R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers



Tackabury John M, circulator Tribune, res 107 Grant

Tackle Edward M, laborer, res Galarnos additon, Woodside

Tackmann Mary, domestic 2020 2nd

Tafelski Felix A, tailor Sirmyer & Edwards, res 604 N Monroe

Taft Frederick B, plater 810 N Water, res 307 S Van Buren

Taggatt John, filer Murphy & Dorr, res 918 Wilson

Taillens Albert, gardener, res 406 Woodside Ave

Taitt James B, driver Am Express co, res 1220 N Grant

Talaska Frank, saloon 500 S Van Buren, res smae

Talbot Miss Ada E, teacher, bds 217 McCormick

Talbot Henry (cold) coachman, res 607 Saginaw

Tamalyn Walter, hostler Tyler & Sherman, bds Forest City house

Tammon Thomas, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Tancrede Rivett, clerk Morgan & Smith, bds 1305 N Adams

Tanner james, student, bds 2001 Center

Tannian Michael, deputy sheriff, res 711 Fitzgerald

Tansley George, lab Birdsall & Barker, res 725 McCormick

Tansser Emma, domestic 706 2nd

Tanta Oliver, laborer, res 1303 11th

Tapert Wm, clerk W E Tapert, bds 907 Center

*Tapert Wm E, meat markert 907 Center, res same

Tapley Isabella (wid John), res 104 Longtin

Tapley Sarah, domestic 1715 1st

Tarbine Berhard, laborer, bds 615 14th

Tarrant Richard F, clerk R Scheurmann, bds 245 Washington Ave

Tasier Alfred, sawyer, bds Lumbermens hotel

Tasker Freda, domestic 402 Fremont Ave

Tasker Reuben C (Beard, Brigham & Tasker), res West Bay City

Tatman John, fireman, bds 1615 12th

Taubert Edward, engineer, res 247 N Jefferson

Taunt Margaret, domestic Fraser house

Taylor Alfred, shoemaker 1106 N Water, res W Bay City

Taylor Charles, laborer, bds Taylor house

Taylor David, sawyer, res s w cor Jennison Ave and 25th

Taylor Frank, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Taylor Henry H, Subscription Books 707 Adams

Taylor James, carpenter M Lamont, bds 312 S Sheridan

Taylor Jane (wid Frank), propr Taylor house 1122 Harrison

Taylor John, carpenter M Lamont, bds 312 S Sheridan

Taylor John, watchman E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground

