adv................advertisement    n....................north, or north of
                        ab..................above               n e cor..........northeast corner
                        al...................alley                 nr...................near
                        ave................avenue              n s..................north side
                        bds................boards               n w cor...........northwest corner
                        bel.................below                opp................opposite
                        bet.................between            propr..............proprietor
                        clk.................clerk                 res..................resides
                        col'd..............colored              s.....................s, or south of
                        cor................corner                s e cor............southeast corner
                        e...................east, or east of    s s..................south side   
                        e s.................east side             s w cor...........southwest corner
                        mnfg.............manufacturing     w...................west or west of
                        mngr.............manager              w s................west side

he names marked with an asterisk (thus *) are telephone subscribers




Labadie George, laborer, bds 208 Fitzhugh

Labadie George P, clerk R Scheurmann, bds 208 Fitzhugh

Labadie Joseph G, foreman, res 1002 Campbell

Labadie Miss Nellie, music teacher, bds 1002 Campbell

Labadie Peter, laborer, bds 208 Fitzhugh

Labadie Theresa (wid Oliver), res 208 Fitzhugh

Labadie Wm, teamster, bds 208 Fitzhugh

Labadie Wm (2nd), teamster, bds 208 Fitzhugh

Labardie Oliver, laborer, res 405 Bullock road

Labarge Frank, laborer, bds Madison house

Labarge Joseph, laborer Eddy Bros & Co, res 1322 Jefferson

Labarge Philip, stter F E Bradley & Co, res 911 S Madison

Labbee Eustache, laborer, bds 900 James

Labbee John, laborer, res 820 James

Labbee Jahn B, laborer, res 900 James

Jabbie Agappit, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, res rear 916 James

Labbie Agappit jr, lab Ross, Bradley & Co, bds rear 916 James

Labeau John, laborer, res 1313 N Jefferson

Labee Placide, carpenter, bds 107 11th

Labeff John, sawyer Wm Peter

Labelle Joseph, laborer, bds Cumberland house

Laberge Augustin, laborer, res s s 2nd 1 e of Johnson

Labonte Alfonzo, laborer, bds French hotel

Labonte John, laborer, bds French hotel

Laboon John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Labrant Frank, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Labrenz Wm, laborer, res 2012 4th

Labiiak Michael, laborer, res 1001 22nd

Labuhn John, laborer, res 1910 3rd

Lacasse Frank, laborer, bds 106 N Water

Lacezze Celina, dressmaker, bds 500 Saginaw

Lachajewski Ignatz, laborer, res rear 717 16th

Lachajewski Varzen, laborer, res 719 16th

Lachance Frank, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Lachance Henry, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 908 James

Lachance Richard, lab Eddy, Avery & Eddy, bds 908 James

Lachance Samuel, laborer, res 1025 21st

Lacomb Charles, laborer, res Galarno’s additon, Woodside Ave

Lacomb Gilbert, carpenter, res 417 Broadway

Lacomb P, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Lacombe David, sawyer, res 1721 Woodside Ave

Lacombe Miss Hattie, bds 1721 Woodside Ave

Lacroix Joseph, clerk H Carrier, bds s e cor Hart and Henry

Lacroix Peter, laborer The Mich Pipe Co, res s e cor Henry and Hart

Lacy Miss Anna, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 409 Taylor

Ladinsky Frank, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Ladouceur Emanuel, harnessmaker A Brawn, res Essexville

Laduski Andrew, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Laetz Charles G, wines, liquors and cigars, 817 ½ N Water

Laetz J George, clerk R Scheurmann, res 522 Washington Ave

Lafayette Skating Rink, Edouard J Aubury mngr, 1114 Washington Ave

Lafeir John, carpenter The Mich Pipe Co, res 409 Scott

Laflamme Louis, clerk Park City hotel

Lafleur Anthony, Propr Union City Hotel and Livery Stable 811 S Water

Lafleur Bros (Jeremiah and Damas), saloon 106 3rd

Lafleur Bamas (Lafleur Bros), res s w cor Jackson and Woodside Ave

Lafleur Edward, hostler A Lafleur bds Park City hotel

Lafleur Jeremiah (Lafleur Bros), bds West Bay City

Lafleur John, laborer, res 1114 3rd

Lafleur Wm, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Lafont Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Lafortune Joseph, laborer, bds Madison house

La Fountain Ann (wid John), res 415 8th

Lafountain Miss Ella, bds 713 Fitzgerald

Lafountain Frederick, foreman, res 713 Fitzgerald

La Fountaine Julius, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Lafrain Louis, clerk, bds Park City hotel

