collector The Singer Mnfg Co, bds Brunswick hotel

Wilson Bernard, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Wilson Byron, slater, bds 504 14th

Wilson Charles, millwright, res 808 James

Wilson Charles, servant 241 N Madison

Wilson Charlotte (cold) (wid James), bds 918 Fraser

Wilson Frederick A, carpenter, res 1012 N Grant

Wilson George A, mngr J D McKinnon, res 410 Washington

Wilson James, sailor, res 601 Howard

Wilson James W (cold), driver and keeper Bay City pesthouse, res same

Wilson John W, carpenter, res 1615 2nd

Wilson Joseph (cold), laborer, bds 918 Fraser

Wilson Lucinda R (wid John S), notions 1712 woodside ave, res same

Wilson Margaret F, dressmaker, bds 1712 Woodside ave

Wilson Robert, laborer, res 110 Fremont Ave

Wilson Solomon C, editor Evening Press, res 501 N Van Buren

Wilson Thomas, laborer, res 418 S Van Buren

Wilson Wellington F, tinner Forsyth & Holcombs, bds 251 Saginaw

Wilt Michael, sawyer, res 1013 Taylor

Wimmitt Camiel, laborer, res 714 Howard

Winburn Amos D, collector H H Taylor, res 1011 12th

Windsor House, Fermin St Arnault propr, 1200 N Saginaw

Wine Kate, domestic 403 12th

Winegard Peter, repairer H C Rosenbury, rooms 209 3rd

Wingen Henry, laborer, res 2127 3rd

Winkelman Wm, setter mcEwan Bros & Co, res 113 Barker

Winkler Charles, printer, bds 715 4th

Winkler George, bookbinder, bds 715 4th

winkler John, painter E Gudschinsky, bds 715 4th

Winkler Michael, sawyer, res 715 4th

Winkler Michael, sawyer, res 715 4th

Winter Sarah, photographer C W Parker, bds w Bay City

Winterhalte Charles J, cooper, bds 1121 Wilson

Winterhalter Herman J, cooper Miller & Lewis, bds 1121 Wilson

Winterhalter Sop0hia (wid Michael), res 1121 Wilson

Wintermeyer Anna, domestic 910 N Buchanan

Wintermeyer Charles, farmer n s 12th 1 e of Green

Wintermeyer Christina, domestic 621 Jefferson

wintermeyer Frederick, teamster Pitts & Cranage, bds Adams

wintermeyer Miss Lena, bds Eagle house

Wintermeyer Miss Lulu, bds eagle house

Winters Hiram, laborer Eddy, Avery & eddy, bds 815 15th

Winters Simon, foreman Eddy, Avery & eddy, res 815 15th

Winters Wm, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, bds 815 15th

Wirowski Frank, laborer, res 816 Michigan Ave

Wirowski Frank jr, laborer bds 816 Michigaon Ave

Wirowski John, laborer, bds 816 Michigan Ave

Wirowski Louis, laborer, bds 816 Michigan Ave

Wirowski Martin, laborer, bds 816 Michigan Ave

Wirth Otto, butcher P L Wirth, bds 1105 N Van Buren

Wirth Paul L, meat market 816 3rd, res 1105 3rd

Wirth Wm, butcher, bds 1105 N Van Buren

Wiseman Louis, pedler, bds 250 N Van Buren

Wisiniski Antoine, laborer, res 802 19th

Wisiniski Michael, laborer, res 807 S Farragut

Wisniewski Casimer, laborer, res 720 S Van Buren

Wisniewski Frank, clerk J P Le Roux, bds n w cor 9th and Madison

Wisniewski John, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res 840 Michigan ave

Wisniewski Michael, car cleaner, res 608 S Lincoln

Wissel John, laborer, res s s 26th 2 w of F & P M R R

Wissle Jacob, lumber piler Butman & Rust

Witska julius, laborer, res 211 N Lincoln

Witthauer Bernhard, mngr Bay City Dry Dock, res 1601 5th

Witthauer Louisa (wid Charles), res 910 N Buchanan

Witthauer Max, tallyman, bds 910 N Buchanan

Witthauer Wm G, clerk George Lord, res 1009 8th

Witzky August, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 215 N Hampton

Witzky Julius, laborer Eddy, Avery & eddy

Witzleben Henry, carpenter, res 1209 15th

Wodarczak Agnes (wid Anton), res e s Stanton bet 34th and 35th

Woena Fr4ank, laborer, res 820 Dolsen

Wolf Frederick, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy, res n s 35th, 1 e of Harrison