Taylor John B, teamster McKinnon Mnfg Co, res 114 11th

Taylor John T, bookkeeper M C R R, res 1200 Grant

Taylor Joseph, gardener, res 1206 9th

Taylor Joseph, laborer, bds 1102 17th

Taylor Phoebe (wid Wm R), bds 219 N Madison

Taylor Robbins B, Attorney and Real Estate Agent 216 3rd, res 1303 5th

Taylor Rossini A, watchman Smalley Bros & Co, res 616 Howard

Taylor Rev Stephen, res 809 9th

Taylor Thomas, lab Merrill & Campbell, res 402 S Sherman

Taylor Wm, watchman M C R R, bds 1200 Grant

Taylor & Rose Block s w cor 3rd and Washington Ave

Teall Mrs Fanny, teacher 7th ward school, bds Frank Teall

Teall Frank, tailor, res e s Harrison bet 34th and 35th

Teall Walter N, tailor Wm N Teall, bds 409 Harrison

Teall Wm E Merchant Tailor 809 ½ Saginaw, res s e cor 4th and Hampton

Teall Wm N, tailor 409 Harrison, res same

Tebault Jospeh, lumberman, bds Turgeon house

Tebault Nicholas, laborer, res 1905 12th

Teck Henry, laborer, 109 Duplante

Telfer Joseph, trimmer Murphy & Dorr

Tennant Aldrich F, steward Fraser house

Tennant Arthur, cutter Bay City Stone Co, bds 1113 8th

Tennison Anthony, teamster, res 412 S Sherman

Tepoorten Bros (Frank A, Clements F), druggists 901 12th

Tepoorten Charles A, machinist, bds 206 Washington Ave

Tepoorten Clements F (Tepoorten & Sons), bds 206 Washington Ave

Tepoorten Frank A (Tepoorten & Sons), res 126 Washington avenue

Tepoorten Frederick P, foreman J Roberts, res 208 Jefferson

Tepoorten Joseph F, machinist, bds 206 Washington Ave

Tepoorten Julius, student, bds 206 Washington Ave

Tepoorten Louisa (wid Bernard), res 206 Washington Ave

*Tepoorten & Sons (Frank A and Clements F), Druggists and Apothecaries

   1024 N Water, cor 3rd; also n e cor 12th and Van Buren

Terdet Marie, chambermaid C St Arnault

Terl John, stone mason, res 910 3rd

Terry Albert, laborer, res 807 Fitzhugh

Terry Lizzie, waitress Grand Central hotel

Tesch Fred F, fireman Bousfield & Co, bds 1013 Taylor

Teshner Frederick, fireman F E Bradley & Co

Teshendorf John, laborer Detroit mills

Textor Albert M, clerk A B Griswold, bds 1202 Johnson

Textor Charles L, marble cutter, res 1213 Johnson

Textor Edward B, marble cutters, bds 1213 Johnson

Thaldorf George, blacksmith, res 1108 12th

Thather George A, lab Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res 213 Bowery

Thacher Miss Jennie, clerk Hawley & Fitzgerlad, bds 213 Bowery

Thayer Daniel J, music, res 621 N Madison

Thayer W Robert, barber 515 3rd, res 901 Campbell

Theal Mary, domestic martin Brennan

Thibodeau mary, domestic 1110 2nd

Thiboudeau Rev Mederic N, pastor St Joseph (French Catholic) church, res

   1005 3rd

Thibodeau Phileas O, Saloon and Pool Room 112 3rd, rooms Bank Block,


Thiesmeyer Fredk, cabinetmkr Clark & Cobb, res 1910 5th

Thoburg Charles, Propr Regatta House Saloon cor 23rd and Webster, bds

   100 23rd

Thomas Alexander, carp0et weaver 1001 Shearer ave, res same

Thomas Almeron, junk dir 408 N Water, res W Bay city

Thomas Charles, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds Elk hotel

Thomas Mrs Clara A, housekeeper 1600 Center

*Thomas Henry H, torpedo mnfr, res 313 N Van Buren

Thomas James E, patent solicitor s w cor 4th and Water, res W Bay City

Thomas Mark J, bkpr L S Coman, bds 610 N Van Buren

Thomas W H, shoemaker 1112 Harrison, res s e cor 39th and Harrison

Thompson Mrs Adeline, rooms 612 Saginaw

Thompson Andrew L, clerk Simonson, Gillett & Courtright, res West Bay city

Thompson Ann F, bds 255 Saginaw

Thompson Charles, laborer Maltby, Brotherton & Co, rooms 1212 N Saginaw

Thompson Dennis, watchman, res 623 Wilson

Thompson Edward, laborer, res 1018 Fraser

Thompson Elmer C, tmster Lake Ice Co, bds 217 McCormick

Thompson Frank (Morse & Thompson), res 901 Fitzhugh

Thompson Fred E, supt Lake Ice Co, res 308 23rd

Thompson George, laborer, bds 1018 Fraser

Thompson George, laborer, bds 612 Saginaw

Thompson George H, shoemaker Wm McGibbon, bds LeFevre house

Thompson Guy E, res 217 McCormick

Thompson Henry C, county drain commissioner, res W Bay City

Thompson Isreal C, real estate Union block, res s w cor 10th and Saginaw

Thompson Miss Jennie A, principal 5th ward school, bds 217 McCormick

Thompson John, butcher G Hine, bds 1018 Fraser

Thompson John T, lab S McLean & Son & Co, res 114 28th

Thompson John W (Bancroft, Thompson & Co), bds 248 N Adams

Thompson John W, builder, res 718 N Monroe

Thompson Joseph H, policeman, res 801 Broadway

Thompson Miss Kittie, bookkeeper Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 915 Wilson