Laframboise Antoine, laborer, res 713 Howard

Laframbise Louis, foreman, res 800 William

La France George, millwright Birdsall & Barker, res 417 Ingraham

La France Joel, laborer Birdsall & Barker

La France Joseph, millwright, res 403 Ingraham

La France Napoleon, engineer Birdsall & Barker, res 1407 Polk

*Lafrance Peter, Livery and Sale Stable 1007 N Saginaw, bds Lefevre


Lague David, laborer S mcLean & Son & Co

Lahey Andrew, sailor, bds Commercial house

Lahman Charles, machine hand Bousfield & Co, bds s s S Center e of limits

Lahman Miss Minnie, dressmaker Hawley & Fitzgerlad, bds cor S Center and

   Lincoln Ave

Laing Gerrie C, city editor Saginaw Valley Star, bds 125 North

Laing James N, Foreman and Manager Butman & Rust res 303 18th

Laing John, res 125 North

laing John B, teacher, bds 125 North

Laing Malon, laborer Nickless & Hart, bds 125 North

Laird George, blacksmith, bds 1112 N Jackson

Laird Nathaniel, policeman, res William

Laird Robert, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 803 S Water

Laird Wm, blksmth Wm Argle, bds 1112 N Jackson

Laisure Frederick, coachman, res 1112 9th

Laisure Joseph, coachman, res 1108 9th

Lajeuness Garmia, laborer, res 608 Woodside Ave

Lajeunesse John, laborer, bds 608 Woodside Ave

Lajeunesse Phillip, laborer, bds 608 Woodside Ave

Lajoie Thomas, lumberman, res 1208 N Saginaw

Lajons Joseph, laborer, bds Ottawa house

Lake George E, coachman 711 N Van Buren

Lake House, Becktel & son Proprs, n e cor 5th and Water

Lake Ice Co, Walter D Young Pres, Charles E Young Sec and Treas, 715 N


Lalaski John, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Lalonde Charles, laborer Rust, Bros & Co, res 803 19th

Lalonde Charles jr, laborer, bds 803 19th

Lalonde Elsie, waiter Union City hotel

Lalonde Hermeus, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Lalonde Joseph, laborer, res 1326 Jefferson

Lalonde Joseph, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Lalonde Samuel, laborer, res 1325 Jefferson

Lalonde Serena, milliner Mrs R Phillips, bds 803 19th

Lalone Issac, laborer, bds 510 Belinda

Lalone John jr, lab The Michigan Pipe Co, res 505 Ketchum

Lamb Albert W, fireman M C R R, bds 1012 N Jefferson

Lamb Byron, teamster J Roberts

Lamb David, expressman, res 1012 N Jefferson

Lamb Francis B, teamster, res 1113 N Jefferson

Lamb Jessie A, seamstress, bds 1012 N Jefferson

Lamb John C, teamster, res 1113 N Jefferson

Lambert Charles, shoemaker, res 209 30th

Lambert Emil, clerk B H Martin & Co, bds 523 N Jackson

Lambert John, laborer, res 305 Fitzhugh

Lambert John, bds 209 30th

Lambert John H (Kenney & Lambert), bds 213 Adams

Lambert Julius, laborer Birdsall & Barker, bds 1012 N Jefferson

Lambert Louisa, bds 1909 4th

Lamburk Martin, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Lamear Charles, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Lamear David, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Lameaux Charles, laborer, res 619 Fitzgerald

Lamere Alexander, filer N B Bradley & Sons, res 204 Fitzhugh

Lamere Charles, lab N Bbradley & Sons, res 511 S Madison

La Mere Edward, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res 409 Fraser

Lamere Louis, filer E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground

Lamere Napoleon, laborer, bds Union City hotel

La Mere Zotique, laborer, bds 409 Fraser

Lamont David, teamster Detroit mills

Lamont Matthew, Contractor and Builder and Mnfr of Sash, Doors and

   Blinds 309 12th cor Adams, res 132 Washington ave

Lamont Wm, bookkpr M Lamont, bds 134 Washington ave

Lamont Wm, laborer Folsom & Arnold

Lamontagne Peter, shoemaker Wm McGibbon, res w s Monroe 2 s of 19th

Lamosier Simon, laborer S G M Gates

Lamothe Camille, cook American hotel

Lamothe George (Lamothe & Aubry), bds Portland house

Lamothe & Aubry (George Lamothe, Joseph O Aubry) Grocers and      Provisions 214 3rd

