R. L. POLK & CO.'S




                        adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers



Sabineau Thimothy, laborer Butman & Rust

Sabourin Benoit, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Sabourin Emery, laborer Detroit mills, res 509 Shearer

Sabourin Joseph, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Sabourin Napoleon, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Sache August, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Sadon George, laborer, res 1406 18th

Sadon Jacob, laborer, bds 1406 18th

Saemer Augusta, domestic 301 N Van Buren

Safford Wilbur J, printer Saginaw Valley Star, bds Republic hotel

Sager John, clerk Pitts & Cranage, res 1009 N Sherman

Saginaw, Bay City and Alpena Daily Steamer, office w s N Water bet 4th

   And 5th

Saginaw River Line of Steamers, James Roberts Agent, Foot of Center

Saginaw Transportation Co, James Roberts Agent, Foot of Center

Saincome Mitchell, bridge swinge 23rd Street bridge, res Salzburg

St Ange John, laborer, bds Lumbermens hotel

St Ange Napoleon, laborer, bds Lumbermens hotel

St Arnault Cyrille, saloon 1317 Washington Ave, res same

St Arnault Fermin, propr Windsor house 1200 N Saginaw

St Arnoux Peter, teamster Pitts & Cranage

St Barnabas Mission Church, cor Taylor and 35th

St Boniface German Catholic School, n s 8th bet Lincoln and Birney

St Boniface German Church, n s 8th bet Lincoln and Birney

St Clair Charles, laborer, bds Elk hotel

St Clair Emma, domestic rouech house

St Clair Miss Ruth E, teacher Farragut school, bds 1001 Washington Ave

St Clair Wm, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 217 Mercer

St Clair Wm J, lumber inspector 8 Watson block, res 1001 Washington Ave

St Clair Elizabeth, domestic 517 Washington Ave

St Germain Joseph, lumberman, res 1110 2nd

St Germain Michael, laborer, bds 1110 2nd

St James Catholic School, s w cor 14th and Jackson

St James Cemetery (Roman Catholic), Ridge road

St James Church (Catholic), s e cor 12th and Monroe

St James Miss Phoebe, dressmaker, res 248 N Jefferson

St John, laborer E J Hargrave & son, res Middle Ground

St Josephs Catholic School, w s Adams bet 2nd and 3rd

St Josephs Cemetery (Roman Catholic)

St Josephs French Church, s e cor Grant and 2nd

St Josephs School, cor Grant and 3rd

St Laurent Louis, grocer 1310 N Saginaw, res same

St Louis Charles, laborer, bds Madison house

St Peter George, blacksmith, bds Windsor house

St Peter Joseph, laborer, res 1200 35th

St Stanislaus Catholic School, s e cor Grant and 20th

Saleno Stephen V, trav agent, bds 321 N Van Buren

Salisbury Llewellyn A, saloon 603 Harrison, bds Astor house

Salmon Richard, watchman, res 603 Fitzhugh

Salt Association of Michigan The, W R Burt pres, Thomas Cranage treas, 

   D G Holland sec, s w cor 4th and Water

Sandbeck Ida, domestic 814 N Monroe

Sanders, see also Saunders

Sanders Christopher, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Sanderson Charles, blacksmith Wm Crosbie, res 1211 2nd

Saner Bernard, carpenter M Lamont, res 420 S Jackson

Saney Marshall, laborer, res 210 Barney

Sanford Wm H, trimmer I A Shannon, res 1009 12th

Sanger Lucy T (wid Daniel), matron Old Ladies Home, res 521 N Sheridan

Sangle George (Nichols & Sangle), res 612 N Farragut

Sangster George, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Santo John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground

Sapleski John, laborer Wm Peter

Sapp Romanis W, clerk Vail & Eddy, bds Rouech house

Satimore Edward B, teamster Lake Ice Co, res 1301 S Water

Satimore Ephraim, ship carpenter, res 713 24th

Satimore George, carpenter, bds 713 24th

Sauby David, bartender J Lennon, bds same

Sauer George, laborer B H Briscoe & co, res W Bay City

Saumear james, waiter steamer Metropolis

Saunders Charles, gardener, bds Carney road, cor 9th

Saunders George, apinte, bds 906 13th

Saunders John Jr, Boot and Shoemaker 510 3rd, res same

Saunders John, shoemkr J Saunders, res Carney road cor 9th

Saunders John E (cold), cook J Tierney, res 310 Wilson

Saunders John E W S, compositor Saginaw Valley Star, res 120 N Monroe

Saunder Mrs Margaret, laundress, res 114 Washington Ave

Saunders Richard G, hostler R J Briscoe, bds Carney road cor 9th

Saunders Robert W, porter, bds Carney road cor 9th

Saunders Thomas, carpenter, res 120 N Monroe

Saunders Thomas H, stonecutter Bay City Stone Co, bds Carney road, cor 9th

Saunders Wm, laborer, bds 114 Washington Ave

Sautter Christina, domestic 614 N Farragut

Sauve John, clerk, bds 1413 N Jefferson

Sauve John, B, fireman Pitts & Cranage, res 1413 N Jefferson

Sauve Paul, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Sauve Peter, laborer Pitts & Cranage, bds 1413 N Jefferson

Sauvey Frank, laborer, res 605 Fitzgerald

Savage Daniel D, clerk Leszczynski Bros & Menczarski, res 121 William

Savage Edward H, lumber inspector, bds 508 N Monroe

Savage Miss Helen, dressmaker, bds 413 Taylor

Savage Henry, laborer, res 803 21st

Savage Isabella (wid thomas W), res 508 N Monroe

Savage John, sawyer S McLean & Son & Co, res s e cor 27th and Wilson

Savage John jr, county register, bds 908 N Jackson

Savage Miss Mary, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds cor 27th and Wilson

Savage Patrick W, foreman, res 413 Taylor

Savage Wm J, lumber inspector, res 901 Center

Savercool Almena (wid Matthias), bds 517 Bowery

Savoy Wm, laborer Detroit mills

Sawback Thomas, laborer Wm Peter

Sawyer Edward, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Saya Pauline, domestic Fraser house

Sayers Charles, mason, res 900 Bowery

Sayers Ernest W, mason, res 609 Adams

Sayles Miss Ella, teacher, bds 1114 5th Ave

Sayles George P, farmer, bds 1114 5th Ave

*Sayles Miss Lissie, music 405 Center, res s w cor Center and Braddock

Sayles Miss Rhoda L, principal Seventh Ward school, res s w cor Braddock

   And S Center

Scanlon John, laborer, res 102 Johnson

Schaar Mrs Adeline, laundress, bds 206 7th

Schaar, cabinmaid steamer Metropolis, bds West Bay City

Schabel John, laborer, bds 1410 3rd

Schack Anna M (wid Robert), res 1500 2nd

Schaeffer Herbert, porter Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res 1724 Woodside Ave

Schafer Harmon, teamster Merrill, Fifield & Co, res 614 Woodside Ave

Schafer Henry, laborer Nickless & Hart, res 127 North

Schafer Joseph, res 614 Woodside Ave

Schafer Joseph jr, contractor, res 1313 Johnson

Schafer Peter J, watchman F & P M R R, res 1319 N Monroe

Schantraw, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Schanz Frederick, saloon 513 12th, res same

