of the





--- ALSO ---


--- AND ---


FOR 1866 AND 1867.





   ABBREVIATIONS. - For ab., read above; bds., boards, bet., between;
carp., carpenter; cor., corner; col'd colored; E., East  h., house; lab.,
laborer; manuf., manufacturer; manufy., manufactory; N. north;      
prop., proprietor; res., residence; S., south                                            
 The word Street is implied.                                                                          



Surname Given Name Occupation Residence
Jackson G R insp & shipper of lumber, 202 N Water h 123 N Washington
Jacob Fernando clerk h Washington
Jarmin George lab h 115 William
Jarvis & Colburn (M M J & E I C) vegetables and confectionaries 306 N Water
Jarvis M M (J & Colburn) res Portsmouth
Jay Charles   h 402 Tenth
Jemerson Thomas W lab h 501 Eighth
Jennings Edward lab h 301 Sixth
Jennison C F hardware, 201 N Water h 217 Center
Johnson C M supervisor h 915 Center
Johnson A carp & joiner h 609 N Jefferson
Johnson Charles lab bds 817 S Saginaw
Johnson Daniel carp & joiner bds Miliken House
JOhnson Frank boiler maker bds 302 N Jefferson
Johnson George conductor Bay City street cares h 115 S Adams
Johnson George H colector of tolls on bridge bds Wolverton House
Johnson Israel carp bds Fraser's Second Addition
Johnson John lab h 107 Bowery
Johnson Joseph lab h 618 N Saginaw
Johnson M physician, 302 N Jefferson h same
JOHNSON C boiler maker h 302 N Jefferson
Johnson William lab h 406 N Van Buren
Johnston Alexander lab h 302 Fourteenth
Johnston James M   h 302 S Washington
Jones John teamster h S side Seventh
Jordan Robert P carp h 401 S Van Buren
Joslyn John F   bds 402 Ninth
JUDSON, JOHNSON & CURREY (J S J, F J & W H C) insurance agts. 118 N Water
JUDSON JOHN S J & Curry h 1115 Center


Surname Given Name Occupation Residence
Kaiser A (K & Co) h 915 Third
Kaiser & Co, (A R K & J B Weidermann) meat market 401 N Water
Kalie Christopher lab h 624 S Jackson
Kardetzky Berthold lab h near Bay City salt works
Kawrman Louis lab h 628 S Jackson
Keen William tailor, 114 Centre h 611 Ninth
Keidt George lab h 420 N Madison
Keister George carp h 224 S Jefferson
Keith Alfred engineer h 223 N Van Buren
Keith John   h 113 Fourth
Kelley John lab h Fraser's Second Addition
Kellog Joseph foreman saw mill h 302 Sixteenth
Kelson David lab h Fraser's Second Addition
KENNEDY WM T editor and propr Bay City Signal 211 N Water h 609 N Adams
Kenny John lab h 904 Seventh
Kenutch G carp h 501 William
Kerry John blacksmith h Fraser's Second Addition
Kiester George carp h Jeffeson
Kilduff John jr bar keeper bds 121 S Water
Kilduff John Kilduff & Bro 121 S Water
Kilduff John & Michael Saloon, 121 S Water h same
Kilduff & O'Connor (P K & Wm O) grocers 209 S Water
Kilduff Michael (Kilduff & Bro) 121 S Water
Kilduff P (K & O'Connor) h 209 S Water
Kilduff William bar keeper bds 121 S Water
Kinderman Constantine physician 418 N Wataer
King Joseph lab bds 807 S Wataer
Kerser Michael crap h 308 N Jackson
Keesattel Ambrose clerk h 806 N Monroe
Kline John C grocer h 702 Third
Knapp William carp h 424 N Madison
Knecht Casper clerk res Portsmouth
Knoblauch (T Carney & CO   h 416 N Madison
Knox John W clerk h 506 S Jefferson
Koch Henry cooper, 606 Second h 424 N Madison
Kothe Frederick cabinet maker h Jefferson
Kunz Joseph cabinet maker h 124 S Adams


Surname Given Name Occupation Residence
Labadie Oliver lab h 402 Forteenth
Labadie Paul lab h 107 Bowery
Labadie Peter lab bds 402 Fourteenth
Lambert John liquor dealer h 225 S Saginaw
Landon H physician 308 N Water
Lang Frederick lab h near S end of Madison
Langade Joseph lab bds 301 Fraser
Lapp George carp & joiner bds 125 S Water
Larkins Michael engineer h 318 N Adams
Lasguine Bruno lab h 411 N Madison
Lawrence George   bds 316 N Washington
LeMear Louis lab h 319 Fraser
Lemosure Simon sawyer bds 121 S Madiosn
Leonard James carp h 604 Howard
Lesprenel Louis lab h 106 Bowery
Levendor John lab h 424 N Van Buren
Lewis Charles F mill wright h 627 S Washington
Lewis James J lumber manuf h 625 S Van Buren
Lewis J C (L & Perkins) h 322 S Washington
Lewis & Perkins (J C L & F B P) grocers 118 Center
Lieferat Charles clerk h Seventh
Lindsay John machinist bds 633 S Water
Little John H (Sullivan & L) grocers, 302 Center h Center
Littleton Christopher (col'd) pattern maker h Washington
Livingston A clothing h 207 S Saginaw
Lloyd Gordon W (Jas L & Co) res Detroit
Locker Robert clerk bds Centre
Lovenstein A clothing, 120 N Water h Saginaw
Longpre & Bros. (Leon & Louis L) 312 N Saginaw  
Longpre Leon (L & Bro) bds Barclay House
Longpre Louis (L & Bro) bds Barclay House
Loomis Louis sawyer h 801 Fraser
Loose William (Parker & L) h 115 S Saginaw
Lord George druggist, 116 N Water h 116 Centre
Lotry JOhn sailor h 314 N Jackson
Love James   h 324 Fitzhugh
Luddington Edwin W sawyer h 301 S Monroe
Lutcke Henry carp h 220 S Jefferson
LUXTON THOMAS harness maker, 115 S Water h 601 N Saginaw
Lydan Daniel lab h 621 Howard
Lynch John shoemaker bds 213 S Water
Lynch Timothy lab bds 310 N Van Buren
Lyons James lab h 108 Eleventh
Lyons Michael lab h 311 N Jackson


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