Lamotte David, teamster, res 621 Barney

Lamotte Delia, domestic Leander Rivard

Lamotte Louis, laborer Folsom & Arnold, res 613 Barney

Lampke Samuel M, tinware and notions 815 12th, res same

Lamprecht Julius, laborer, res 907 Polk

Lampton John, laborer, bds 217 Mercer

Lamson Elizabeth (wid), bds s e cor 15th and Howard

Lanard George, laborer, bds 802 24th

Lanard Julius, laborer Merrill & Campbell, res 802 24th

Landau Anne, bookkeeper J Simpliner, bds W Landau

Landau Davie, clerk Marks Hill, bds 417 Adams

Landau Louis, bookkeeper Meeker & Adams, bds 417 Adams

Landau Rev Wm, pastor Hebrew Reformed congregation, 417 Adams

Landefki Joseph, laborer, res 404 22red

Lander John, blacksmith, res 308 Fraser

*Landon Henry B, Physician 707 N Monroe, res same

Lanfear Harriet E (wid Joshua), bds 509 Fremont Ave

Lanford Earl, student, bds 615 31st

Lanford George, shingles, res 615 31st

Lanford Miss Jennie, bds 615 31st

Lang Charles, saltmaker, res 242 N Van Buren

Lang Delos, laborer, res 1206 Wilson

Lang Frederick, res 213 S Madison

Lang Frederick jr, bds 213 S Madison

Lang George, fireman F E Bradley & Co

Lang Henry, bds 213 S Madison

Lang Jessie, dressmkr Mrs C Burnham, bds 1012 N Jefferson

Lang John, operator F & P M R R, bds 601 Adams

Lang Mrs Martha, domestic, res 1112 N Jefferson

Lang Mary A, waitress American hotel

Langdon Diana (wid Eber), bds 213 Webster

Langdon Gilford, teamster, bds 213 Webster

Lange Frank, laborer, res 832 Michigan Ave

Lange Fritz, laborer, res 413 Polk

Langevin Dominick, salesman, res 1116 N Van Buren

Langevin Emma, dressmaker, bds 1116 N Van Buren

Langevin Odile, dressmaker, bds 1116 N Van Buren

Langlois Edward, laborer, rooms 1608 Johnson

Langrill Isaac, machine hand, bds 1313 S Water

Langrill John, clerk W Langrill, res 1313 S Water

Langrill Joseph, barber H Reid, bds 814 13th

Langrill Wm, grocer 1313 S Water, res same

Langstaff Taylor F, lumberman, res 507 N Grant

Langworth Felix, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Lanigan Ann (wid Frank), bds 604 30th

Lankenaw Prof L W, supt Henry Street school

Lankey Theodore, clerk W H Stickle, bds 106 18th

Lanouette Dennis, laborer, bds 201 Annie

Lanouette Felix, laborer, res 201 Annie

Lanouette Miss Mary, seamstress, bds 201 Annie

Lanouette Wilbrode, laborer, res 210 Barney

Lansing Cornelius, salt inspector, res 500 N Van Buren

Lansing James B W, physician 905 Washington Ave, bds 500 N Van Buren

Lanthier Danalda, copyist, bds 1307 N Adams

Lanz Wm, laborer Rust Bros & Co, res 418 S Lincoln

Lapeck John, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Lapier Peter, bds s w cor 39th and Polk

Lapinski Frank, laborer, res s s33rd 2 e of Webster

Laplang Frank, sawyer N B Bradley & Sons, res 312 Howard

Laplante David, lab Pitts & Cranage, bds Blanchet house

Laplon Martha, cook Wolverton house

La Pointe Frederick, carpenter, bds 100 Bismarck

La Pointe Peter, carp Bay City dry docks, res 108 Atlantic

Laporte Joseph, blacksmith Dolsen, Chapin & Co, res 910 1st

Laporte Narcisse, blacksmith 1720 Woodside ave, res 1716 same

La Prairie Anges, chambermaid Portland house

Laprise John, edger Pitts & Cranage, res 1321 N Adams

Laraway Harry jr, reporter Tribune, res 517 Adams

Laraway Miss Mary, bookkeeper Ueberroth & Sec, bds 517 Adams

Larcom Levi S, tinner Baily & McDonell, res 1003 5th Ave

Larges Miss Alice, domestic, bds 1018 Harrison

Larkin Miss Bridget, dressmaker, bds 107 N Farragut

Larkin John, teamster Wm Peter, bds 107 N Farragut

Larkin Michael, fireman Wm Peter, res 107 N Farragut

Larkin Michael, waiter Rouech house

Larkin Wm E (W E Larkin & Co), res 1301 Broadway

*Larkin W E & Co (Wm E Larkin, David Atkins), Hardware, Stoves, Tin

   And Copper Workers, 601 Harrison

Larmonte George, laborer, bds Park City Hotel

Larner Michael, laborer, bds Patrick Rogers

Larner Thomas, laborer, res 1005 16th

Laroche Domineck, servant, 1500 Center

Laroche George, laborer McEwan Bros & Co

Laroche Louis (Angers & Laroche), res 1802 Woodside Ave

Laroche Peter, laborer N B Bradley & Sons, res 610 Fraser

Laroche Ulric, laborer, res 611 Barney

Laroque Antoine, lumberman, bds Madison house

Laroque Joseph, express, res 1309 N Jefferson

La Rose Napoleon, laborer Wm B Rouse

Larsen Andrew, laborer Miller & Lewis

Lartie Frank, porter Wolverton house

Larue Andrew, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Larue Dorcas (wid Joseph), bds 804 Fraser