Thompson Marcus, laborer G C Myers, bds Spears house

Thompson Mary (wid George), res 110 17th

Thompson Mary (wid John), bds 623 Wilson

Thompson Oliver, domestic Fraser house

Thompson Robert, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Thompson Robert, bell boy Fraser house

Thompson Robert, carpenter Bay City Dry docks

Thompson Sophia, domestic 241 Adams

Thompson Thomas, laborer S McLean & Son & Co, res 915 Wilson

Thompson Wm, baker J L Grass, bds 120 Washington ave

Thompson Wm J, teamster Young Bros, res 406 Stanton

Thorne Benjamin F, dairyman, res 1830 9th

Thorne Charles U, cigarmaker Braddock & Bateman, res 1308 Webster

Thorne Miss Ella S, dressmaker, bds 1310 Webster

Thorne Oscar S, clerk E A Spear, bds 601 Washington

Thorne Stephen T, clerk M C R R, res 1515 5th

Thorne thomas, laborer, res w s Webster 1 n of 34th

Thorne Wm, traveling agent, res 1310 Webster

Thornthwaite Edward, harnessmaker W J Thornthwaite, bds same

Thornthwaite Wm J, harnessmaker 703 Saginaw, res 210 N Sherman

Thorpe Miss Estella, bds 920 N Madison

Thorpe George, pattern maker McKinnon Mnfg Co, res 812 Polk

Thorpe Mrs Sarah, res 920 N Madison Ave

Thorsby Charles, laborer, res 413 21st

Threehouse Jeremiah, laborer, bds Elk Hotel

Three Rivers Hotel, J R Sharkey Propr, s e cor 17th and Water

Tibado Eli, drayman, res 921 Fitzhugh

Tibado Henry, laborer, res 1709 11th

Tibado Norris, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, bds 1709 11th

Tibado Oliver, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, res n e cor Sheridan and 13th

Tibbals Thomas M, painter 1013 11th, res same

Tice James M, painter, res e s S Lincoln 1 n of 22nd

Tiermant Florida, cook Turgeon house

Tierney Edward, saloon 706 N Water, res cor 7th and Water

Tierney George, bartender Peter Tierney, res 219 Longtin

Tierney James, restaurant 106 3rd, res 704 N Water

Tierney Patrick, bartender Peter Tierney, rms 920 N Water

Tierney Peter, saloon 823 N Water, res 1003 N Madison

Tierney Robert, lartender E Tierney, res cor Water and 8th

Tifer John, laborer, res s w cor 21st and William

Tiffany Alonzo B, deliveryman See Bros & Cooke, bds 200 S McClellan

Tiffany Amasa, vessel captain, bds 923 Washington Ave

Tighe Edward L, bartender Grand Central hotel

Tighe James, grocers 1008 12th, res same

Tighe Thomas, mason, res e s S Lincoln 2 n of 22nd

Tighman John, fireman Swift Elic Light Wks, res 1516 12th

Tilghman Wm H, stable foreman Gustin, Merrill & Co, res 914 5th Ave

Till Augustus W, grocer 100 23rd

Till Mrs C M, boarding 100 23rd

Till Miss Jessie, teacher, bds 100 23rd

Tillinghast Mrs Ursula, bds 508 Harrison

Tillotson Ruby, domestic 1305 5th Ave

Tilson Wm, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 217 Mercer

Tilton, Brunswick E, clerk Mason & Beach, bds The Brunswick

Tilton Frederick, teamster B H Briscoe, bds 1209 Farragut

Tilton Wm M, res 1607 3rd

Timm August, laborer Bousfield & Co, bds s w cor 35th and F & P M R R

Timm Bernhard, laborer, res 1205 Stanton

Timm Charles, laborer, res 1018 32nd

Timm Frederick, cigarmaker J Wilhelm, res 408 5th

Timm Frederick, laborer, res 1501 Stanton

Timm Herman, laborer Bousfield, Perrin & Co, bds 1018 32nd

Timmis Josiah, deputy county clerk, bds 401 3rd

Timms Charles, inspector Miller & Lewis

Timms John, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, res 1312 Jefferson