Scheerer, see also Shearer

Scheerer Frederick, laborer, res 306 S Sheridan

Schefferman Conrad, carpenter M Lamont, bds 408 13th

Schefferman John, sawyer M Lamont, res 408 13th

Scheurmann Charles, res 500 N Jefferson

Scheurmann Charles, watchmaker John Leith, bds Theodore Hine

Scheurmann Ernest, bookkeeper G Hine, bds 419 Washington Ave

Scheurmann Richard, boots and shoes 802 N Water, res 902 N Jackson

Schiefelbein John, mason, res 1206 15th

Schilling Henry M, bartdr J G Nestle, bds Republic hotel

Schindehette Elizabeth (wid Anthony(, bds 406 9th

*Schindehette George H, Propr Republic Hotel 918 Saginaw

Schindehette Henry, res s s 7th 1 e of Trumbull

Schindehette John, saloon 606 N Water, res same

*Schindehette Martin, Bottling works 1317 Johnson, res same

Schindler John, tailor, res 2008 3rd

*Schleiper Fred A, Druggist 402 Center, res 910 N Lincoln ave

Schloschikowski Julia, stripper Root, Williston & Co, bds Michigan Ave

Schlotes Henry, coachman 1114 8th

Schlund John, salt packer, bds Green Tree hotel

Schmaear Jacob, baker Pomeroy & Whitney, bds Kelsen house

Schmakle Charles, laborer, res 1606 11th

Schmalz Christopher, res e s Stanton 1 n of S Center

Schmeisser Christian H, painter and muscian, res 2010 4th

Schmerzik Joseph, laborer, res 706 33rd

Schmidell Henry, watchman Cyrus Hiller

Schmidt, see also Smith

Schmidt Anton, mach Industrial works, res 214 Fitzhugh

Schmidt Charles, molder Thomas Nunn, bds n w cor 12th and Tuscola plank


Schmidt Frank, laboorer Rust Bros & Co

Schmidt George, laborer, res 917 Fitzhugh

Schmidt Joseph, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Schmidt Martin, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Schmidt Samuel, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Schmilinski Simon, laborer, res 506 S Jackson

Schmittdiel John H, watchman, res 307 Shearer

Schneider A, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Schneider Adolph, butcher W E Tapert, bds 709 Center

Schnell Peter, laborer, res 214 Mercer

Schoeninger Charles, bartender Eagle house

Schomberg August, tailor L Daniels, res 112 Bowery

Schomberg Mary, domestic 301 34th

Schott John, laborer, bds 100 23rd

Schoup Samuel, edger Pitts & Cranage, res n s 3rd 1 e of Johnson

Schrader John (Frost & Schrader), res 1001 S Center

Schram Frank, lab Birdsall & Barker, res w s Wilson 1 n of 33rd

Schramm Miss Lena F, clerk Bialy & McDonell, bds 115 Bowery

Schramm Martin, laborer Wm Peter, res 115 Bowery

Schreapfermann Conrad, carpenter, bds 408 13th

Schreapfermann John, machinist, res 408 13th

Schrempf Lizzie, bds 419 N Madison

Schrepferman John, butcher, res 802 13th

Schrepper John, photographer Harman & Verner, bds 1000 Trumbull

Schrieder John, laborer, res 410 S Sheridan

Schroeder John, meat market, res 1001 S Center

Schubert Bertha, domestic 622 N Jefferson

Schuckard Christopher, tinsmith, res 242 Saginaw

Schucker John M (Schucker & Hopp), res 1113 N Monroe

Schucker & Hopp (John M Schucker, Ferdinand Hopp) restaurant 106 and

   108 3rd

Schuembling Frederick, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Schuessler Carl C, shoemaker 613 Harrison, res same

Schular, see also Shuler

Schular Frank, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co

Schulenburg Julius (Beurmann & Schulenburg), res 217 S Madison

Schulte Joseph, collector Michigan Freie Prese, res 1806 3rd

Schultz Charles, laborer, res 107 Parker

Schultz Ferdinand, butcher, res 315 14th

Schultz Frank, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Schultz Frederick, laborer, res 1209 Marsac

Schultz Gottfried, laborer, res 512 S Sherman

Schultz Jacob, cooper Birdsall & Barker

Schultz John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Schultz John, laborer G C Myers

Schultz John, laborer, res 226 Michigan Ave

Schultz Mary, domestic 1008 McCormick

Schultz Richard, Laborer Pitts & Cranage

Schulz Julius, florist J Irvine, res rear 1709 11th

Schulz Otto R, carpenter, res 214 N Hampton

Schuman Isaac, tailor B Belworthy, bds  N Adams

Schuster Joseph, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Schute John, laborer, bds Shiler house

Schutz Charles, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Schwartz, see also Swarts

Schwartz Henry, laborer, bds 1112 N Jackson

Schwartz Wm, laborer, res 1101 22nd

Schweikle Charles, cigarmaker Root, Welliston & Co, res 224 N Van Buren

Schweikle Henry, salesman, bds 224 N Van Buren

Schwein Mary, cook 328 Adams

Schweitzer Mary, cook 422 Washington Ave

Scofield Chauncery L, clerk, bds Elk hotel

Scofield Miss Ida H, teacher, bds 617 N Jackson

Scofield Winsor, Attorney and Counselor at Law 4 Bank Block, Center; res

   607 N Jackson

Scott Allan C, carpenter, bds Portland house

Scott Charles, machine hand Bousfield, Perrin & Co

Scott George, lab Mich Fire Lighter Co, res 2002 Marsac

Scott Hiram B, propr Bay City academy, rms 607 N Madison

Scott James, laborer, bds 209 N Farragut

Scott James, sawyer E J Hargrave & Son

Scott James, sawyer Bousfield, Perrin & Co

Scott James, inspector Foss & Leiter

Scott John, setter, bds Astor house

Scott Jonathan, laborer Birdsall & Barker, bds Astor house

Scott Miss Maud M, dressmaker 2002 Marsac, bds same

Scott Robert W, engineer, res 508 William

Scott Sarah, domestic 711 N Van Buren

Scott Sylvester, laborer Rust Bros & co, bds 2002 Marsac

Scott Thomas, carpenter, bds 209 N Farragut

Scott Walter, laborer, bds 2002 Marsac

Scottree John, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Seagers John J, letter carrier, res 522 7th

Seagrave Frederick S, laddermnfr 208 29th, res same

Sealoff Henry, laborer, bds 1418 16th

Sealoff Theodore, laborer, res 1418 16th

Seaman George D, sexton Pine Ridge cemetery, res same

Seaman Maria (wid Isaac), res 401 3rd

Seaman Miss Lina, student M E Pendill, rooma same

Sebeck Samuel, butcher W V Prybeski, bds American Hotel

Sebold George, pedler Root, Williston & Co, res 1600 3rd

Seburn Wm T, lab Rust Bros & Co, bds Union City hotel

Secheel Joseph, laborer The Mich Pipe Co, res 107 North

Second Baptist Church (cold) e s Monroe bet 10th and 11th

*Second National Bank (Capital, $250,000; Surplus, $75,000) Wm

   Westover Pres, Alonzo Chesbrough Vice-Pres, Orrin Bump Cashier, M M

   Andrews Asst Cashier, Opera house Block, cor Center and Washington

Secor Andrew J, laborer, res 1323 Van Buren

Secor Lance, laborer, bds Boutreur house

Secor Miss Louisa N, bds 1323 Van Buren

Secor Michael, laborer E S Fitch, res 710 17th

Secor Wm, laborer, bds Boutreur house

Secord Joseph, laborer, bds Armstrong hotel

Secord Mrs Leonora, cook Madison house

Secord Moses J, bartender Madison house

See Albert E, clerk See Bros & Cooke, res 246 Saginaw

*See Bros & Cooke (James A and John A See, Aaron J Cooke), Furniture,

   Carpets and Engravings 311 Center

See Eliza (wid John), bds 221 Bowery

See George A, compositor Saginaw Valley Star, bds 809 N Jefferson

See James A (See Bros & Cooke), res 221 Bowery

See John, engineer, res 315 Dolsen

See John A (See Bros & Cooke), res 614 Monroe

See Wilfred E (Ueberroth & See), res 1009 N Jackson

See Wm A, upholsterer, bds 1009 N Jackson

Seed Charles W, clerk, bds 507 N Adams

Seed James (James Seed & Co), res 507 N Adams

Seed James & Co (James Seed, J Frank Eddy), dry goods 404 Center

Seed Sherman E, salesman, bds 507 N Adams

Seckel Fred C, mach Smalley Bros & Co, bds 247 Saginaw

Seckel Theodore C, carpenter Smalley Bros & Co, res 247 Saginaw

Seeley Grove, foreman Engine house M C R R, res 1509 Woodside Ave

Seeley John, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Seeley George, laborer, res 912 Webster

Seeley George jr, laborer, bds 912 Webster

Seen Daniel, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Seever Frederick, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Segarri Peter, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Segor Michael, alborer N B Bradley & Sons

Seguin Joseph E, Restaurant 921 N Water, res same

Seguin Joseph F, clerk Lion Bottling works

Seguin Joseph N, Lion Bottleing Works 1317 N Jackson, res 1320 same

Seguin Octave, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Seguin Wm, pedler Lion Bottling works