Lash Frank, laborer, bds 300 Lord

Lash Frederick, switchman, res 300 Lord

Lashbrook Edwin, boarding house 217 Mercer

Lashier Joseph, coachman 823 N Farragut

Laskowski Mary, domestic 308 N Jefferson

Lasky John, laborer Murphy & Dorr

Latendress Medor, edger Hitchcock & Baily, res 913 McCormick

Latosky Frances, domestic Fraser house

Latosky Frederick, laborer, res 814 Michigan Ave

Latosky Mathias, laborer, res 814 Michigan Ave

Latosky Michael, laborer Bousfield & Co, res 814 Michigan

Latoulippe Alfred, hostler Union City hotel

Latour Andrew, barber 420 Woodside Ave, res 422 same

Latour Octave, Propr Junction Hotel s w cor Jefferson and Woodside Ave

Latour Wm, grocer 422 Woodside ave, res same

Lattray Thomas, shoemaker 707 S Water, res 609 18th

Lattray Wm, sailor bds 609 18th

Lauckner Mrs Eleanor, midwife 1016 14th, res same

Lauckner Richard, machinist, res 1016 14th

Laughlin Frederick, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Laughlin Thomas, clerk, bds 1321 Van Buren

Laurie Frank, laborer, res 1117 N Madison

Laushey Milton (col’d), barber 102 N Water, res same

Lauter Gustave, laborer, res 506 Nebobish Ave

Lavasser Charles, propr Mackinaw house s w cor Woodside Ave and Madison

Lavasser Joseph, laborer, bds Mackinaw house

Lavens Wm, teamster Eddy Bros & Co

Lavenwiski Joseph, laborer, res 1021 21st

Laverans Jacob, laborer Butman & Rust

Laverty Peter, laborer, bds 125 12th

Lawerson Augustus, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Lawler Michael, mason, res 1201 15th

Lawranz Jacob, laborer, res 1309 8th

Lawren House, G H Brock Propr, 418 N Water

Lawrence George, bricklayer B Burbridge, res 517 N Sheridan

Lawrence John, carpenter, res 1116 N Jefferson

Lawrence John W, engineer, res 310 Seymour Ave

Lawson Andrew, laborer, res 705 Webster

Lawson August, laborer, bds 705 Webster

Lawson Herman, laborer, bds 705 Webster

Lawson J St Clair, vessel captain, res 1601 Broadway

Lawson Laurence, sailor, bds Lawren house

Lawson Miss Matilda, seamstress, bds 705 Wbester

Layer George S, clerk, Tepoorten & Sons, res 911 4th

Layman Charles, farmer, res s s S Center e of limits

Layton Charles E, contractor, res 808 12th

Leadbetter John R (McCormick & Leadbetter), rooms 600 N Monroe

Leadroot John, saltmaker, res s w cor Woodside Ave and Johnson

Leafuer Denham, saloon, res 211 Annie

League David, laborer, res s e cor 26th and F & P M R R

Leaird Nathaniel, policeman, res 117 Williams

Lear Miss Anna, dressmaker Hawley & Fitzgerald, bds 601 Washington Ave

Leasmen Andrew, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Leatz Edward, laborer, res s s 35th 3 w of F & P M R R

Leavens Bros (Charles A and Walter C), Books, stationery and Wall Paper

   109 Center

Levens Charles A (Leavens Bros), bds 113 Center

Leavens Daniel W, bookkeeper Leavens Bros, bds 1212 5th

Levens George F, clerk Leavens Bros, bds 1212 5th

Levens Walter C (Levens Bros), res 1212 5th

Leaver Hiram, laborer, res s e cor Webster and 25th

Lebene Georgina, bds 1520 Polk

Lebene John, fireman, res 1520 Polk

Leblanc Louis, sawyer, bds Lumbermen’s hotel

Leboeuf John, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Le Boeuf Mary (wid Leonard), bds 1212 Fitzhugh

