1881 & 1882
Bay City, Michigan




ab                    above                                                   nr                     near

al                      alley                                                     n s                    north side

ave                   avenue                                                 n w cor             northwest corner

bds                   boards                                                 res                    resides

bel                    below                                                  opp                  opposite

col’d                colored                                                 s                       south, or south of

cor                   corner                                                  s e cor              southeast corner

e                      east, or east of                                      s s                    south side

e s                    eastside                                                s w cor             southwest corner

n                      north, or north of                                  w                     west, or west of

n e cor              northeast corner                                   w s                   west side





Yawkey John H, res s w cor 4th and Madison

Yiep John, laborer, bds John Schreapferman

Yiep Michael, teamster, bds John Schreapferman

York Daniel G, laborer  Bay City Spoke Works, res w s William 3 n of 21st

Young Charles E ( C E Young & Co), bds s e cor 23d and Water

Young C E & Co (Charles E and Walter D Young), proprs Bay City Brewery s e cor 22d and Water

Young George, vise-pres Bay City Bank, res cor Center and Van Buren

Young George H, cashier Bay City Bank, res 304 Van Buren nr 7th

Young James, boilermaker McKinnon & Co

Young John, practical plumber, steam and gas fitter under postoffice, res s e cor 13th and Van Buren

Young John, laborer, bds 304 N Jackson

Young John, carpet weaver, res 108 Madison

Young jr, plumber and gas fitter John Young, bds same

Young Louisa (wid Henry), res e s Jefferson bet 1st and Woodside ave

Young Richard, plumber John Young, bds same

Young Richard, helper Industrial Works, bds John Young

Young Walter D (C E Young & Co), bds s w cor Center and Van Buren

Young Wm A, teller Bay City Bank, res cor Center and Van Buren




Zach Clark M, machine hand, res s e cor 31st and Marsac

Zach Duane L, foreman F E Bradley & Co, res w s Van Buren 1 n of 7th

Zahm Amadeus L, printer Tribune Co, res s e cor 9th and Van Buren

Zak Helen, domestic R B Taylor

Zaniely Pascal, laborer, res e s Fitzhugh 3 n of 21st

Zboraski Bartloni, laborer, res n w cor Fitzhugh and 13th

Zeck John, teamster, res s s Woodside ave 1 w of Carney Road

Zeck John jr, teamster, bds John Zeck

Zeck Louis, teamster, bds John Zeck

Zeiter Adolphus, shoemaker, res 321 Saginaw

Zemke Charles W, carpenter, res n s 3d 2 w of Trumbull

Zeran Ralph E, harnessmaker H M Hemstreet, bds Anscomb House

Zewn David, tug captian, bds Wolverton House

Zilsdorf Charles (Hanna & Co), res 908 Campbell

Ziman Christ, laborer, bds George Wanaka

Zimmerman Wm, laborer John McEwan, res nr Atlantic Salt Works

Zimmerson Lucy, domestic C W Webb

Zirwes Hotel, Simon Zirwes propr, 113 Saginaw

Zirwes Simon, propr Zirwes Hotel, 113 S Saginaw bet Center and 6th

Zirwes & Schnapp (Simon Zirwes jr, Andrew Schnapp), restaurant w s Washington bet Center and 6th

Zuba Alfred, molder Smalley Bros & Co

Zuba John, laborer Smalley Bros & Co, res w s Farragut 1 s of 15th

Zuba John, coremaker, res n w cor 16th and Farragut

Zuba Wm, molder Smalley Bros & Co



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 Transcriber Donna Hoff-Grambau
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