Seibert Bettie, domestic Campbell house

Seibold, see Sebold

Seichter Joseph, laborer, bds 143 North

Seider Wesley, laborer, bds Madison house

Seiderdin George, laborer, bds 1105 N Van Buren

Seigman Joseph (Seligman & Rossman), res E Saginaw

*Seligman & Rossman (Joseph Seligman, Frank Rossman), agents for H

   Rosenberg 1004 N Water

Selleck Henry, Lawyer, Real Estate, Insurance and Collection agent 111

   Harrison, res 514 30th

Seloff Frank, laborer Wm Peter

Semar Fredercik, fireman, res 1405 N Jefferson

Semile Augustus, hostler Wm Peter, res 209 William

Sempliner Adolph, clerk H Rosenberg, bds Rouech house

Sempliner Bernard, Merchant Tailor 911 N Water, bds 1012 Washington Ave

Sempliner Isidor, tailor B Sempliner, bds 1012 Washington Ave

Sempliner Joseph, agent Millinery 315 Center, bds 407 Washington Ave

Sempliner Wm, agent millnery 113 Center, res 610 N Grant

Senecal Eugene, painter, res Galarnos additon, Woodside Ave

Senecal Jenny, domestic 1802 Woodside Ave

Senecal Octavus, clerk, bds 116 Hart

Senecal Velfoux, shoemaker, res w s Belinda 2 n of Woodside Ave

Sermon Thomas C, boilermaker Industrial works, res 111 N Jefferson

Sero Frank M, barber 116 Washington ave, res same

Seventh Ward School, n e cor Broadway and 38th

Sexton James, bartender J Tierney, bds same

Sexton James F, carpenter, res 216 Sheridan

Sexton Wm, carpenter, rooms 107 Washington Ave

Seymore Archibald, laborer Wm Peter

Seymour Alexander, sailor, res 3213 N Water

Seymour Isabelle (wid Anthony), res 923 Washington Ave

Seymour John, ship carpenter, bds Windsor house

Seymour Joseph, fireman Pitts & Cranage

Seymour Miss Matilda, res 1219 N Madison

Seymour Wm, laborer McDonald & Shearer, res s s 12th near Trumbull

Seymour Wm, cook Lake house

Seymour Zoe, cook Union City hotel

Shackett Joseph, vessel captain, res 803 Bowery

Shafer, see also Schaeffer

Shafer Andrew J, lawyer s e cor 6th and Water, bds Grand Central hotel

Shafer Frederick, laborer, res Fitzgerald nr McEwans mill

Shaffer Melvin B, bartender M OBrien, rooms 1008 N Water

Shaliar Joseph, laborer, Butman & Rust

Shallock Thomas, laborer Nickless & Hart, res Jefferson

Shamborg August, tailer, res 212 Bowery

Shanhan James, teamster McDonald & Shearer, res s s 12th nr Trumbull

Shanks John, laborer S G M Gates, res 1717 Woodside Ave

Shanka Johnm, setter Eddy Bros & Co

Shanks Louis, laborer S F M Gates

Shanmor Thomas, laborer, bds Lumbermens hotel

Shannon Daniel (D Shannon & Bro), res 1001 9th

*Shannon Daniel & Bro (Daniel and John), General Insurance Agents n w

   Cor 5th and Water (up stairs).

Shannon Edmund B, clerk S B Shannon, bds 1001 9th

Shannon Frank, filer Butman & Rust, bds 101 Broadway

Shannon George H, blacksmith C S Wells, bds 600 N Grant

Shannon Isaac A, Carriage Manufacturer 609 Saginaw, res 611 N Madison

Shannon John (D Shannon & Bro), res West Bay City

Shannon Stuart B, Furnishing Undertaker 211 5th, res 225 Adams

Shannon Thomas, drayman McDonald & Shearer, res 1110 Taylor

Sharbeno Aken, laborer, res 607 Ketchum

Sharen Wm, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Sharkey Joseph R, Propr Three Rivers Hotel s e cor 17th and Water

Sharkey Wm, laborer, bds 1114 3rd

Sharp Benjamin J, laborer, bds 803 S Water

Sharp Edger M (Daunt & Sharp), res 1512 S Sheridan

Sharp Jane (wid Johnson), bds 1512 N Sheridan

Sharp Morris, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water

Sharp Nelson, setter Pitts & Cranage

Sharp Wm H, vessel agent S Watson blk, res s e Monroe 2 n of 2nd

Shaughnessy John, laborer, bds 1200 14th

Shaughnessy Patrick, laborer, res 1200 14th

Shaver Charles, laborer, bds 119 Washington Ave

Shaver Daniel, laborer, bds 118 Washington Ave

Shaver Thomas R, checker M C R R, res West Bay City

Shaw Anna, domestic 801 Fremont Ave

Shaw Miss Belle, milliner, bds 406 Polk

Shaw Benjamin E, barber Wm Corwin, bds same

Shaw Charles R, janitor Farragut school, res 1215 11th

Shaw Charles R, lumber inspector, bds Brunswick hotel

Shaw Coleman A, bartender S Shaw, bds 109 N Grant

Shaw Miss Florence A, teacher Dolsen school, bds 1513 3rd

Shaw Frederick, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Shaw George H, laborer F C Myers, rooms 103 Longtin

Shaw Howard L, bookkeeper Sprague & Co, bds 1513 3rd

Shaw James, laborer, res 501 S Monroe

Shaw Miss Jennie, bookkeeper, bds 406 Polk

Shaw Jesse, clerk, bds Brunswick hotel

Shaw John, sailor, res 1513 3rd

Shaw John C, student, bds 1513 3rd

Shaw Matthew, laborer Michigan Pipe Co, res 409 Annie

Shaw Sidney, jobber Murphy & Dorr, res 406 Polk

Shaw Squire, saloon 109 3rd, res 109 N Grant

Shawl Mrs Augusta, dressmaker 2003 Broadway, res same

Shawl Daniel, fisherman, res 1309 Stanton

Shawl David G (D G Shawl & Co), res n e cor 33rd and Broadway

Shawl D G & Co (David G and F Wm Shawl), Wholesale Dealers in Fresh

   Fish, Office cor Broadway and 33rd

Shawl Francis A, mason, res 2003 Broadway

Shawl F Wm (D G Shawl & Co), res n e cor 33rd and Broadway

Shawl Miss Margaret, dresskaker A Shawl, bds 1308 Stanton

Shawl Theodore, fisherman, res 609 Polk

Shay John, laborer Michigan Pipe Co, res 403 Lord

Shay Michael, laborer Murphy & Dorr, res 403 Lord

Shea Agnes (wid Edward), res 610 N Van Buren

Shea Daniel, laborer, res 1105 Taylor

Shea Miss Eliza, bds 1105 Taylor

Shea John, laborer Bousfield & Co, bds 1105 Taylor

Shea Joseph, laborer, bds 1105 Taylor

Shea Wm, laborer, bds Shiler house

Shear Wm, engineer, bds Cumberland house

Shearer, see also Scheerer

Shearer Block, n e cor Water and Center

*Shearer Bros (G Henry, James R and Chauncy H), Real Estate and

   Insurance 809 N Adams

Shearer Bros Block, n w cor Center and Adams

Shearer Chauney H (Shearer Bros), teller Bay County Savings bank, res n w

   Cor Center and Farragut

Shearer Elizabeth, domestic n w cor 4th and Sherman

Shearer Frank H, student, bds 1101 5th

Shearer George H (McDonald & Shearer) res 1101 5th

Searer G Henry *Shearer Bros), vice-pres Bay County Saving bank, res

   814 N Monroe

Shearer James, res 701 Center

Shearer James B (Shearer Bros), res 813 N Jackson

Shearer John W, contractor, res 412 N Jackson

Shebelski Antoine, laborer G C Myers

Sheddock Thomas, laborer, rooms 1312 Jefferson

Sheehan Patrick, laborer, res 1712 11th

Shefty Eva, domestic 238 N Monroe

Shelair David, laborer, res Middle Ground

Shelair Michael, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Shelair Theodore, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Shelaire Charles, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Shelair Joseph, edger Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Shelberg Charles, laborer Bousfield & Co, res s w cor 33rd and Polk