Wolf Joseph, laborer, res 107 Bowery

Wolf Leopold, Meat Market 121 N Jackson, res 201 same

Wolfe Thomas, carpenter, res 1007 16th

Wolff Mollie, domestic 400 N Van Buren

wolff Samuel, rag dealer, res 204 S Sherman

Wolff Harry, engineer, bds Republic hotel

Wolger Peter, laborer, res 522 Wilson

Woir Louis, laborer Miller & Lewis

Wojciak Philip, laborer, res 829 Michigan ave

Wojciechowski Joseph, laborer, res n s 34th 1 e of Stanton

Wojciechowski Michael, laborer, res 806 Grant

Wojciechowski Valentine, laborer, res e s Jennison ave 1 n of 34th

Wollenhoupt Miss Lizzie, milliner A W Mitchell, bds W Bay City

Wollermann Frank, laborer Miller & Lewis

Wolpet Christian, cabinetmkr F Rother, bds n s 31st 1 w of Polk

Wolsky Barney, clothing 906 N Water, res 250 N Van Buren

Wolsky John, boarding house 102 Parker

Wolverton House, McDonald Bros, s w cor 3rd and Water

Wonezynski John, laborer, bds 921 James

Wood Charles, carpenter, res 806 Howard

Wood Leon, Propr Portland House n e cor 1st and Washington ave

Wood Oscar, laborer, bds Three Rivers hotel

Wood Richard, bookkeeper, res 114 S Sheridan

Wood Rowland, artist, bds 609 Washington Ave

Woodbery Miss Ella, bookkeeper, bds 1204 Grant

Woodbery Stephen, foreman Cyrus Hiller, res 1204 Grant

Woodchuck John, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Woodcock Aaron H, carp Industrial works, res 409 William

Woodhams Rev Roland, paster Fremont Ave M E church, res s w cor Wilson

   And Fremont Ave

Woodruff Charles, brakeman, bds Spears house

Woodruff Oscar, lineman Swift Electric Light Co, res 1208 Saginaw

Woods Anthony, janitor, res 511 2nd

Woods Charles, foreman, res 1405 Woodside Ave

Woods Frank, sawyer, res 2406 N Water

Woods Frank N, cooper N B Bradley & Sons, res 108 16th

Woods George, labore, res 511 2nd

Woods Mary, bds 206 Broadway

Woods Sophia (wid Eustace), bds 206 Broadway

Woods Wm, painter Bousfield, Perrin & Co

Woodside Avenue Methodist episcopal Church, Woodside Ave

Woodward Anna, domestic 223 N Madison

Woodworth Frank T, bds 418 N Jackson

Woody Charles, setter Pitts & Cranage

Woolgar Wm, blacksmith I A Shannon, res s e cor Sherman and 14th

Wooliever Enos J, farmer, res 703 16th

Wooliver Peter, teamster Lake Ice Co, res cor 25th and Wilson

Woolson Fred H, vessel captain, bds 302 Bowery

Woolson John O, vessel owner, res 302 Bowery

Worden Charles R, pedler, res 1421 Michigan

Worden George M, pedler, bds 1421 Michigan

Woshinski James, laborer, res s w cor 33rd and Jennison Ave

Wozniak Michael, laborer, res 817 Grant

Wozniak Valentine, laborer, res 417 Sheridan

Wozniwki Stanley, laborer, res 915 S Farragut

*Wratton Edward M, freight agent F & P M R R, res 600 N Farragut

Wright Albert, clerk J S Hogle, bds 623 Hampton

Wright David, packer Pomroy & whitney, bds n e cor 6th and Hampton

Wright Ebenezer J, lumber, res 215 24th

Wright Edward F, lab Merrill & Campbell, res 304 Jennison Ave

Wright Hamilton M (Wright & ready), res 713 18th

Wright James, mach Smalley Bros & Co, res 101 N Jackson

Wright Wm, filer S G M Gates, res 403 Fremont Ave

Wright Wm E, artist 623 Hampton, res same

Wright & Ready, (Hamilton M Wright, Hurdis M Ready), Lawyers 207 Center

Wrobel Prakseda, tailoress S V Wilkin, bds 514 Van Buren

Wroblewski Martin, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Worblewski Valentine, laborer, res 1109 22nd

Wrzesiski Szrymon, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Wudelman Frederick, carpenter, res 708 14th

Wurdack Frank, painter, res 2112 3rd

Wurst George, laborer, bds 320 S Sherman

Wurtz Gottleib, engineer Pitts & Cranage, res 212 Belinda

Wyles Edward C, foreman Industrial works, res 1008 11th

Wyles Robert, laborer, res 208 12th

Wyman Andrew D, policeman, res 606 11th

Wyman Wm, laborer, bds Jefferson house

Wyming Henry, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Wynne John, farmer, res 1011 14th

Wyrybski Anthony, carpenter, res n e cor 21st and Monroe

Wyrzbske Mary, domestic 601 N Grant

Wyaniewski Frank, clerk, bds 319 N Madison




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