Tinske Martin, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Tirn B, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Tisson Augustus, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Tobacco Joseph, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

tobask Wm, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Tobias Lucius W, capt Neptune Hose Co, res 1109 N Jefferson

Tobias Sarah H (wid Solomon), bds 1301 S Water

Tobin James, laborer, res 503 S Lincoln

Tobin John, laborer Detroit mills, bds 300 Shearer

Tobin Michael C, sawyer Detroit mills, res 300 Shearer

Tobin Richard, laborer Detroit mills, bds 300 Shearer

Todd Jennie, domestic 1002 8th

Todd Wm, machine hand M Lamont, res West Bay City

Toescandoaf John, laborer, res 820 Dolsen

Tolbert Henry, coachman, res 607 Saginaw

Tolbert Mary (cold, wid Sidney), res 1707 11th

*Toledo & Saginaw Transportation Co, Thomas S Lester agt, office 920 N


Toles Wm E, policeman, res Jackson

Tolvin Arthur T, miller Gates & Chatfield, res 415 Adams

tomken Bertha, domestic 900 N Madison Ave

Tompkey A, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Tompkins Fred W, harnessmaker McCool & Co, res 106 N Van Buren

Toms James, coachman 1110 4th

Tomski Lawrence, laborer Wm Peter

*Tooker Frank H, Lumber Dealer 6 Bank Block, Center; Yards West Bay

   City, res 224 Madison Ave

Tooze Albert, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Touchette Frank, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Tough dundas M, moulder McKinnon Mnfg Co, bds 502 S Farragut

Tough Miss Eugenie, teacher Farragut school, bds 502 S Farragut

Tough George C, patternmaker Standard Machinery Co, res 1108 N Adams

Tough Wallace, machinist smalley Bros & Co

Tough Wm W, machinist Industrial Wks, res 411 S Lincoln

tourangeau Samuel, lumberman, bds Portland house

tourmell Frank, boarding 500 Saginaw

Tourville August, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Tousey Morris R, clerk Merrill, Fifield & Co, bds 820 N Monroe

Tousey Wilson H (tousey & Jennison), res 820 N Monroe

*Tousey & Jennison (Wilson H Tousey, Charles E Jennison), Hardware,

   Stoves, etc, n w cor 5th and Water

Tovatt Anthony C, engineer, res 3300 N Water

Towers Charles, laborer, res 1000 Bowery

Town Wm, sailor, bds 1200 Trumbull

Toyer George A (cold), laborer, res 531 N Johnson

Trahan Edwin, carpenter Bay City dry docks, res 3221 N Water

Training School, w s Adams bet 4th and 5th

Trapski Bernard, laborer 822 S Farragut

Trask Wm H, Grocer 1006 12th, res same

Traub George, cooper, res 1009 Broadway

Traub Miss Ollie, tailoress George Szyperski, bds 1009 Broadway

Travelers Home, W H Lewis Propr, 1901 12th

Travelers Life and Accident Insurance Co of Hartford, Conn, J B Corwin

   District, Agent.  9 Munger Block

Traveller Edward, drayman, res 402 Barney

Traw Michael, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Treat Frank, engineer, bds Elk hotel

Tredock Mary, waitress, Mansion house

Trehan edouard, sawyer, bds Lumbermens hotel

Treibrowsky John, laborer, res 510 Madison

Tremain Henry E, mngr Hammond, Standish & Co, res 514 N Grant

Tremble James, teamster Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 1800 Woodside Ave