Sheldon Delbart, laborer, res Middle Ground

Sheldon Mary A (wid Ancel C), bds Delbart Sheldon

Sheldon Wm, laborer Murphy & Dorr, res Middle Ground

Shelear Ttfeal, laborer, res 1418 Marsac

Shellberg John A, merchant tailor 806 N Water, res West Bay City

Shellburg Anna, domestic 516 Sheridan

Shelley Daniel B, music teacher, bds 507 N Van Buren

Shelley George, laborer H Schindehette, bds Johnson

Shelton Emma, domestic 921 5th Ave

Shenkoski Maxon, laborer G C Myers

Shepard Benjamin, collector of internal revenue Union block, res 609 N


Shepard Charles L, engineer Pitts & Cranage, res 901 4th

Shepard Mrs Charlotte, milliner 302 Center, res 609 Adams

Shepard Malinda (wid Amasa), bds n w cor 28th and Marsac

Shepard Theodore F (Shepard & Lyon), res West Bay City

*Shepard & Lyon (Theodore F Shepard, Alfred P Lyon), Lawyers 5 and 6

   Watson Block

Shephard Charles, carpenter M Lamont, res 1116 15th

Shephard Mrs Charlotte, milliner 319 Center, res w s Adams bet

   6th and 7th

Sheppach Jacob, butcher L P Wirth, bds 1105 N Van Buren

Sheppard Albert, clerk D Goddyne, bds same

Shera Wm, 2d engineer propellor Arundell, bds Cumberland house

Shero Joseph, laborer Wm Peter

Sherman John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Sherman Miss Nettie B, bds 501 N Madison

Sherman Peter, watchman Bay City Street R R Co

Sherman Philip, cigar mnfr, res 218 N Jackson

Sherman Mrs Sarah E, dressmaker, res 616 Saginaw

Sherman School, e s Sherman bet Woodside ave and 1st

Sherman Wm D (Tyler & Sherman), bds 501 N Madison

Sherry Martin, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Sheward Wm A, printer Evening Press, res 617 Jefferson Ave

Sheward Wm H jr, comp Evening Press, bds 617 Jefferson

Sherry Martin, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Sheward Wm A, printer Evening Press, res 617 Jefferson Ave

Sheward Wm H jr, comp Evening Press, bds 617 Jefferson

Shiba Charles, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water

Shilaire Amedee, Lion Bottling works, res 1201 Fitzgerald

Shiler House, Thomas Shiler propr, n w cor 23 and Water

Shineski John, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Shirley Wm J, sawyer, res 207 N Sherman

Shivas James, laborer Butman & Rust

Shivas James F, bookkeeper, res 803 Fraser

Shlaat Caroline, domestic 2019 Center

Shoemaker Frank, laborer Wm Peter

Shoots Frank, engineer, res 822 Wilson

Shores Henry C, laborer, bds Eagle house

Shorey Francis A, filer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, bds 214 N Grant

Shorts Edward, laborer, bds Boutreur house

Shotlowski John, laborer, res w s Sherman 3 s of 19th

Shovan Frank, engineer M C R R, bds 606 2nd

Shram Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Shrotes Charles, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Shouger George, laborer, bds Elk house

Shuchinski Michael, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Shuder Jacob, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Shulak Rev Francis X, pastor St Stanislaus church, res 915 Grant

Shuler, see also Schular

Shuler Albert T, Dairyman, res 503 Park Ave

Shuler George, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Shultz Frank, laborer Wm Peter

Shultz John, laborer Wm Peter

Shuryea Lut, sawyer N B Bradley & Sons

Sibley Elwin L, laborer, res 1198 Maarsac

Sibley Walter, lab Hitchcock & Bialy, res e s Webster 1 n of 38th

Sieder Isaac, laborer, bds Madison house

Sieler George, laborer, res 1119 N Madison

Siemiana Stanley, laborer, res 717 S Farragut

Siewart Frederick, laborer, res 315 S Madison

Sikorski Ernest, laborer, res 1107 16th

Sikorski John, laborer, res 713 S Van Buren

Silbereisen Miss Mary G, clk McKeon, Henion & Co, bds 115 Bowery

Sills Billa F, paper hanger, res 608 N Birney

Sills Escot, mach Standard Machinery Co, res 821 William

Sills James, laborer, bds 821 William

Silver Maggie, cook 253 Adams

Sime Robert J, clerk L S Coman, bds 603 Bowery

Simmerson Joseph, laborer, res 513 Harrison

Simmerson Ora, coachman Wm Westover, res 606 N Birney

Simmons James, lab F E Bradley & Co, res 1203 S Center

Simmons John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Simmons Wm, captain of police, bds 412 Jackson

Simms Henry W, janitor Bay City National Bank, res Bank blk

Simms Henry W, patent medicines and sewer pipe s e cor 6th and

   Washington ave, bds Rouech house

Simms John A (cold), fireman, res 322 Taylor

Simneau James, porter steamer Metropolis

Simon Block s s Center bet Saginaw and Water

Simon Caroline (wid Philip), res 512 12th

Simon Frederick, butcher, bds 512 12th

Simon Frederick, cooper, bds 212 S Madison

Simon Frederick T, saloon 210 Center, res 210 S Farragut

Simon Ghomez, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Simon Jacob, laborer, res 212 S Madison

Simon John G, bartender F T Simon, bds 210 Center

Simon Philip, druggist, bds 512 12th

Simoneau James, clerk Obey house

Simons Amelia A (L M Simons & Co, res 1008 N McClellan

Simons Henry S, laborer S F M Gates, rees 623 14th

Simons John, laborer Wm Peter

Simons Leonard M (L M Simons & Co), res 1008 N McClellan

Simons Miss Lulu, clerk G E Van Syckle, bds 210 Center

Simons Mrs Lydia, baker 512 3rd, res same

Simons L M & Co (Leonard M and Amelia A Simons), New and Second-

   Hand Furniture 109 3rd

Simons Robert H, fisherman, res 1325 Van Buren

Simons Wm A, second-hand furniture, res 1008 N McClellan

Simonson, Gillett & Courtright (John E Simonson, Hezekiah M Gillett,

   Morris L Courtright), Attorneys and Notaries 8 Bank block, Center

Simonson John E (Simonson, Gillett & Courtright), bds Campbell house

Simord Archil, laborer, res 806 Fraser

Simpkins Wm H, sawyer, res 1308 Jefferson

Simpson Andrew E, baker 515 23rd, res same

Simpson Frederick, laborer, bds 515 23rd

Simpson Thomas, laborer, bds Patrick Rogers

Sinay Oliver, laborer, bds Madison house

Sinclair Albert G, foreman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 231 Washington Ave

Sinclaire George J, sawyer Bousfield, Perrin & Co, res 1415 Marsac

Sinex Jonas, teamster Bay City Stone Co, res 1101 N Adams

Singer Manufacturing Co The, L A L Gilbert Mngr 706 Washington Ave

Sinlinski Mary, domestic Henry Wackerly

Sinnacel Octave, clerk, bds 116 Hart

Sinnacel Phillip, shoemaker, res 116 Hart

Sinnacel Miss Theresa, bds 116 Hart

Sirmyer John N (Sirmyer & Edwards), res 239 N Adams

Sirmyer & Edwards (John M Sirmyer, Mrs G D Edwards), Merchant

   Tailoring, Hats, Caps and Gents Furnishing Goods 212 Center

Sischo Allen, propr Commercial hotel n e cor 4th and Saginaw

Sitterding Anna, domestic 508 N Van Buren

Sittering George, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Skelton Ann E (wid Wm), res 2313 Fitzhugh

Skinner Orra H, sput Swift electric hight wks, res W Bay City

Skorczewski Frank, grocer 724 S Farragut, res 717 Grant

Skrzkpozak John, laborer, res 712 Michigan

Skwiercz Joseph, laborer, res n s 34th 1 e of McCormick

Slack Lena, domestic 913 8th

Slaczikowski Frank, cigarmaker, bds 815 Michigan Ave

Skrzkpozak John, laborer, res 712 Michigan

Slade John, shoemaker 913 Campbell, res 314 Seymour Ave

Slade Norman, switchman F & P M R R, res E Saginaw

Slade Miss Orzetta M, cashier McKeon, Henion & Co, bds 601 Adams

Slater Aquilla S, foreman N B Bradley & Sons, res 214 16th

Slater Frank, millwright, res 1105 Broadway

Slater Louisa, domestic 720 N Madison

Slater Nathan P, engineer, bds 214 16th

Slater Peter, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Slattery Francis A, clerk A C Maxwell, bds Lefevre house