Le Clair Charles, carpenter, res 104 Fitzgerald

Leclair Paul, laborer, res 706 William

Leclere Stanislas, fireman, res 910 James

Lecompte Louisa, cook R J Parker, bds same

Leconte John, blacksmith, res 217 Bullock road

Lecours Andrew W, tailor s w cor Woodside ave and Johnson, res same

LeCronier Arthur, driver Bay County Milk Association, bds Anscomb house

Ledeire Joseph, laborer, bds French hotel

Ledoux Victor, laborer, bds Madison house

Ledurente Laura, car cleaner, bds 1112 N Jefferson

Lee Adelbert R, bkpr Cole & Holt, bds Campbell house

Lee Alexander, laborer, res 316 Ketchum

Lee Charles S, laundry 514 N Water, res same

Lee Francis, carpenter Standard Mehy Co, res 912 Broadway

Lee James, tailor, bds Republic hotel

Lee John, laborer, res 1706 18th

Lee Robert, teamster Birdsall & Barker, res 708 41st

Lee Sang, laundry 203 Center, res same

Lee Scott (col’d), laborer J Roberts, res 1412 14th

Lee thomas, laborer, res 306 S Van Buren

Leeson Mrs Catherine (wid John), bds 200 6th

Leet Edward, cook, Campbell house

Lefevre Frank, Propr Lefevre house 1308 Washington Ave

Lefevre Frederick jr, laborer The Michigan Pipe Co, bds 409 Scott

Lefevre House, Frank Lefevre propr, 1308 Washington Ave

Lefevre John, laborer The Michigan Pipe Co, res 409 Scott

Lefevre John J, fireman Birdsall & Barker, res 1616 Polk

Lefevre Joseph, teamster U L Beaudett, res 402 Ketchum

Lefevre Josephine, domestic 506 8th

Lefort Marie, laundress Portland house

Legault Antoin, laborer Nickless & Hart, bds John Legault

Legault Frederick, lab Nickless & Hart, bds John Legault

Legault John, carpenter, res e s Farragut 1 s of Woodside Ave

Legault John jr, sawyer Nickless & Hart, bds John Legault

Legault Joseph, laborer, bds Union City hotel

Leglarski Mary A, domestic Elk hotel

Lehman Herman, machinist Industrial works

Lehmann anthony, saloon 1164 12th, res 1013 11th

Leighton Joseph (Buck Leighton & Co0, res 418 N Adams

Leighton Sarah (wid John), bds 418 Adams

Leikert Wm, turner, res n s 32nd 3 e of Stanton

Leiphan Benjamin, edger, res 405 22nd

Leisure Frederick, coachman C B Curtiss

Leiter John M (Foss & Leiter), res Wapakoneta, Ohio

Leith John, jeweler 815 N Water, bds Campbell house

Leith Wm, res 901 5th

Leiver Frederick, carpenter, bds 501 S Lincoln

Leiver Mary (wid Christian), res 501 S Lincoln

Leix Barbara, packer Pomeroy & Whitney, bds 211 N Grant

Leix Matilda, packer Pomery & Whitney, bds 211 N Grant

Lema Paul, filer Wm Peter, res 408 William

Lemaire David, laborer, res 611 Barney

Lemieux Hormisdas, driver S Littaner, res 607 Howard

Lemke Lawrence, painter, bds Republic hotel

Lemming W S, steam fitter, bds Wolverton house

Lemmon Wm H, carp Folsom & Arnold, res 311 Fitzgerald

Lenau John, boomman E J Hargrave & Son, bds H Cherbenau

Leneski Frank, laborer Eddy, Avery & Eddy

Lengevin Mrs Adele, dressmaker, res 1116 N Van Buren

Lengevin Bominick, clerk Golden Eagle Clothing Store, res 1116 N Van Buren

Lenharth Rejenau, housekeeper n w cor 8th and Lincoln

Lenhoff Jacob, clerk Breckler & Lewinstein, res 618 Jefferson

Lennon John, Saloon, Restaurant and Pool Room 217 3rd cor Washington,

   Res same

Lennon Miss Margaret, milliner Mrs C Shepard, res W Bay City

Lennon Miss Minnie, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds W Bay City

Lennox Cuthbert, laborer Industrial works

Lennox Ellen (wid Joseph), res 619 14th

Lenthier Louis, laborer, res opp 159 McEwan

Lentz August, laborer, res 1520 16th

Lenz Minnie, domestic 803 8th

Leonard Ellen (wid James), bds 407 Adams

Leonard Henry, laborer, bds 313 Jennison Ave

Leonard John E, foreman, res 601 Marsac

Leonard Josephine, domestic 1209 6th

Leonard Marcellus, laborer F E Bradley & Co

Leonard Thomas, porter stmr Metropolis, res W Bay City

Lepack Stanislaus, laborer Butman & Rust

Lepage Noah, lab Eddy, Avery & Eddy, res 414 S Jackson

Le Patriote (French weekly), Horace A Pacaud propr, 914 N Water

Lepeak Anna, domestic 500 N Monroe

Lepeak Stanislaus, laborer, res 1015 S Madison

Leper Thomas, laborer G C Myers

Lepezyk Bartholomew, laborer, res 710 Grant

Lepezyk Issac, laborer, res 510 S Monroe

Lepezyk Thomas, laborer, res 608 S Van Buren

Lepic Frank, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Lepic Martin, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Lepine Max, laborer, bds 300 Jennison Ave

Lepki Frank, laborer, res 107 North

Leplante David, laborer, res 1314 N Adams

Leppeck John, clerk Briske & Forcia, bds 305 32nd

Leright John (Jones & Leright), res West Bay City

LeRoux Joseph P, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Trunks,

   Valises, Etc, 804 N Water, res 1109 N Adams

LeRoy Robert, Mngr Bay City Art Rooms, Concordia Block, Center, bds

   Campbell House

Lerron Wm, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Lesarge Nelson, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Leser Jacob J, carpenter, res 512 McClellan