Tremble Peter, laborer B H Briscoe & Co, res 1121 23rd

Trembley Alfred, laborer, bds Madison house

Trembley Frank Z, carpenter, res 309 S Van Buren

Treptow Matilda, domestic 1113 N Sherman

Treuschel Rev Charles, pastor German M E Church, res 110 S Van Buren

Tribinski Anton, laborer, res e s F & P M R R nr Bullock rd

Tribune Building, 905 to 909 Saginaw

Trubune Job Rooms (Chauncey and John Gregory jr, E T Bennett), book and

   Job printers Trubune building 905 to 909 Saginaw

Trickey Albert W, laborer, res 610 24th

Trigger martin, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Trimble Charles, laborer B H Briscoe & Co

Trimble Louis, laborer B H Briscoe & Co

Trinity Church (Episcopal), Rev E R Bishop pastor, cor Center and Grant

Trippel Francis, laborer, bds 1112 N Jackson

Trisler Early, laborer S F Rice & Sons

Trobbert Adam, carpenter, res 612 N Birney

Tromble Edward, clerk, bds 300 S Center

Tromble Frank, painter, res 518 Harrison

Tromble Fremont, clerk, bds 300 S Center

Tromble Medor, real estate, res 300 S Center

Trombley Adolph, sawyer, res 223 Bullock road

Trombley Adolphus, laborer W B Rouse, res 2321 Woodside

Trombley Adolphus jr, laborer Wm B Rouse, res 2321 Woodside Ave

Trombley Albert, filer, bds 223 Bullock road

Trombley Alexander, laborer, res 1217 N Madison

Trombley Alexander, mineral water mnfr 507 1st

Trombley Charles, lab G C Myers, res w s Polk 2 n of 35th

Trombley Charles M, machinist Smalley Bros & Co, res 408 S Faffagut

Trombley Daniel C, lab, bds w s Stanton 1 w of Fremont Ave

Trombley Daniel H (Trombley & Miller), res 515 S Center

Trombley Edward C, lab, bds w s Stanton 1 s of Fremont Ave

Trombley Miss Flora, bds n e cor Woodside ave and Dolsen

Trombley Frederick, sawyer Birdsall & Barker

Trombley John, laborer, bds 2321 Woodside ave

Trombley John L (Hawkins & Trombley), res n e cor 36th and Ingraham

Trombley Joseph, carpenter, res n e cor Woodside and dolsen

Trombley Joseph, laborer Butman & Rust, res 817 S Water

Trombley Joseph A, sawyer, res 1321 Webster

Trombley Lavina E (wid Daniel C), res w s Stanton 1 s of Fremont Ave

Trombley Louis, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 817 S Water

Trombley Miss Mary, bds 602 Jefferson

Trombley Mary A (wid Daniel), res 1504 12th

Trombley Richard, lab N B Bradley & Sons, res 914 James

Trombley Miss Rose, bds 602 Jefferson

Trombley Victor, laborer, bds 817 S Water

Trombley Wm, clk E A Spear, bds cor 5th and Washington

Trombley Wm, fisherman, res 1311 Polk

Trombley Wm H, agt Saginaw Valley Star, res 913 Broadway

Trombley & Miller (Daniel H Trombley, Charles T Miller) druggists 615


Trombly Joseph, laborer, res 600 18th

Trombly Thomas, laborer, bds 600 18th

Tromley Phillis, cook, bds 407 3rd

Trost J George, Saloon 714 N Water, res 914 2nd

Troumbley Charles, carp Birdsall & Barker, res 917 Bowery

Troy Frank (cold), teamster Young Bros, res Jefferson

Truckey Barney, sign painter, res 1116 N Monroe

Truckey Eliza (wid Nelson), res 508 Bowery

Truckey Miss Jessie A, dressmaker Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 507