Slawson Anna L (wid Edward R), res 1012 N Van Buren

Slazinski Jacob, mason, res 1210 17th

Slivinski Frank, laborer, res rear 901 James

Slivinski John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, res 821 Grant

Sliwinski Bartholomew, laborer, res 916 S Madison

Sliwinski George, laborer, bds 916 S Madison

Sloan James E, lumber inspector, res 208 18th

Sloan John W, mate propr Arundell, res Detroit, Mich

Sloats John, res 2115 4th

Slocum Llewellyn, agent, res 522 Wilson

Slocum Sarah P (wid Henry), baker, res 252 N Monroe

Slozinski John, laborer, res 317 S Farragut

Slush Matthew, lumber, res 6 Shearer Bros block

Smaglinski Frank, laborer, res 818 18th

Smaglinski Vincent, laborer, res 818 18th

Smalleck John, butcher W V Prybeski, bds cor 11th and Lincoln

Smalley Albert E, bartender J W Heeke, bds 614 31st

*Smalley Bros & Co (Darwin C, Wm and Wm T Smalley), Proprs Valley Iron     Works 205 to 211 Saginaw

*Smalley Darwin C (Smalley Bros & Co), res 233 Adams

Smalley James H, pile driver, res 614 31st

Smalley James S, res 418 N Jackson

Smalley John J, laborer, res e s Elizabeth 2 n of S Center

Smalley Miss Mzry, milliner Mrs C Shephard cor 11th and Johnson

Smalley Wm (Smalley Bros & Co), res 210 Washington Ave

Smalley Wm T (Smalley Bros & Co), bds 418 N Jackson

Smallwood Jane (cold) (wid Nathaniel), res 210 N Farragut

Smart Abner, laborer L E Noyes & Son, res 1215 Monroe

Smart Miss Electa A, bds 2112 4th

Smart James H, machinist Smalley Bros & Co, res 608 12th

Smart Miss Lulu A, seamstress Clark & Cobb, bds 21 12th

Smart Mrs Mary J, res 1215 Monroe

Smart Merritt M, piano tuner, res 2112 4th

Smart Wm, laborer, res 1215 Monroe

Smeer Jacob, shoemaker F L Harrison, res 617 Fitzhugh

Smeer Saul, pedler, bds 512 S Shheridan

Smeeth Thomas, carpenter, res 119 Hart

Smialek Bolaslon, clerk, res 1317 11th

Smialek Charles, clerk Andrew Mendriski, bds 1317 11th

Smialek John, clerk, bds 1317 11th

Smialek Stanislaus, laborer, res 1317 11th

Smidt George, engineer N B Bradley & Sons, res Howard

Smiley Robert, laborer, res 607 Fraser

Smiley robert E, carpenter, res 207 S Farragut

Smith, see also Schmidt

Smith Abbert, cook, rooms 115 4th

Smith Albert E, propr Bay City roller rink, bds Brunswick hotel

Smith Mrs Alma, boarding house 803 S Water

Smith Andrew, laborer Wm Peter

Smith Austin, laborer, res 712 19th

Smith Bartram, frieman E J Hargrave & Son, res 145 North

Smith Burt, car cleaner F & P M R R

Smith Byron F (G W Smith & Son), bds n w cor 25th and Stanton

Smith Caleb, laborer, bds 500 Saginaw

Smith Charles, salt packer Murphy & Dorr

Smith Charles, servant 900 Center

Smith Charles, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Smith Charles, laborer, bds Armstrong hotel

Smith Charles, sawyer Pitts & Cranage

Smith Charles, teamster Eddy Bros & Co

Smith Charles, laborer S G M Gates

Smith C, laborer Wm Peter

Smith Charles A, carpenter, res 2133 5th Ave

Smith Charles E, lumber inspector, bds 510 N Water

Smith Charles H, filer, res 500 Fremont Ave

Smith Charles M, salt packer, bds George Richey

Smith Charles M, bookkeeper, bds 213 Belinda

Smith Miss Cora, dressmaker, bds 1121 Fraser

Smith Cyrus R, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 201 Mercer

Smith David T (cold), sawyer S F M Gates, res 124 Washington Ave

Smith Doughlas, blacksmith Murphy & Dorr, bds George Richey

Smith Edward, mach Smalley Bros & Co, res 116 Adams

Smith Edward L, coachman 511 N Van Buren

Smith Miss Frances A, stenographer, res 709 7th

Smith Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Smith Fred (2nd), laborer, bds Elk hotel

Smith Frederick, laborer, bds Elk hotel

Smith Frederick, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Smith Frederick, laborer, bds Boutreur house

Smith Frederick, laborer S G M Gates

Smith Frederick M, carpenter, res 104 23rd

Smith George, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Smith George, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Smith George, inspr Folsom & Arnold, res 708 Campbell

Smith George, lab N B Bradley & Sons, bds Park City hotel

Smith George, engineer, bds 1202 1st

Smith George, well foreman, res 318 Howard

Smith George E, physician 400 2nd, res same

Smith George H, cigarmaker, bds 1119 N Sherman

Smith George h, laborer, res s s Nebobish ave nr city limits

Smith George H, restaurant 823 N Water, res same

Smith George H, printer Evening Press, bds W Bay City

Smith George P, restaurant 207 ½ 3rd, res same

Smith George W, vessel captain, res 213 Belinda

Smith George W (G W Smith & Son), res n w cor 25th and Stanton

Smith George W, filer, res 313 31st

Smith Gordon R, fireman Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 101 Skinner

Smith G W & Son (George W and Byron F Smith), hay press mnfrs n w cor

   25th and Stanton

Smith Halle F, bds 814 N Farragut

Smith Harley, laborer, res 823 Fitzhugh

Smith Harrison, clerk, bds 712 19th

Smith Henry, filer E J Hargrave & Son

Smith Henry B, sec and treas The Mich Pipe Co, res 321 N Van Buren

Smith Henry J, bds Brunswick hotel

Smith Hettie, milliner, bds 712 19th

Smith Miss Ida F, teacher, bds 501 N Monroe

Smith Jacob, laborer, bds Madison house

Smith James, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Smith James, painter, bds Eagle house

Smith James, laborer, bds Moulton house

Smith James, mngr B C roller rink, bds s e cor 10th and Saginaw

Smith James A, builder, res 923 S Madison

Smith James D, plasterer, res 307 Stanton

Smith Jane, domestic 513 N Monroe

Smith Jane A (wid J O), res 709 7th

Smith Jefferson, house mover, bds 706 Taylor

Smith Jehiar, stone mason, bds 206 7th

Smith Jennie, mngr L H Griffin 114 Washington ave, bds 822 Fraser

Smith John, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Smith John, laborer Wm Peter

Smith John, fireman Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 250 Saginaw

Smith John, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Smith John, laborer Eddy Bros & co

Smith John, laborer, bds Lawren house

Smith John, laborer, res 1909 Johnson

Smith John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Smith John, res 139 North

Smith John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Smith John, watchman Foss & Leiter

Smith John B, clerk M C R R, res 1312 woodside Ave

Smith John L, cigarmaker, bds 1119 N Sherman

Smith John L, laborer, bds e s Trumbull 1 s of 9th

Smith John O, foreman Detroit mills, res 307 Barney

Smith John R, lumberman, bds Lefevre house

Smith John R, fireman Pitts & Cranage, res 1412 3rd

Smith Joseph, land looker, res 1818 10th

Smith Joseph (Morgan & Smith), rms 1209 Washington Ave

Smith Joseph, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Smith Joseph, edger Detroit mills, res 147 North

Smith Joseph M, bds 1103 4th

Smith Judson, fireman Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 2808 W Water