Lesinski Frederick, laborer, res 724 S Farragut

Leski Joseph, laborer, res 523 Sheridan

Lessard joseph, carpenter, res 304 Stanton

Lestarge Stephen, pedler, res 821 Fitzhugh

Lester Bros (Thomas S and George H), tug owners 920 N Water

Lester George H (Lester Bros), res West Bay City

Lester George H jr, clerk C E Rhodes, bds West Bay City

Lester Henry G, vessel captain, bds Campbell house

Lester, Thomas S (Lester Bros), agent T & S Transportation Co, bds

   Campbell house

Leswer Frank, laborer S McLean & Son & Co

Leszczynski Alexander S (Leszczynski Bros & Menczarski), res 1018 Monroe

Leszezynski Bros & Menczarski (Alexander S, Joseph J and John M

   Leszezynski, Alexander Menczarski), Dry Goods, Notions and Fancy Goods

   317 Center

Leszczynski John M ( Leszczynski Bros & Menczarski), res Oscoda, Mich

Leszczynski Joseph J (Leszczynski Bros & Menezarski), res Sand Beach, Mich

Letard Rudolph, lumberman, bds Turgeon house

Letrurneau Mark, laborer, bds Windsor house

Levandowski John, laborer, res n s 22nd 1 e of Johnson

Levasseur Charles, trimmmer Pitts & Carnage

Le Vasseur Zephirim, Propr Mackinaw House, s w cor Madison and

   Woodside Ave

Lever Frederick, laborer N B Bradley & Sons

Lewandowski John, laborer, res n w cor 33rd and Michigan

Lewenberg Himan, pedler, res 608 S Sherman

Lewicki Joseph, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Lewinstein Bennett (Breckler & Lewinstein), res 1012 N Madison

Lewinstein Emanuel W, clerk Breekler & Lewinstein), res 1012 N Madison

Lewinstein Sarah, student, bds 1012 N Madison

Lewitzki Joseph, fireman Birdsall & Barker

Lewitzki Lorenza, foreman salt block Birdsall & Barker

Lewis Charles E, salt and lumber mnfr, res 228 Washington Ave

Lewis Mrs Christina, res 913 William

Lewis Duncan, laborer Rust Bros & Co, bds 913 Willaim

Lewis Fred A, bkpr hammond, Standish & co, res 809 S Wter

Lewis George (Miller & Lewis, Rose Lewis & Co, Joseph Turner & Co),res

   716 Stanton

Lewis George A, tinware 300 N Jackson, res

Lesis Griffin, Practical Book and Job Printer 818 N Water, res 608 N


Lewis Henry A, elk Romer, Lovell & co, bds 727 Campbell

Lewis James C, carpenter, res 1514 18th

Lewis James M, teller Bay National bank, res 505 N Monroe

Lewis Joseph D, gardener, res Tuscola Plank road nr Driving Park

Lewis Miss Mary, teacher, bds 913 William

Lewis Miss Sarah, teacher, bds 913 William

Lewis Wm H, Propr Travelers’ Home, 1901 12th

Lewis Wm O, teller Bay City bank, res 1511 6th

Leyer Minnie, domestic 1600 Center

L’Heureux John, carpenter Bay city dry dock, res 2313 Woodside Ave

L’Heureux miss Mary, bds 2313 Woodside Ave

Libella Julia (wid John), res 1700 Marsac

Liemscki Thomas, laborer, res 806 Grant

Lieske John, saloon 700 S Madison, res same

Light Anthony, carpenter, bds 408 13th

Light Charles, laborer, bds 507 S Lincoln

Light Eugene W (Gilbert & Light), res 1305 5th ave

Light James P, collector, bds 303 23rd

Lights Edward, laborer Bousfield, Perrin & Co

Like James E, boilermaker, res 2013 3rd

Like James E jr, meat market 1300 Johnson, res 1715 1st

Like Smith G, clerk J E Like, bds 1715 1st

Likens Almon J, circulator Evening Press, res 507 N Madison

Likert Kate, domestic Astor house

Likes Sherman, boilermkr Nat Boiler Wks, bds 250 N Water

Lind Lena, domestic 523 N Jackson

Linderbaum Israel, laborer R Meister & Son, bds 501 6th

Linderbaum Moses, pedler, bds Lake house

Linderfelser Annie (wid John), bds 1114 17th

Linder John, laborer Wm Peter

Linderman August, laborer, bds 411 Saginaw

Lindner Miss Annie, dressmaker Bancroft, Thompson & Co, bds 815 N     Hampton

Lindner Augustus, laborer S G M Gates

Lindner Ernst, carpenter, res n e Park Ave and 12th

Lindner Henry (Lindner Porter & Haffey), res 815 N Hampton

Lindner Miss Mary, dressmaker Romer, Lovell & Co, bds 815 N Hampton

*Lindner, Porter & Haffey (Henry Lindner, Edward W Porter, Joseph P

   Haffey), Lawyers and Real Estate, s w cor Center and Saginaw

Lindock John, laborer, res 720 16th

Lindsay David A, carpenter, res 1415 S Water

*Lindsay Edward C, gardener, res s w cor S Center and Fitzhugh

Lindsay John (Bay City Iron Co), res 1020 N Madison

Lindsay John, laborer, res n w cor Polk and 35th

Lines Frank, cooper, bds s e cor Stanton and 29th

Lines Henry T, cooper, bds s e cor Stanton and 29th

Lines John, laborer B H Briscoe & Co

Lines Wm A, engineer, res s e cor Stanton and 29th

Link Mary, domestic 604 N Farragut

Link Patrick, bds n w cor 23rd and Marsac

Linton Mrs Cora, bds 1421 Michigan

Linton Wm, laborer J J Vaughan, bds w s Marsac 1 n of 32nd

Linzley James B, carpenter, res 1216 Trumbull

Lipinski Andrew, laborer, res 702 Michigan Ave

Lipke Frank, laborer Detroit mills

Lipke Frederick, baker, res 302 N Jackson

Lipsky Joseph, Saloon 2020 Broadway, res 2016 same

Lipsky Thomas, bds 2016 Broadway

Lise John, fireman, res 724 S Sherman

Lise Joseph, laborer Folsom & Arnold, res 1205 17th

Litchcoviak Anthony, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Littauer Samuel, Wines and Liquors s e cor N Water and 4th, res n e cor