Truckey Joseph, foreman Industrial works, res 113 S Van Buren

Truckey Jospeh jr, machin Industrial wks, bds 113 S Van Buren

Truckey Leo, clerk, bds 507 Bowery

Truckey Louis, fitter J Clements & Son, bds 508 Polk

Trudell Dennis A, clerk McKeoa, Henion & Co, res 1304 N Saginaw

Trudell Francis X, carpenter, res 916 Woodside Ave

Trudell Peter, painter, bds 916 Woodside Ave

Trudell Theodore, clerk, bds 916 Woodside Ave

Truman John, edger Wm Peter

Truman Theodore, edger Wm Peter

Trumbull Lodewick C, lab Butman & Rust, bds 804 Bowery

Trumbull Nellie, domestic 1121 Taylor

Trump Barbara, domestic 814 N Farragut

Trump John F, carpenter, res 211 N Farragut

Trump Miss Lizzie C, teacher High school, res e s Park Ave 4 s of Center

Trustell L B, res 624 14th

Tubio Michael, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Tulloh John, laborer, res 706 Fraser

*Tupper Horace, Physician and Surgeon 1009 Washington ave, res same

Tupper Virgil, student, bds 1009 Washington Ave

Tupper Wm R, physician 1614 3rd, res same

Turcette Joseph, laborer, bds Lumbermens hotel

Turcette Noah, laborer, bds Lumbermenss hotel

Turcott Edward, laborer, res 408 Fitzgerald

Turcott Joseph, laborer Detroit mills, res 1204 Jefferson

Turgeon House, Joseph Turgeon Propr, 1313 Washington Ave

Turgeon Hubert, carpenter, res 608 2nd

Turgeon Joseph, propr Turgeon house, 1313 Washington Ave

Turkey Levi, laborer, rooms 416 Saginaw

Turmel John, laborer, res 304 Fraser

Turmel Margaret (wid Frank), bds 304 Fraser

Turmel Octave, carpenter, res 900 James

Turmel Miss Rose, bds 304 Fraser

Turmel Thomas, drayman, res 904 James

Turmelle Alphonce, laborer, bad 806 Fraser

Turmelle Antoine, laborer, bds 806 Fraser

Turmelle Firiole, laborer, bds 806 Fraser

Turmelle St John B, laborer, res 806 Fraser

Turnbull James, foreman, bds Spears house

Turnelle Auguste, teamster, res 107 11th

Turnelle Theodore, laborer, res 1120 N Wate

Turner Charles, laborer Elk hotel

Turner Frank W, drive G Hine, rooms 520 Washington Ave

Turner George, city surveyor and engineer, res 401 30th

Turner G Edwin, clerk, bds 401 30th

Turner James Jr, Mngr Bay City Beef Co, rooms 1008 N Adams

Turner Joseph (Joseph Turner & Co), res 1117 Broadway

*Turner Joseph & Co (Joseph Turner, Albert Miller, George Lewis), lumber

   Bank block

Turongo Samuel, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Turvey Henry, laborer, res 318 S Lincoln

Tutinski Thomas, laborer, res 2408 Fraser

Tuttle Charles H, driver Street Railway, res n w cor Webster and Fremont

Tuttle Daniel M, carpenter, res 1006 19th

Tuttle John, carpenter, res 923 Washington Ave

Tuzorwski Frank, laborer, res 909 S Farragut

Twart jacob, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Twining Frederick, sailor, bds Republic hotel

Twork Mary, domestic 1213 6th

Tyborski Valentine, laborer, res 1102 17th

Tyler Anna (wid James), bds 702 Fremont Ave

*Tyler Columbus V, Physician 620 N Madison, res same

Tyler Frank E (Tyler & Sherman), res 715 S Madison

Tyler James F, laborer, bds Madison house

Tyler James W, student, bds 702 Fremont

Tyler Mrs Mary H E (J B Campbell & Co), res Detroit, Mich

Tyler & Sherman (Frank E Tyler, Wm D Sherman), Proprs Palace Livery

   Stable, s w cor 6th and Saginaw

Tyning Jane (wid Thomas), confectioner 102 ½ N water, res same

Tyning Timothy, servant, res 807 6th

Tynn Frank, laborer, bds 1507 16th




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