Smith Keith, sawyer Wm Peter

Smith Leonard, laborer Miller & Lewis, res 105 Broadway

Smith Lewis, blacksmith, res 804 Bowery

Smith Lewis, laborer Bousfield & Co, res 302 30th

Smith Lillie E, domestic 1117 Broadway

Smith Mrs Luneta, bds 914 N Johnson

Smith Miss Maggie H, teacher Sherman school, bds Brunswick hotel

Smith Martin, laborer G C Myers, res e s F & P M R R nr Bullock road

Smith Mrs Mary, cigar mnfr 1119 N Sherman, res same

Smith Mary (wid George L), res 212 Mercer

Smith Miss Matie, bds 317 Jefferson

Smith Michael, laborer G C Myers

Smith Michael, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res 1404 Adams

Smith Michael, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Smith Michael, laborer, res w s Lincoln ave 1 n of S Center

Smith Miss Molllie, bds 317 Jefferson

Smith Newton P, engineer, res 313 Nebobish ave

Smith N O, laborer, bds Lawren house

Smith Oscar B, Foreman and Manager Rust Bros & Co, res 808 S Water

Smith Peter, laborer S F M Gates

Smith Richard A, pictures 405 11th, res same

Smith Stephen, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

smith Thaddeus, lumber inspector, res 614 7th

Smith Theron E, tinner Johnson & Co, res 2505 Fraser

Smith thomas, machinist Mich Pipe Co, res 119 Hart

Smith Thomas, laborer, bds 1112 N Jackson

Smith Thomas A, carpenter, bds 104 23rd

Smith thomas T, harnessmkr Nichols & Sangle, bds 507 9th

Smith Valentine, section man F & P M R R

Smith Wm, laborer, res 206 7th

Smith Wm, tally boy, bds 250 Saginaw

Smith Wm, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Smith Wm, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Smith Wm, watchman Birdsall & Barker

Smith Wm, clerk Cole & Holt

Smith wm, laborer S G M Gates

Smith Wm C, millwright, res 713 Campbell

Smith Wm J, Barber s w cor Center and Washington ave, res 611 Hampton

Smith Wm N, mechanic Nickless & Hart, res W Bay City

Smith & Harts Block, e s Water cor 4th

Smithgall Emma, domestic 815 Center

Smithson Ethebert, candymaker, bds 601 Adams

Smoley Frank, laborer, res 111 Bowery

Smolinski Frank, laborer, res s s 22nd 1 w of Bowery

Smoski Louis, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Smythe Thomas L, clerk Portland house

Snay Frank, laborer, res 211 Bullock road

Snay Leon, laborer, res 211 Bullock road

Sneller Frank, engineer, res 622 Wilson

Snicoski Frank, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res 34th

Snider Allen, salt packer, bds Belinda house

Anover M Frederick, laborer, bds 500 Ingraham

Snow Frank, barber O Krieghoff, bds 909 Van Buren

Snyder, see also Schneider

Snyder Andrew, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Snyder Andrew, bartender L A Salisbury, bds Astor house

Synder Henry, clerk, bds Lake house

Snyder Irving W, with T H McGraw & Co, res 600 N Madison

Snyder John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Snyder John W, engineer N B Bradley & Sons, res 614 14th

Snyder Wm, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, bds Belinda house

Sobal August, laborer, res 216 S Sheridan

Soble Abraham N, cooper, bds 413 35th

Socher David, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Socotzski George, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Soden Frank, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Solinski frank, laborer, res s s 22nd 1 w of Bowery

Solomon richard, watchman ross, Bradley & Co

somerset Joseph, laborer Detroit mills, res 400 Fitzgerald

Somerville Wm G, carpenter, res 213 Polk

Soninski John, laborer, bds n s 33rd 2 w of Michigan

Soper George, carpenter, res 210 Birney

Soper Giles W, clerk American Express Co, bds 604 8th

Soper Maria, dressmaker Mrs L B Morrison, bds 210 N Birney

Soper Nelson, millwright F E Bradley & co, res 610 Wilson

Sorault Joseph, laborer, bds Windsor house

Sortner Charles, laborer Murphy & dorr

Soucertier John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Soucy Peter, laborer, res 517 S Madison

South Bay City Depot (F & P M R R), s s S Center near Broadway

South Bay City and Portsmouth Postoffice, Astor House blk

Southworth Elizabeth (wid Wm H), bds 1012 McCormick

Souve Paul, laborer, res 402 Woodside Ave

Souvie Esep, laborer, res 1620 Ingraham

Souvie John, laborer, bds 1620 Ingraham

Souvie Mary, finisher, bds 1620 Ingraham

Souvie Miss Sophia, stripper Braddock & Bateman, bds 1620 Ingraham

Sova Anthony, laborer Rust Bros & Co, res 810 Howard

Soverign Arthur L, contractor, res 1401 4th

Sovey Frank, laborer Wm B Rouse

Sovey Joseph, laborer Wm B Rouse

Sovey Joseph, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Sovey Wm, laborer, res 412 Scott

Sowders Margaret, waiter Forest City house

Spalding Edward E (L F Miller & Co), res 306 N Jackson

Sparmann John, laborer, res n s 22nd 2 w of Lincoln

Sparr Phillip, lab McEwan Bros & Co, res Galarnos additon

Spaulding Charles A, auctioneer, res 713 N Jefferson

Spaulding Charles W, engineer, bds 713 N Jefferson

Spear Alden F (D Spear & Co), res West Bay City

Spear Daniel (D Spear & Co), res 701 2nd

Spear D & Co *Daniel and Alden F Spear), grocers 702 2nd

*Spear Eli A, Grocer 308 Center, res 501 2nd

Spear Fred B, clerk R S Pratt, res 511 Jefferson

Spears House, G A Williston Propr, 202 Henry

Speckhardt Miss Lucy, teacher Lutheran Emanuel school, bds 249 N

   Lincoln Ave

Speckhart Otto, clerk M C Empey & Co, Emanuel school, bds 249 N

   Lincoln Ave

Speckmann Herman, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, bds 207 N Hampton

Speir Miss Aggie, bds 1309 3rd

Speir James, engineer, res 908 1st

Speir Robert C, mach Bay City Iron Co, res 816 N Grant

Speir Wm, caretaker Dolsen school, res 1309 3rd

Spencer Orren, painter, res 910 11th

Spencer Wm C, tallyman, bds 910 11th

Sperry Laville P, city salesman Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res 501 9th

Spiker John, baggagemaster, bds Spears house

Spinner Joseph W, laborer, res 210 N Lincoln

Spitser Joseph, laborer Butman & Rust

Spitzer Charles, laborer Murphy and Dorr

Splann Jeremiah, laborer McEwan Bros & Co, res rear 407 Fitzgerald

Splann Jeremiah jr, laborer, bds rear 407 Fitzgerald

Splinter Wm, laborer F E Bradley & Co, res 2109 4th

Sprague Frederick F, teamster, bds 209 N Sherman

Sprague Mrs Jennie B (Sprague & Co), res 217 N Farragut

Sprague Orlando R, lime mnfr, res 209 N sherman

Sprague Orlando R, teamster Maltby, Brotherton & Co, res 217 N Farragut

Sprague Wm O, tmstr Gustin, Merrill & Co, bds 914 5th Ave

*Sprague & Co (Jennie B Sprague, Wm H Crawford), Lime Kiln and Coal

   Dealers 1217 N Water

Sprentall Thomas B, chief clerk M C R R freight dept, res 1104 11th

Squeerch Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Sroka Joseph, laborer Birdszll & Barker, res 717 S Farragut

Sromalski Joseph, laborer, res 1315 18th

Stachinski Joseph, laborer, res s s 26th 2 e of Michigan Ave

Stachowriz Joseph, laborer, res 806 19th

Stachowski Andrew, laborer, res s s 17th 2 e of Monroe

Stadelman Frank, watchman F & P M R R, res 1010 16th

Staedler Fraderick, baker F Arnold, bds same

Stafford Hannah, tailoress, bds 315 S Sherman

Stafford Johanna (wid Michael), res 315 S Sherman

Stafford Mary, tailoress, bds 315 S Sherman

Stahosky Adam, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Stajkosky Martin, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Stajkowski Micheal, Cigar Mnfr 1100 16th, res same