   4th and Farragut

Litternau Peter, fireman, bds 708 Taylor

Little Alvin, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Little Eliza, domestic 508 N Van Buren

Little Harry C, Propr Mansion House 1306 Washington Ave

Little Wm, carpenter M Lamont, res West Bay City

Littleton Miss Adeline, bds 1006 Campbell

Littleton George, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 1006 Campbell

Littleton Joseph, filer, res 1006 Campbell

Livenson Charles, cooper, res 512 Belinda

Livenson Charles jr, cooper, bds 512 Belinda

Livenson James, cooper, bds 512 Belinda

Livenson Wm, cooper, bds 512 Belinda

Liverson Joseph, laborer, res 707 Barney

Livingston Christie, domestic 815 5th Ave

Livingston George, clerk elk hotel

Livingstone John, fireman Vigilant Hose Co No 2, res 517 Ketchum

Livingstone Joseph, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Lloyd Henry, laborer, bds Lake house

Lloyd Isaac, cabinetmaker 813 Adams, res 914 N Grant

Lloyd Robert E, bartender J H Brown, bds Brunswick house

Lock Albert M, fireman Detroit mills, res 306 Annie

Lockwood Mrs Emma, cook 1009 Washington Ave

Lockwood Henry, drayman, res 317 Nebobish Ave

Lockwood James, laborer, bds 317 Nebobish Ave

Laday Charles, sawyer, Pitts & Cranage

Loeffert Louis, fitter Bousfield & Co, res 1217 Wilson

Loeffler George F, saloon 110 Center, res 619 N Lincoln

Logan Alexander, res s w cor S Center and Ingraham

Logan Arthur, laborer, bds 401 S Jackson

Logan John W, engineer Industrial works, res 401 S Jackson

Loge John, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co

Loge Wm, cabinetmkr L M Simons & Co, res 109 3rd

Lohnes Miss Alice, bds n s 31st 2 e of Polk

Lohnes Mrs Caroline, carpet weaver n s 31st 2 e of Polk, res same

Lohnes Jay, house mover, res n s 31st 2 e of Polk

Lokinski Frank, laborer Hitchcock & Bialy

Londo Charles, lab Pitts & Cranage, bds Lumberman’s hotel

Londoski John, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Long John, laborer Miller & Lewis

Long Matthew H, filer H H Culver, res 1001 Stanton

Long Wm, engineer Ross Bradley & Co

Longey Frank, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Longo Pitt, fireman Eddy Bros & Co

Loomis Daniel D, physician 400 Center, bds 517 Washington

Loomis Joseph, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Loose Gottlieb, res 111 Saginaw

Loose Theresa, midwife, res 111 Saginaw

Lorake August, laborer, res 216 S Sheridan

*Loranger Arthur, Druggist and Apothecary 216 3rd cor Washington Ave,

   Bds 224 Madison Ave

Loranger Frederick C, clerk A Loranger, res 1210 N Grant

Lorbiecki Ignace, salt maker, res s e cor 28th and S Water

Lord Adelaird, laborer, bds 709 Fraser

Lord Joseph, cook, bds 700 Fraser

Lord Louis, cook, bds 709 Fraser

Lord Wm, bds 923 N Monroe

Lortie Frederick, servant 1408 5th Ave

Losie John A, tinner Gedney Bros, bds 601 Adams

Losier John, laborer Pitts & Cranage

Loson Frederick, laborer, bds 1314 N Adams

Lotski John, laborer, res 510 S Lincoln

Lott Wm, teamster, bds Spears house

Lotta Michael, laborer, res rear 115 Bowery

Loude Charles, laborer, res 114 Fitzhugh

Loulou Henry, laborer E J Hargrave & Son, res Middle Ground

Lounsberry Sarah, domestic 922 3rd

Lount Ira A, supt Bay City Fruniture Mnfg Co, res 111 3rd

Love Adam W, cutter Sirmyer & edwards, bds 916 Washington Ave

Love Frank, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & Co, bds 217 Mercer

Love Henry, laborer, bds Moulton house

Love James, laborer Wm Peter, bds 408 13th

Lovell Clifford F (Romer, Lovell & Co), res 411 Farragut

Lovell Frederick L (Romer, Lovell & Co), res 413 Farragut

Lovell John, fireman Andrew Cunning & Co

Lovely Mary, domestic 1307 4th

Lowe Samuel, laborer, bds Park City hotel

Lowe Susan, domestic 1114 6th

Lowell Calvin S, laborer Bay City Street R R Co, res e s Polk 1 n of S Center

Lowter Julius, mason, res 2009 4th

Loxley Charles, Lumberman, res 1313 S Center

Loxley John E, lumberman, res 1313 S Center

Loxton Wm, laborer, bds 217 Mercer

Loyer Charles, laborer, bds French hotel

Loynes Charles, laborer, res 1312 Jefferson

Lubeta Gustav, laborer, bds Lawren house

Lucy Wm, laborer, bds Blanchet house

Luczak Michael, laborer, res 1223 Marsac

Luczynski Anton, laborer, bds 404 32nd

Luczynski John, laborer, res 404 32nd

Ludington Benj F, engineer, res 415 N Van Buren

Ludington Dafna A (wid James ), bds 415 N Van Buren

Ludwick Henry, lumberman, rooms 216 3rd

Lushok James, laborer E J Hargrave & Son

Luetkemueller charles H, taileor, res 221 N Monroe

Lugmeyer Louis, machinist, bds American hotel

Luinke Frederick, bds 107 N Monroe

Lumberman’s Gazette (weekly), E T Bennett propr, office Tribune building,     905 to 909 Saginaw

Lumbermen’s Hotel, John doe Propr, 1222 N Saginaw

Lumkin John, sawyer Pitts & Cranage

Lumsden Andrew, laborer, res 320 Howard

Lumsden George, laborer Butman & Rust, bds 320 Howard

Lunden John, laborer Birdsall & Barker

Lundereen Gustave, car repairer M C R R, res W Bay City

Lundy Robert, setter Detroit Mills, bds 725 Campbell

Lunger Jacob J, laborer Birdsall & Barker, res 1600 Polk

Lupeke Thomas, laborer Eddy Bros & Co

Lupien Edward, foreman, res 319 Howard

Lupien Napoleon, laborer, res 1102 17th

Lupsky Frederick, baker Pomeroy & whitney, res n e cor 10th and Jackson

Luptoski Antoine, watchman Butman & Rust, res 701 S Madison

Luptoski John, laborer Butman & Rust

Luptoski Thomas, sawyer Butman & Rust

Lushinski Anton, laborer G C Myers

Lutz Annie, domestic 914 N Johnson

Lutz Mathias, laborer, res alley bet Jackson and Van Buren and 1st and 2nd

Lutz Sarah (wid John), boarding house 1112 N Jackson

Lutz Sophia, seamstress, bds 1112 N Jackson

Lutzke Florenzo, painter, res 1014 N Jackson

Lutzke Henry, saloon 107 3rd, res 605 N Jefferson

Lutzke Henry F W, compositor Tribune, bds 605 Jefferson

Luxton Charles, clerk Carroll house

Luxton Thomas, propr Carroll house cor 32nd and Harrison

Luxton Wm, laborer Dolsen, Chapin & co

Lwinski Josie, domestic Lake house

Lyden Daniel, laborer, res 208 Mercer

Lydon John, sawyer Pitts & Cranage

Lyle John, laborer, res 703 2nd

Lyle Lane, vice pres Standard Machinery Co, res 207 26th

Lyle Rev W W, Pastor 1st Congregational Church, res 612 Sheridan

Lynch Mrs Amelia M, boarding house 601 Adams

Lynch Andrew, lumberman, bds Windsor house

Lynch James, laborer, res s s North 3 w of Park ave

Lynch James, laborer, res 312 Adams

Lynch John, laborer Ross, Bradley & Co, res 818 Fitzhugh

Lynch Mrs Mary, laundress, bds 608 Woodside Ave

Lynch Michael, laborer, res 109 Stanton

Lynch Michael W, plumber M McLaughlin, bds 312 Adams

Lynch Thomas, deputy sheriff, res 1402 3rd

Lynch Wm, laborer, bds 109 Stanton

Lynch Wm H, pictures 706 Washington Ave, res 601 Adams

Lynham George, shoemaker 313 S Lincoln, res same

Lynn Edward J, Honduras timber dealer, res 414 N Farragut

Lynn James E, Honduras timber dealer, bds 414 N Farragut

Lynn Jenny, cook, bds 1213 Washington Ave

Lynn Wm, lineman Mich Telephone Co, bds Republic house

Lyon Alfred P (Shepard & Lyon), res 922 8th

Lyon Edward, laborer, bds 1614 18th

Lyon James, helper Bay City Iron Co, res 1614 18th

Lyon Joseph, laborer, res 506 Irgraham

Lyons Michael, laborer, res 1308 12th

Lyons Robert, sawyer Wm Peter

Lyons Miss Susan, clerk Mrs C Shepard, res cor 11th and Washington

Lyons Mrs Susan, cook American hotel

Lyons Theodore, sawyer, res w s Monroe 1 n of 21st

Lyons Wm, laborer Pitts & Cranage, res 400 Woodside Ave



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