Stanbaugh Michael, cigarmaker, res 402 Saginaw

*Standard Machinery Co, Michael Garland pres, Lane Lyle vice-pres, Abel D

   Catlin sec and treas, founders, machinists and mnfrs of special machinery,

   N e cor 16th and Water

Stange Mary, domestic 1704 Woodside Ave

Stanley John, teamster Ross, Bradley & co, res 820 17th

Stanley Ralph, laborer Wm Peter

Stanley Wm, laborer Ross, Bradley and Co

Stanton Mrs L H, teacher Dolsen school, res 1826 9th

Stanton Mrs Mary C, principal training dept Dolsen school, res s s 9th bet

   Johnson and Trumbull

Stanton Milo C, elk L M Simons & Co, res 1012 N Van Buren

Stapler August, carpenter, res 258 N Jefferson

Star Henry, setter, res 1616 Bullock road

Stark Miss Catherine, tailoress, bds 1020 Taylor

Stark Edwin P, cigar 1011 N Water, res same

Stark Harold F, clerk E P Stark, bds 1011 N Water

Stark Helen M, carpenter, res 1011 N Water

Stark Miss Catherine, tailoress, bds 1020 Taylor

Stark Edwin P, cigars 1011 N Water

Stark James H, cooper Miller & Lewis, res 503 Polk

Stark Mary E (wid Kirkland F), res 303 23rd

Starnault Narsis, laborer, res 104 Fitzgerald

Starnault Phillippe, laborer, bds 104 Fitzgerald

Starring Henry, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Statyeski Josepha, domestic 243 Adams

Stearns Charles T, carriage and wagonmkr w s Water bet 23rd and 24th,

   Res s e cor McCormick and 25th

Steffes John, laborer, bds Joseph Cunningham

Steggall Albert A, blacksmith H G Steggall, bds 1013 N Farragut

Steggall Harry G, Wagonmaker, Horseshoeing and General Blacksmithing

   N w cor 3rd and Jefferson, res 1013 N Farragut

Stegman John, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Stegmann Frederick, cooper, bds 407 S Lincoln

Stegmann Herman, laborer, bds 407 S Lincoln

Stegmann Theodore, laborer, res 410 S Lincoln

Stegmiller Anton, shoemaker C C Schuesslar, bds Green Tree house

Stein, see also Stine

Stein August, laborer, bds 9009 18th

Stein John, fireman, res 909 18th

Stein John, laborer, bds Shiler house

Stein John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Stein Joseph, lab E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground

Steinbauer Michael, cigar mnfr 113 S Madison, res same

Steingraber August, lab Rust Bros & Co, bds 413 S Lincoln

Steingraber Matilda, domestic 246 Adams

Steingraber Wm, rees 418 S Lincoln

Steinhoff Arthur, machinist, bds 502 14th

Steinhoff Harry W, ticket clerk M C R R, bds 509 9th

Steinhoff Walter, train dispatcher, res 509 9th

Stenger Edward, confectioner 715 Adams, res W Bay City

Stentz Max, brewer Bay City Brewing Co, res w s S Water bet 22nd and 23rd

Stephens Miss Emma, cook, bds 618 Adams

Stephens James, engineer, bds 910 Fitzhugh

Stephens James E, trav agent, res 502 McClellan

Stephens Miss Jennie, teacher Seventh Ward school, res Portsmouth

Stephens Lafayette, cooper, res 810 Fitzhugh

Stephens Morris J, compositor Tribune, bds 502 McLellan

Stephenson Ferdinand, artist, bds 601 Washington Ave

Stephenson John, laborer Butman & Rust

Stephenson Richard, collector, bds 409 6th

Stepniok George, laborer, res 808 S Farragut

Sterling Egerton R, baker, bds 812 N Water

Sterling George F, Photographer 812 N Water, res same

Stevens A Judson, lumber, res 815 S Center

Stevens Benjamin, laborer Wm Peter

Stevens Benjamin S, carpenter Standard Machinery Co, res 504 Marsac

Stevens David, engineer Campbell house

Stevens Edward, boilermaker Industrial Works, res 215 N Lincoln

Stevens Henry (Stevens & Graves(, res 105 Ketchum

Stevens John, laborer Wm Peter, res 715 16th

Stevens Sarah (wid Appleton), res s s S Center 2 e of Taylor

Stevens Wm S, teamster E J Phillips, res 114 11th

Stevenson Andrew A, machinist, res 209 25th

Stevenson Anthony, machinist Bay City Iron Co

Stevenson John, sawyer Pitts & Cranage

Stevenson John C, laborer, bds 608 Howard

Stevenson Margaret (wid Wm), res 608 Howard

Stevenson Wm, bartender Moulton house

Stevenson Wm A, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 608 Howard

Stewart Miss Addie G, bds 901 S Center

Stewart Albert, coachman 815 Center

Stewart Allen L, Insurance and Real Estate n w cor Center and Saginaw,

   Res 1101 6th

Stewart Andrew, foreman Birdsall & Barker, res 1221 Harrison

Stewart Miss A Delia, teacher Sherman schook, bds 1826 9th

Stewart Charles, laborer, bds Lawren house

Stewart Charles C, Painter and Paperhanger 506 6th, res 800 10th

Stewart Christopher, clerk Rose, Lewis & Co, res 408 Polk

Stewart Delia, principal Sherman school

Stewart Mrs Elizabeth, Intelligence Office 110 Center, res same

Stewart George M, lab Birdsall & Barker, bds 1221 Harrison

Stewart Henry, elk B Burbridge, bds s w cor 31st and Mrsac

Stewart Hiram C, foreman T H McGraw and Co, bds cor 40th and Harrison

Stewart Jessie, domestic s e cor 15th and Howard

Stewart John, ship carpenter Bay City dry docks

Stewart John, captain propeller Arundell, res West Bay City

Stewart John, farmer, res 901 S Center

Stewart John, filer Birdsall & Barker

Stewart John P, engineer, res 3318 N Water

Stewart Mrs Lizzie M, boarding 1221 Harrison

Stewart Louis S, clerk M C R R, res 708 7th

Stewart Martin, res 1036 Marsac

Stewart Miss Mary, clerk, bds 408 Polk

Stewart Patrick, laborer, bds Cumberland house

Stewart Sidney H, bkkpr Second Nat Bank, bds 600 N Grant

Stewart Wm, engineer Detroit mills, res 513 Barney

Stickle Miss annella, dressmaker A M Huff, bds 901 Bowery

Stickle Charles, waiter Fraser house, bds 705 S Water

Stickle Isabella (wid Charles E), res 705 S Water

Stickle Walter E, clerk C Supe, res 703 S Water

*Stickle Wm H, general store 701 S Water, res 106 18th

Stienhoff Walter, treain dispatcher M C R R, res cor Madison and 9th

Stikoski Martin, laborer, res 1706 Marsac

Stiles Wm, missionary, res 1205 15th

Stine, see also Stein

Stine John, fireman N B Bradley & Sons

Stirling Oliver, laborer, res 120 Hart

Stitt Nellie, milliner J Sempliner, bds 1113 Saginaw

Stitt Robert, wagonmaker, res 1113 Saginaw

Stocia Charles, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Stocia Frank, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Stocia Jacob, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Stocia John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Stocia Wm, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Stockel Mary, box trimmer C O Garrison, bds 602 17th

Stockhamer Joseph, laborer, res 131 North

Stockle John, laborer Wm Peter, res 602 Fraser

Stockle John jr, cigarmaker Root, Williston & Co, bds 602 Fraser

Stockle Jospeh, machine hand E F Rouse

Stockle Wm, painter C C Stewart, bds 602 Fraser

Stockton Thomas, laborer, bds Moulton house

Stodart Robert, cooper Birdsall & Barker, bds Taylor house

Stoddard John L, lawyer 105 Center, res 1102 8th

Stoddard Kate, bds 114 Johnson

Stoehr George, tailor, res 623 14th

Stohoski Adam, laborer, res w s Jennison ave 2 n of 34th

Stojkowski Martin, laborer, res 1612 Marsac

Stokes George, laborer Bay City Street R R Co, res 2423 S Water

Stoler August, laborer, bds 821 Barney

Stone Edward, wheelsman stmr Metropolis, res W Bay City

Stone John, laborer, rooms 614 Woodside Ave

Stone John, mate steamer Metropolis,res W Bay City

Stone Joseph, laborer Michigan Pipe Co, res 409 Dolsen

Stone Wm H, engineer, res 219 Bowery

Stonebraker Mrs Bette L, teacher High school, res 622 N Jefferson

Stonegraber Lena, domestic 902 N Jackson

Stork George, clerk S Drake & Co, bds 515 Jefferson

Stork Henry, harnessmaker Nichols & Sangle, res 513 N Jefferson

Storm John, car cleaner F & P M R R

Storrs Bateson, engineer res 1300 N Saginaw

Storrs Wm, engineer Gates & Chatfield, res 510 Adams

Storrs Wm A, mach Smalley Bros & Co, bds 510 Adams

Stosik Joseph, laborr, res s w cor 26th and Michigan Ave

Stover Frank H, clerk Johnson & Co, bds 713 Bowery

Stover Harriet A (wid Hiram H), res 713 Bowery

Stover John, vessel captain, bds 3221 N Water

Stowell Fred O, machinist Standard Machinery Co, res 113 Williams

Stranahan George E, painter I A Shannon, bds 101 Jefferson

Stratton James, cook, res 507 11th

Strauts John, laborer, res n s 19th 2 e of Sherman

Streek Rudolph, butcher Wm Diemer, bds same

Streeter David, grocer 1801 S Water, res 203 Polk

Streeter David, packer H H Culver

Stregel Miss Josie, dressmaker Mrs C E Owens, bds 1132 Campbell

Strein Isaac, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Strempl Wm, brakeman, res 1515 3rd

Streng John C, draghtsman Industrial works, bds 317 N Jefferson

Strever Albert, bkpr H Tupper, bds 1009 Washington Ave

Striker Henry, fireman Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 107 Skinner

Strong Wallace M, agent C M Currey, res 815 N Saginaw

Stryker Albert M, clerk Goeschel & Hodgkins, bds 309 N Jefferson

Stryker Miss Gertrude, milliner, bds 309 N Jefferson

Stryker Hannah (wid Columbus), res 309 Jefferson

Stuart, see Stewart

Stuboch Andrew, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Studofski John, laborer, res 800 Michigan

Sturbridge Benjamin, laborer G C Myers

Sturgeon Frederick, laborer, res 1314 Stanton

Strum Philip, barber n e cor Center and Water, res West Bay City

Sturtridge Benjamin, lab, res n s Bullock rd 2 e of Ingraham

Styninger John A, plumber 921 N Water, res 1119 N Van Buren

Suchodolski Antoine, laborer, res 817 Grant

Suedekum Charles, machinist, res 515 11th

Suedekum Gustave, clerk F H J Van Emster, bds 515 11th

Suedekum Wm, bartender G H Brock, bds 418 N Water

Suey Edward M, packer H H Culver, res 613 Polk

Sukerman Frank, laborer, res s s 22nd nr Lincoln Ave

Sugars John, conductor, res 235 N Jefferson

Sullivan Anna, domestic 923 N Grant

Sullivan Miss Caterine, bds 514 Dolsen

Sullivan Cornelius, laborer, bds 313 McCormick

Sullivan Daniel, laborer H Birney, bds Rupublic house

Sullivan Dennis, sailor, bds Madison house

Sullivan Ester (wid Cornelius), res 413 S Monroe

Sullivan Jane (wid Cornelius), bds 313 McCormick

Sullivan Jane, domestic 1121 Fraser

Sullivan John, laborer, bds 1114 3rd

Sullivan John, cook, bds 313 McCormick

Sullivan John, laborer, bds Elk hotel

sullivan John L, lab Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 514 Dolsen

Sullivan Joseph, laborer, bds 413 S Monroe

Sullivan Joseph H, laborer, bds 508 Harrison

Sullivan Miss Margaret, bds 313 McCormick

Sullivan Matthew, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 514 Dolsen

Sullivan Michael, blacksmith, res 313 McCormick

Sullivan Owen (Westover, Sullivan & Co), res Milwaukee, Wis

Sullivan Patrick, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds Madison house

Sullivan Thomas, laborer, bds 413 S Monroe

Sullivan Wm, plumber, res 209 Adams

Suminski John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Summerfield Emma, cook Rouech house

Summerfield Morris, tailor, bds 816 Washington Ave

Sunday Eliza, domestic 1012 N Madison

Sunley Wesley T, Gen Sec Young Mens Christian Assn, res n w cor Center

   And Washington Ave

*Supe Charles, Wholesale Grocer and Grai9n Elevator 1014 to 1022 Adams

   Res 812 N Jackson

Supe Gustavus, clerk Charles Supe, bds 812 N Jackson

Supe John, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Supe Otto, clerk C E Rhodes, bds Charles Supe

Susand Elizabeth (cold, wid Peter E), bds A F Powell

Susand Mary J (cold, wid Henry E), rrs 1815 4th

Susand Wm A (cold), gardener, res 157 North

Susea Peter, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Sutherland Alexander, trav agent, res 908 N Jefferson

Sutherland Miss Cora B, bds 410 N Grant

Sutherland Wm, machinist Bay City Iron Works, res 1000 N Madison

Sutherland Wm, sailor, res 615 Jefferson

Sutiff Charles H, milliner 807 Adams, res Lansing, Mich

Swaby F Alfred, laborer, bds 200 8th

Swaby Miss Helen, teacher, bds 1311 Stanton

Swaby Miss Helen, teacher Seventh Ward school

Swaby Oscar, rivetter Bousfield & co, bds 1311 Stanton

Swaiter John, laborer Butman & Rust

Swannie George M, laborer, res 204 S Birney

Swartz, see also Schwartz

Swartz Charles, laborer, res 420 S Sherman

Swartz Elvina, domestic Elizabeth Munroe

Swayze Hiram D, cashier M C R R, res 1007 N Van Buren

Swayze James W, freight agent M C R R, res 1007 N Van Buren

Swayze Wm R, harnessmaker McCool & Co, res rear 516 N Jackson

Sweder Jacob, laborer, res 1514 18th

Sween Ernest, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Sweeney Daniel E, conductor, bds 414 N Farragut

Sweeney Michael, laborer, bds Jefferson house

Sweeney Sarah, domestic H E Hiliker

Sweeney Silas, engineer N B Bradley & Sons, res 614 14th

Sweeney Wm, laborer, res 416 Barney

Sweeny Maria, domestic 621 N Van Buren

Sweet Burr W, clerk J W Sweet, bds 2132 3rd

Sweet Jerome W, grocer 2130 3rd, res 2132 same

Swetland Truman M, confectionery mnfr 205 Center, res 601 Adams

Swiatowiak Valentine, laborer, bds s s 26th e of Stanton

Swider Jacob, laborer, res 1503 16th

*Swift Electric Light Co, Orra H Skinner sput, s w cor 9th and Saginaw

Switzer Amos M, lumberman, res 822 N Madison

Swontek Thomas J (Swontek & Rudelzicz), rooms 108 ½ Washington Ave

Swontek & Rydewicz (Thomas J Swontek, Joseph Rydlewicz), boots and

   Shoes 108 ½ Washington Ave

Sycorski John, laborer Rust Bros & Co

Syemyer John N, merchant tailor, res 239 Adams

Sykora Wenzel, saloon 301 Howard, res same

Sylvester Archie, agent, bds 511 Ketchum

Sylvester Desire, laborer The Mich Pipe Co, res 511 Ketchum

Sylvester George, lab The Mich Pipe Co, res 511 Ketchum

Sylvester Jeremiah, laborer, res 511 Ketchum

Sylvester Joseph, lab The Mich Pipe Co, res 511 Ketchum

Sylvester Mrs Nellie, laundress, bds 703 2nd

Sylvester Thomas, sawyer N B Bradley & Sons

Szafranska Anna, domestic 108 ½ Washington Ave

Szafranski Mary (wid), res 419 James

Szafranski Matthias, laborer, res 419 James

Szajewsky Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Szelangoski Michael, lab, res n s S Center e of Michigan Ave

Szeszcki Ignatz, laborer, res 1102 22nd

Szeszyzki Wm, laborer, res 814 15th

Szlacheskowski Thomas, laborer, res w s Webster 3 n of 34th

Szotowicz Martin, fireman, res 1313 18th

Szudarek Lawrence, laborer, res 1102 22nd

Szurezak Karmierg, laborer, res 510 S Jackson

Szymanski John, laborer, bds 1507 18th

Szyperski George, tailor 219 Harrison, res same




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